
End of the week day


year old fart
Mar 19, 2002
Copenhagen, Denmark
Got laid off today! So now both me and the wife is laid off within a month. Not going to say I am surprised. Tons of savings has been going on, new CEO, tons of organizational changes and moving global work to regions. Salary until end of August so I am going to do a lot of bike riding!


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
Got laid off today! So now both me and the wife is laid off within a month. Not going to say I am surprised. Tons of savings has been going on, new CEO, tons of organizational changes and moving global work to regions. Salary until end of August so I am going to do a lot of bike riding!
Sorry dude. If you need any advice, I’ve been laid off 4 times

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Good morning, if you would be so kind. WFH today and have multiple loads of laundry on the agenda.

CBJ, sorry to hear about the job. Nearly six months of severance isn't a bad going away gift.


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
As I recall, hiking trails in Pisgah are open to bikes during the winter months. When does that end this year?
Only trails designated Seasonal may be ridden on bikes from October 15 through April 15. It’s actually only a few trails that are accessible to mtb. I’m planning on riding a 4-5 hour loop that uses one of the Seasonal trails soon. When are you coming down ?
Only trails designated Seasonal may be ridden on bikes from October 15 through April 15. It’s actually only a few trails that are accessible to mtb. I’m planning on riding a 4-5 hour loop that uses one of the Seasonal trails soon. When are you coming down ?
It's still very iffy. If and when Hilarie enters memory care, @Bunnista and I have talked about making a run down to Brevard.

I was thinking Clawhammer, which I rode in 2014.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
Where can I get a list of seasonal trails?
They were on a map that @jstuhlman suggested I download way back when. Can't remember what app that was - it was an electronic version of the USFS trail maps.

This is a list, but not very useful imo - https://www.fs.usda.gov/Internet/FSE_DOCUMENTS/stelprdb5347114.pdf

I think it was Avenza - https://store.avenza.com/products/pisgah-national-forest-pisgah-ranger-district-forest-visitor-map-us-forest-service-r8-map


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
Errands and shuttling eldest kid to 10 year old checkup this morning, half day WFH, up to mountains for last week of Devo.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
Friday woot.

Its raining bats and logs here, so most likely done fat biking now, as I don't have studded tires. Oh well, I shall start hiking.

First email of the day is from someone saying their mailbox is full. They've used 99% of the 99GB of space allocated to them. So I sent them instructions where to find the tool and told them to stop saving every friggin' email - email isn't an archive service man.

How does one use that much space? Even with all the notifications and emails that I get, I'm only using 5GB. But I let majority of them expire with our retention policy..

ANYWAYS, coffeeing it now.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Morning Monkeys.

I will say one thing that was very sweet yesterday. When the vet came in to give Indy a sedative, she gave her a Reese's peanut butter cup. She said every dog should get to enjoy chocolate at least once. I thought that was pretty cool.

FTS Friday in full swing! Might WFH after lunch, see if I'm the only fucker here again. :rofl:


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
I just got my list of provided formulas for the CFP exam. I need to study more, because I can only remember about 1/4 of these off-hand (dividend growth, CAPM, standard deviation, and Information Ratio) since I will use them semi-often. And these are just the investment part, not even factoring insurance, annuities, estate planning, or taxes... I don't calculate to this minutiae often so it's easy to forget the equations, but I still need to remember it. Oof.



Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
Advice is always good and appreciated.
Sure, here's some generic advice... It may not apply to you as I don't know your situation but maybe some of it will be helpful!

Deal with the emotions. It sucks, work is like 50% of our lives at least and to have that rug pulled out from you can be jarring. Figure out how you need to get through it, talk to people, get therapy, etc. and move on. Don't ignore it and pretend it'll go away on its own.

It's not your fault. Maybe it is, but it doesn't matter- nothing is going to change. Thinking "If only I had turned that TPS report in on time, it would have been the other guy" doesn't change that it happened, so it's not worth considering.

Embrace the new normal. Your schedule has changed, your responsibilities have changed, things are different. Make yourself a new schedule that doesn't allow you to wallow in misery for extended periods of time. See friends, do exercise, work on resumes and applications, etc. Accomplish those projects you've been procrastinating on. Don't slide into eating a whole pound of bacon in a day (ask me how I know).

Take advantage of everything your former employer offers. Networking, resume building, job fairs, counseling. They put it out there and it can really help. I made some mistakes with this the first time around but it was actually quite helpful.

ABC- always be connecting. Linkedin can be toxic, but I've gotten my last 3 of 4 jobs through there, and have leveraged connections through there several times. I saw that a connection from a former employer was at my current employer, and here we are. Don't be afraid to cold-call somebody you haven't talked to in several years for an internal reference- it makes them feel important, it's an opportunity to reconnect, and sometimes there's a monetary benefit to them, so it helps all parties.

Don't be a boomer- you can't "hit the pavement" and submit 6 resumes a day. Focus on the jobs you really want and nail down your application. Put some effort in, because I can tell now that I'm a hiring manager, it shows on the other side. I see when people actually care, and I see when they don't.

Don't forget to enjoy it. While you can't spend every day wallowing in misery and drinking yourself into oblivion, it's unlikely that you'll get another opportunity to get paid to stay at home in your underwear all day, so take the opportunity to do so. Take that MTB trip. Visit your friends in spain. Eat a pound of bacon in a day. Then put your big boy pajamas on and send out a killer resume to that dream job.