

Turbo Monkey
also, you can have an opinion on anything you want. doesn't mean its valid or well informed.
Just because I dont live in the US doesnt mean I cant have an informed opinion on your gun situation.
I have travelled the world for the past six years and have lived in three different countries.
I have talked to many different people with many different opinions on many different subjects.
I read books, watch documentaries and read a lot of news articles on the intrawebs.
And last but not least I visit the allmighty ridemonkey forums...
What have you done that makes your opinion more valid or informed then mine?


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Just because I dont live in the US doesnt mean I cant have an informed opinion on your gun situation.
I have travelled the world for the past six years and have lived in three different countries.
I have talked to many different people with many different opinions on many different subjects.
I read books, watch documentaries and read a lot of news articles on the intrawebs.
And last but not least I visit the allmighty ridemonkey forums...
What have you done that makes your opinion more valid or informed then mine?
super cool story bro


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
Not necessary, but neither are assault rifles, high capacity clips or high caliber sniper rifles...

Registration of both. I dont see any problem with that if you buy your guns for hunting, or any form of sports shooting.

Starting today confiscate all overpowered automatic weapons and certain types of ammo.
It may not make an immidiate impact but given time it will.
Adding weapons will never make things better, it will only make the problems worse no matter how you look at it.
not sure why you want to ban high caliber sniper rifles. near as i can remember, picking off civilians at 500m hasn't happened in my lifetime

next: registration of ammo. why? what purpose would it serve? someone comes to do inventory & i no longer have the ammo....then what? do i update my ammo profile when i return from the range? how would that work? there's barely enough room to stamp the size of the ammo on the cartridge; where would you propose it be stamped that could withstand the forces of firing? this is to say nothing of how it will likely be marred further by those who reload.

whose weapons would get confiscated? not the straw buyers, nor the criminals to whom they're sold. you know whose weapons will get seized.

i'm for sensible gun control, not for reactionary (i.e., false) gun control that targets the largely law-abiding possessor.


Turbo Monkey
not sure why you want to ban high caliber sniper rifles. near as i can remember, picking off civilians at 500m hasn't happened in my lifetime

Havent heard of too many people who had their pet gorilla kill anyone but I dont see the need for pet gorillas either.
But Im glad you agree on the assault rifles and high capacity clips

next: registration of ammo. why? what purpose would it serve? someone comes to do inventory & i no longer have the ammo....then what? do i update my ammo profile when i return from the range? how would that work? there's barely enough room to stamp the size of the ammo on the cartridge; where would you propose it be stamped that could withstand the forces of firing? this is to say nothing of how it will likely be marred further by those who reload.

Its about keeping it out of the hands of people who own unregistred guns.
If only registrered gun owners could buy ammo, a lot of illegal gun owners who have to depend on straw buyers which would mean less bullets which would mean less gun related crime, violence or at least accidents.

whose weapons would get confiscated? not the straw buyers, nor the criminals to whom they're sold. you know whose weapons will get seized.

At first yes, but eventually more and more weapons would dissapear.
Adding guns will only make this problem worse.

i'm for sensible gun control, not for reactionary (i.e., false) gun control that targets the largely law-abiding possessor.
So am I, this is not a panick reaction after a few shootings.
This is trying to solve a structural problem.


i heart mac
Apr 15, 2002
not sure why you want to ban high caliber sniper rifles. near as i can remember, picking off civilians at 500m hasn't happened in my lifetime
Selective memory you mean? Most recently the Beltway sniper - October 2002. The sedan setup was used in 11 of 14 of the shootings

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Artisanal Tweet Curator
im sure the robbers got their guns legally...because criminals follow laws of course. :think:

There's another one!

edit: because I don't count on 'memory serving'

when did i "recycle a nra talking point?" i have never supported the nra, nor will i. they are unfortunately a big supporter of our 2nd amendment rights.
and if you have a problem with the way our "cowboy ways" then by all means, immigrate to another country.
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Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Haha who was the first to say my opinion isnt as valid or well informed as yours?
Im sorry your life sucks dude, but dont blame it on me...
i never made a comparison on your opinion vs mine. might wanna brush up on your reading comprehension there, eurotrash.

and my life kicks ass. for starters, i'm not living in a sh*thole like panama


I'm Mr. Negative! I Fail!
Aug 2, 2008
Im over here now
As for the "shot five times in the face", I'm assuming you're talking about this one?
you wanted a story, i gave you a story.

Criminals get illegal guns THAT WERE ORIGINALLY SOLD LEGALLY. Either they buy them outright, get someone else to buy them outright, or steal them from the person who bought them outright.
my point still stands


There's another one!

edit: because I don't count on 'memory serving'
the truth hurts huh?

funny you should post that quote because before that i hadnt "recycled a nra talking point." try again maybe? plus my reply still stands towards Kevin.

in the running for the douche of the web?


