
Good live shows


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
Slugman said:
Do they qualify as Skinheads? Seem pretty mainstream to me. They are more of what we used to refer to as Jock-core... although I do like their music and wish I could go see them.

Check out "the Bruisers" (lead singer's old band) for some good old school 'Oi' Skinhead music.
Yeah, not as hard core as could be, but still a bit of the old "OI" feel to them. I think the lead guy (Ken Casey?) still brings it. I admit too, that I dig the traditional Irish songs with the punk twist. Besides, are there any skinheads left out there these days? I am getting too old to go to a real skin show...
For a great live CD, grab their St Paddys day show CD.