

Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
hey, i felt that earthquake some 20 minutes ago...
was a strong one... epicenter 380 miles away, websites say 6.8...
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I'm Mr. Negative! I Fail!
Aug 2, 2008
Im over here now
I was ground floor during 6.7 the Northridge quake in '95 roughly 20 miles from the epicenter. That knocked me over from the initial ground shift.

I was on the top bunk of my bed during the 6.0 Whittier quake in '87 roughly 3 miles from the epicenter.

In both cases I was living in the LA area where the ground is mostly a sandy fill, which amplifies the shaking intensity. The shaking went over for over 2min in both cases. Scary isht on both fronts.

The scariest I was in was actually was only a 4.something, but the epicenter was on the Hayward fault .25 miles from my dorm. What made it particularly jarring was that my room was built directly over the fault and the room shifter by about .5" while we were sitting there. Watching the room you are in start splitting apart will make you just abut isht yourself.

I can only imagine how insane an 8+ would be... especially on sandy soil. Liquefaction in low magnitude quakes is already dramatic enough.
that all sounds thrilling and id love to experience that...obviously not the devistation that valve bouncer made it seem like i wanted :rolleyes:

Quo Fan

don't make me kick your ass
We had a technician in Trumbull, CT with seismographs monitoring construction blasting. They registered the earthquake. I wish I could post the waveforms, but I can't. Our sister company have remote monitors that were a lot closer, and I'm anxious to see those waveforms.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
that all sounds thrilling and id love to experience that...obviously not the devistation that valve bouncer made it seem like i wanted :rolleyes:
Northridge - something over 150 people died, billions in damages
Whittier - ~30 died, billions in damage
Berkeley - ~20 pairs of peed pants in my dorm, couple hundred thousand to fix the dorm.


Nov 14, 2007
Maryland, east coast.
5.8? No 6.0, no care. But in all seriousness, that big on the east coast is troubing mostly because the buildings aren't designed to handle that.
:stupid: EXACTLY! :thumb: No they're not!

I was in a training class on the bottom floor at BWI airport and felt it start with a small vibration from the wood table against my knee. I told my trainer, "I think we're having an earth quake. I feel vibration on my knee against the table." He said it was probably a plane outside. Then we heard a rumble and it increased in intensity, when I felt the room started to move back and forth, I yelled, "That's an earthquake!!!" Jumped up from my chair, and was down the hall 20 feet and out the door onto the cement tarmac in about 2 seconds flat! I was on the bottom floor so I thought about the building collapsing and figured it smart to get out fast. I stood there for about 60 more seconds looking at my legs firmly planted on the ground moving back and forth, put my hand on an air field vehicle and felt it moving, then I grabbed a cement pole and was amazed I was moving back and forth with it. I looked up at the control tower right in front of me and wondered if it intensified if the glass would come down. We dumped the entire airport. Everyone out. Thinking of the building collapsing, I was on the bottom floor and worried about getting killed under the floors above as the higher up you go, the more shaking you get. I was ground level. The ground was moving about a 1/2 inch back and forth. So I was major scared about it increasing fast and the building collapsing and flew out of the building. But once I was out the door on the tarmac and knew there was nothing on top of me I thought it was pretty cool to go through one and just kind of sat back and enjoyed it till it stopped. It was my second I have actually felt. The first was just the vibration. This was the first one I've been in where the room in the building I was in was actually moving back and forth and I heard the rumbling like a truck right outside the door going by. It was scary. :eek:

(We are about 45 miles due east of epicenter) Weird stuff, wife said house was like jello.
Lime or cherry? :D