
What to Do Near Bend OR


Jun 11, 2009
East Bay, Cali
Taking a road trip up to Smith Rock for some climbing. Any advice on what to check out in the area (near Bend)? Hikes? Breweries? Food?

Thanks bros!

PS I won't have my bike
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Jun 11, 2009
East Bay, Cali

But srsly - PM Heidi. She lives there.
I'm kinda bummed since I've always wanted to check out the trails around bend but it's a climbing trip with my lady and she doesn't ride (yet). I'll make it back for a biking trip one day.

Applebees has some good specials and really tall beers. You don't need a bike for that....
I will need a bike to ride away on after getting run over by the non-stop party known as Applebees

Erm... probably want to ride bikes. Also many breweries to sample.
Any tips on which are the best to visit? I've been enjoying the Crux beers that make it down to CA so they're on the top of the list.

cascade lakes highway, hosmer lake among others.
Muchos gracias mi amigo!


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
I'm kinda bummed since I've always wanted to check out the trails around bend but it's a climbing trip with my lady and she doesn't ride (yet). I'll make it back for a biking trip one day.

I will need a bike to ride away on after getting run over by the non-stop party known as Applebees

Any tips on which are the best to visit? I've been enjoying the Crux beers that make it down to CA so they're on the top of the list.

Muchos gracias mi amigo!
I am sorry If I in anyway besmirched your reputation as a Hard Charger....


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!


Jun 11, 2009
East Bay, Cali
drink beer with Heidi, obviously !!
PM sent

I am told the local goods are of a high quality and readily available.
If you can't find weed in Bend, you might not be doing it right.
I'll be bringing my medication wink wink with me but I wanted to experience the novelty of recreational herbs and sample the local flavors without the hassle of wandering around propositioning crunchy looking strangers. I'm spoiled by dispensaries, buying weed from random people just seems uncouth to me now.

Beef Supreme

Turbo Monkey
Oct 29, 2010
Hiding from the stupid
There is a dirth of information in this thread even by monkey standards. For starters, rent a damn bike for a day. You can get a really nice bike in bend for $60. Ride Tyler's Traverse if you like flow or Flagline if you want natural. For a combination of beer and food, I think Deschutes and 10 Barrel are tops. Other good beer stops are Boneyard and Crux.

There is also a newer brewery in Redmond called Wild Ride that is solid and close to Smith.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
No you eat a geoduck

Trust me, I want to, but we're leaving tomorrow and coming back on Sunday. Between climbing, hiking, drinking, sleeping and driving ~16 hrs there's not gonna be any leftover time, at least not enough to enjoy a ride.
Just have fun. Sleep in late. Eat well. Stay out of trouble. All that stuff....


Jun 11, 2009
East Bay, Cali
i would if they were readily available in my area.
Are those things actually good eating? The only time I've seen one on a plate was on that Bizarre Foods show.

Since you're not taking your bike, you'll just have to settle for doing yoga, getting smoothies and picking out curtains.
Fine I will. Can you at least recommend a good yoga studio instead of being a dick about it


Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
Someone told me yesterday there are 30 breweries in Bend. I would start at Boneyard Beer, yessir I would.

And I would find a bike and go shredding. So many trails, might need a 29er to see em all.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
Someone told me yesterday there are 30 breweries in Bend. I would start at Boneyard Beer, yessir I would.
Last time I was there, couple years back, someone could have blindfolded you, spun you around, and told you to throw a rock. Where that rock hit, was the brewery you went to, and it would have been good. I seriously don't understand how that town can possible support so many solid breweries.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
Can the pieces of stale bread not make a salad because they don't have opposable thumbs ? Why would pick on poor little pieces of stale bread like that ? They've done nothing to you ? Or have they...
They have raised the expectation that vegetables do not make the salad. Stale bread, nuts, grains, and candy do. I like meat and vegetables in my salads. Corn is on the cobb. Pork chops have bones, and salads are made from Vegetables. Oil, Vinegar, and Spices make a dressing. A sauce is prepared in a pan. Pasta and rice is better AL dente or however it is spelled...


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
They have raised the expectation that vegetables do not make the salad. Stale bread, nuts, grains, and candy do. I like meat and vegetables in my salads. Corn is on the cobb. Pork chops have bones, and salads are made from Vegetables. Oil, Vinegar, and Spices make a dressing. A sauce is prepared in a pan. Pasta and rice is better AL dente or however it is spelled...
A salad without vegetables is trail mix.


Jun 21, 2007
Victorian cafe, better than chow for breakfast. Wanna go dirty cheap breakfast burritos that are fantastic taco salsa across the rounaboooot from Victorian cafe.

Brother Johns public house is a good down home feeling place to eat. Also the food cart court is nice over by 10barrel

Not a huge fan that 10barrel sold out to inbev but they haven't fucked with the beer too much or the food. Still a decent option.

Brewerys. Crux, Good life, boneyard, descutes,

The dachutes river trail is nice to go to if you have dogs, they can play in the river. Tumalo mountain trail is pretty cool too. Easy access. Of course tumalo falls..


Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
Late to the party!! I pmd you. The road to tumalo falls is closed, I suggest a hike up tumalo mtn across the street from mt bachelor.

It's Oktoberfest in town but skip it, it's lame.

I sent you my food recommendations but add brother Jon's as mentioned above. Busy but good. Boneyard isn't a hangout, just a tiny tiny tasting room and no food. If you're here Friday night head to crows feet.

I'll be outta town riding awesomeness.