
Lets see some other hobbies!


Hey little girl, do you want some candy?
Oct 18, 2001
Reno 911
I verbally harass neighbors and make akward social moments while drinking.


Mar 17, 2002
I'm an avid climber, well bouldering mostly.

I drink way too much (I don't know if it's a hobby, but others have listed it), but I've been cutting back a bit to preserve my brain, liver too, but the brain, gotta keep the brain intact. You know what they say when you're straight edge. "True Til College". Yup. Well, I waited til I was 21 but it's pretty much true.

I like printmaking, and drawing.

Not sure if this is a hobby either but I find I do it a lot. I'm often the third wheel. Sometimes I'm the fifth wheel. Awesome!


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
dh girlie said:
This is a thread about hobbies you actually PARTICIPATE in...not dream of...and how many times do we have to see that damn picture...shouldn't you be busy getting your wife pregnate? :D
Hey - I *was* on that trip.

That just happens to be one of the guys on the *other* snowcat.

Our guys didn't take any pictures. :mad:

My wife is done gettin' pregnate. :eviltongu


Feb 22, 2005
i climb, backpack and hike but i enjoy just about anything with adrenaline and that is outdoors, im too poor to start skiing...


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001

i've since sold the rotary picc on the right, but i still play very regularly. i also shoot photos (www.toshiclark.com) and play a mean game of racquetball and badminton.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 15, 2003
Cape Cod, MA
no pics, yet.

The two main things i enjoy other than mountainbiking (#1 woot!)


Then the minorities:

Longboard skateboarding
Rebuilding engines
Photography (Beach stuff mainly)

Oh...and lest ye forget...the ladiesss :) :thumb:


Jan 14, 2005
Floating down the Hudson
Other than obsessively mountainbiking...

I love to hike, write (despite the fact that I do it for a living), photography, travel, hang out with my pets (a turtle and a gecko), listen to music and play guitar


Turbo Monkey
Mar 18, 2002
G14 Classified
Toshi said:
i've since sold the rotary picc on the right, but i still play very regularly. i also shoot photos ([url]www.toshiclark.com[/url]) and play a mean game of racquetball and badminton.[/QUOTE]
I used to play the trumpet, but I gave it up and unfortunately never took it very seriously. Imo though, there were few things at the time more satisfying than playing jazz and classical.


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
my main hobby is music. listening to it, talking about it, seeing it, buying it. i used to write about it too, but don't have anymore time for that. as for actually playing it, i did a small bit of piano and violin when i was a kid, and i've got an acoustic guitar kicking around, but haven't touched it in years.

the kids take up most of the free time now, but i used to play basketball, hockey, and ski. that's pretty all by the wayside now; the only non-biking sport i do much now is golf and even then not much (i run sometimes too, but that's exercise, not a sport or hobby). i've gotten interested in photography lately as well.


Jun 10, 2005
Asheville, NC
music (playing), polevaulting, going to get a nitro RC car, might get into paintball because all of my friends play, going to build a computer eventually...

i have all these things that i know that i'm going to get into, but since i a pouring every sent i get into fixing up the DH bike, and rebuilding the hardtail, i don't have any money for them yet...
i love working on my VW's, welding, and fabricating stuff, if you have ever seen a mkII engine bay you know it doesn't look like this.

old school ISH

yes i have an annoying fiddy

i am also an avid two planker, but couldn't get the photo's to scan good, i know how to do french fries, and pizza, please take my word for it.

oh yeah, you cant live in mass with out loving the sox right now, even with all the bs there going through.


May 2, 2005
Christchurch NZ
I like to burn hydrocarbons in this wee beastie. :cool:

And make some noise like this. :sneaky:

And I have one of these in a million bits in my garage,it looks nothing like this one..........yet. :rolleyes:



resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
MDmorgan said:
i love working on my VW's, welding, and fabricating stuff, if you have ever seen a mkII engine bay you know it doesn't look like this.
Or this...
stevew said:
Or this...

is that your car? if soo super smooth. it looks to german for this side of the pond.

the 16v turbo will soon have a 20v turbo, and the 16vt is gonna go into a 76 rocco. the 1.9 stroker out of the rocco is going in to my 83 rabbit gti. i think this should have gone into the "obsessed, to much stuff on my plate" thread oposed to the hobbie thread.

here is a 83 jetta i painted, and welded a cabby front end on it, i sold it cause i have to many projects as it is.

i also rock a turbo diesel f250, couse everyone needs a truck.

i wish i had half my hard earned money back that i spent on cars, and all of the time back i spend on the computer.