Turbo Monkey
i never made a comparison on your opinion vs mine. might wanna brush up on your reading comprehension there, eurotrash.

and my life kicks ass. for starters, i'm not living in a sh*thole like panama
Youve never been out of your own country have you? Or maybe on some resort with your overweight Merican wife sipping on a margarita hahaha

Bocas del Toro, Panama. What a ****hole...
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Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Youve never been out of your own country have you? Or maybe on some resort with your overweight Merican wife sipping on a margarita hahaha

Bocas del Toro, Panama. What a ****hole...

ah, gorgeous panama. nothing says beauty like dismal poverty surrounded by skyscrapers.

panama would still be a 3rd world sh*thole if the rest of the world wasn't sick of going around south america.

spent plenty of time in europe & asia for both business and pleasure. seen the bad with the good.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout

ah, gorgeous panama. nothing says beauty like dismal poverty surrounded by skyscrapers.

panama would still be a 3rd world sh*thole if the rest of the world wasn't sick of going around south america.

spent plenty of time in europe & asia for both business and pleasure. seen the bad with the good.
[edit]also, i'd like to add - good job of adding another stereotype in there. seems to be the basis of all your opinions[/edit]


Artisanal Tweet Curator
i find it funny/amusing that you get butt hurt when you get called out.
Come on that was funny.

What exactly was I called out on now?

The fact that everything you've put up in SEVERAL threads in defense of limiting controls on firearms is the same tired shlt that the NRA has been throwing around since the 90s? Im not just talking about this one ya know.


I'm Mr. Negative! I Fail!
Aug 2, 2008
Im over here now
The fact that everything you've put up in SEVERAL threads in defense of limiting controls on firearms is the same tired shlt that the NRA has been throwing around since the 90s? Im not just talking about this one ya know.
thats not a fact because ive actually said im for some forms of regulations.
this is fun. keep em coming!

edit: if the NRA coined the term "criminals dont follow rules," then i guess im guilty of reiterating that fact
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Jun 11, 2009
East Bay, Cali
Oh Oh Oh!!

Is this a 4way pissing contest? Lemme get in on the fun!

Come at me bros

I hate guns, reasonable legislation, freedom, American football, soccer, and smelly Europeans.


i heart mac
Apr 15, 2002
so its the least bullet ridden overcrowded city? :rofl:
My sister has lived in Costa Rica for about a decade and its comparable to Panama. Violent crime in those countries is lower than the US. I've been to Costa Rica over a dozen times, stayed in various areas of the country (none of which are gated Gringo resorts) and the worst you typically hear about is robbery from Nicaraguans or other less savory central American passing through CR. The worst robbery I heard about was one where the crooks were considerate enough to knock out everyone in the hotel with gas and steal their belongings - people still have access to guns but not like America.
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Artisanal Tweet Curator
thats not a fact because ive actually said im for some forms of regulations.
this is fun. keep em coming!

edit: if the NRA coined the term "criminals dont follow rules," then i guess im guilty of reiterating that fact

the government doesnt want the people to vote on this issue, thats blatantly apparent....hell, according to reports, the guy in office doesnt even want to wait for Congress to do something, he might just make up his own laws through executive orders/actions and bypass the whole democratic process.
BOOGA! (that took me 5 seconds, and in this very thread)

and even with a license, more people die via a vehicle
(that one took about 12)

I'm not even going to tell you what page it's on though. You were mean to me.

You're still missing the point. All the reasons you're familiar with about 'only criminals getting teh gunz' (see dante's response btw), the NRA protecting some amendment that's not even under threat because its very meaning has been so bastardized, gunz are somehow necessary for safety etc, etc, etc may not be something you personally got in some NRA newsletter.....and that's not what I'm saying. But it's false logic that appeals to really really basic gut instincts. And all of it's horseshlt because because we're surrounded by examples of civilizations that don't have a second 'mendmint, don't have free reign to buy gnarly military rifles and handguns galore, have a similarly crappy mental health treatment situation, and have the same video games. To believe any of it, and worse, to repeat it keeps us down the same wild west pathway that ignores the one gigantic obvious elephant in the room.

So in summary: I know you're not Pepe Lapierre, but "you're not helping francis"
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Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
My sister has lived in Costa Rica for about a decade and its comparable to Panama. Violent crime in those countries is lower than the US. I've been to Costa Rica over a dozen times, stayed in various areas of the country (none of which are gated Gringo resorts) and the worst you typically hear about is robbery from Nicaraguans or other less savory central American passing through CR. The worst robbery I heard about was one where the crooks were considerate enough to knock out everyone in the hotel with gas and steal their belongings - people still have access to guns but not like America.


Artisanal Tweet Curator
I will be interested to compare your response to the ruling of the Supreme Court in Heller & McDonald.

You mean that part where they had to iterate an interpretation based on personal arms.......because that wasn't stated in the amendment itself?
Yeah stay strong on that one tiger.

What do you call your well regulated militia?

I'd go with 'sparkle motion' if I were you.
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i heart mac
Apr 15, 2002
What is it's true meaning then, James Madison? I will be interested to compare your response to the ruling of the Supreme Court in Heller & McDonald.
Corporations are people too, isn't it obvious?

Don't forget Supreme Court justices aren't required to recuse themselves in cases of obvious conflicts of interest like Justice Thomas - formerly of Monsanto, ruling on Monsanto cases and the Affordable Care Act which his wife was employed to lobby against. Thomas ruled in favor of both Monsanto and his wife cause in those cases.
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