
Search results

  1. rockofullr

    Sea Slaughter 2019

    Aight bishes. It's time. Who's gonna be representing the Sea Monkey? I'll be camping/drink/racing all weekend. @Tantrum Cycles will be there as well if you wanna check out his bikes. Get Stoked
  2. rockofullr

    Does it matter what oil I use in the lower leg of RS forks (air spring side)

    Does it matter what oil I use in my Lyric lower leg on the air spring side? It's just for lube right? So I should be able to use some random RS fork oil I have sitting around? Backstory. Fork has air in lower leg cause RS. Let air out through bottom of leg. Whoops there goes oil. I have the...
  3. rockofullr

    Santa Cruz Hightower LT Not Recomended for Coil Shock?????

    A friend of mine is getting his 2017 SC Hightower warranty replaced with a 2018 Hightower LT and he's looking for a shock to go with the new frame. I've always told anyone with a VPP (unridabru) bike to get a coil since it helps deal with the goofy curve but...... SC says this bike isn't...
  4. rockofullr

    The Living Link has Died (Broken Spot Bike Creates Much Butturt)

    Skip to 7:00 for broken bike action TLDR: It's a video you can't read it. TLDW: YouTuber breaks rental Spot bike and posts it on the internet. Spot blames rider. Everyone argues about it (cuz internet). Lolz Lots of back and forth in the bike-o-sphere on who's fault this was and if Spot had a...
  5. rockofullr

    Pipe Dreams (bongshed dreams?)

    For years I've had the dream of finding a way for my adventuring in the woods to pay for itself (or at least pay for some new gear so I can keep up with the monocle monkeys). I've been taking pictures and shooting video in the hopes that one day I can trick someone into paying me for this stuff...
  6. rockofullr

    Fixing Lyric RC Shim Stack

    Might be getting a bike with a Lyric RC on it. How much of a pain in the ass will it be to fix the shim stack? Apparently the shim stack is way too stiff making the fork handle like shit compared to the RCT3 which has the same dampener. So I should be able to get the same performance out of the...
  7. rockofullr

    YT Jeffsey/Capra Opinions (the price is right)

    I've been trolling the used bike market and keeping an eye on the mail order bike prices as well and YT just dropped their prices putting both the Jeffsy and Capra at super affordable price point. But.... other than jumping on Cam's Jeffsy for a few minutes at Sea Otter last year I have no...
  8. rockofullr

    Small Smart Phones

    Anyone have experience with small smart phones? Why the fuck are we not making small phones any more? I have a computer and a tablet. I don't need to watch streaming movies on a huge screen on my phone or take high def video. I just wanna send some texts, read an email on occasion, use google...
  9. rockofullr

    It's Sea Otter Time Again!!!

    I'm ending my self imposed RM exile just in time for Sea Otter! Separated my A/C joint and couldn't ride for a while but I'm back on the bike and the stoke is high. So who's gonna be out at Laguna Seca for bikes and beers? Also the new Clay Porter/Brendan Fairclough film is premiering in...
  10. rockofullr

    ð℘ɝ It's Thursday and I've Never Made a GMT Before! ɝ℘ð

    Am I doing it right? Any way. LET'S GET ER DUN!!!
  11. rockofullr

    How do I embed a Facebook video?

    The video embed button says I can embed FB videos but I can't figure it out. HALP!
  12. rockofullr

    Le Otter 16'

    Ok monkeys, who's going to Sea Otter this year? I'm currently trying to figure out how to get my ass there for a few days of bikes and drinking. The group from the shop I used to work at isn't making it out this year so I'm formulating alternate plans. Anyone trying to get a group together for...
  13. rockofullr

    RIP Riding Crew / Calling all SF Bay Monkeys

    My riding crew has seriously deteriorated the last few years to the point where I'm mostly riding by myself lately. Half of them got fat, half of them got married, and half of them moved to other parts of the multiverse (mostly socal). This brings me to my point. Anyone trying to ride bikes in...
  14. rockofullr

    What to Do Near Bend OR

    Taking a road trip up to Smith Rock for some climbing. Any advice on what to check out in the area (near Bend)? Hikes? Breweries? Food? Thanks bros! PS I won't have my bike
  15. rockofullr

    Adjusting White Industries Rear Hub

    HOLY SHIT. How the hell am I supposed to adjust this hub without extra appendages. I have to hold the adjusting collar tight while aligning a tiny hole with three other tiny holes and tighten 3 tiny set screws. Anyone have any experience with these hubs?
  16. rockofullr

    What I've Been Up To

    I was MIA from Teh Monkey for a bit but it turns out you can have fun in real life without the internet. So here's some random stuff for your viewing pleasure. I've been playing with Adobe Premier trying to improve my video editing skills, if any video monkeys have advice for me I'd love to...
  17. rockofullr

    2014 Uzzi, Flexy Rear End?

    Found a pretty hot deal on a 2014 Uzzi. Bike looks like it's in great shape but I haven't been keeping up on the design changes to the Uzzi. Is the rear end still a flexy noodle like it was a few years ago or did they finally get that sorted? pic related
  18. rockofullr

    Sea Otter 2015

    I've been off the forum for a bit but it's that time of the year again. Who's going to Sea Otter?
  19. rockofullr

    Sea Otter 2014!!!

    Any Monkeys gonna be at Sea Otter this year? I'll be in Grand Prix Camp # 177 Come by and say hi. If you find me I promise beers and herbal remedies.
  20. rockofullr

    Sea Slaughter 2013

    Who's gonna be there? Anyone racing? Fvckyeah