
yeti 303 rdh stolen in denver.


Turbo Monkey
May 25, 2006
reported it at $7500 to them (full msrp on every part individually, plus labor to build and tax).

thanks all for the kind words, help and thoughts.

really stoked this is going to wind up working out... though i won't get the bike back for a bit anyhow.


3 Dude Approved
reported it at $7500 to them (full msrp on every part individually, plus labor to build and tax).

thanks all for the kind words, help and thoughts.

really stoked this is going to wind up working out... though i won't get the bike back for a bit anyhow.
Man Id be embarrased to ride with that cheap of a bike, it might break... Some shotty parts for that cheap! :thumb:

Congrats bro...