
Xgames are going to sick this year.......


I'm Mr. Negative! I Fail!
Aug 2, 2008
Im over here now
I thought the Fords were completely badass. Pastrana had the STi off the line like a rocket, but all that really cool drifter-smoke only looks good when you aren't wedging yourself Austin Powers-style into the turn. :D
the Fiestas are more powerfull than the STI's that Pastrana and the others brought. they have a claimed HP of 550 all from a 2L running on E85.
i loved hearing the anti-lag systems braaaapping at the start

Brack got lucky w/ Pastrana pulling a Austin Powers, but thats racing!


I'm Mr. Negative! I Fail!
Aug 2, 2008
Im over here now
wrist cutting should be in the XGames for all the tight jean wearing, flat brim hat wearing, long haired, energy drink promoting athletes out there



Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Steve if you had your way everyone would fall into one of the two following style categories:

1) JNCO jeans and Insane Clown Posse shirts

2) Guidos

SDH Racing

Apr 5, 2006
nah dude that 70% is now of Latino/Hispanic descent. Their fav sport is playing frogger on wal-mart bikes.

And the Van's skate park is no more. Closest indoor park is Hackettstown.
Heh... shows just how long I've been away from the scene. My fellow Air Force buddies and I used to hit that place up every monday in the winter months. Which came in handy for keeping skills sharp and generally everyone was cool.
The only time I was at H-Town was at a session with Chase, Lensoky, and Hauck. They were in renovations but kept the park open for business and there were nails and broken boards all over the place.

Dont forget the friendly folks at Incline Club in Lakewood...