
US Open short report sans pictures.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
I've ridden Diablo a few times on my Ironhorse MKIII and I've always enjoyed it. I'm by no means a downhiller but I have a good time. This year I met up with Firemandivi for his first time there and we took a run. When we got to the bottom we bumped into a guy wearing a RM jersey who turned out to be burly50, so he went on the next run with us. About 5min into the run I didn't see a the ledge that came after a rock out cropping and went OTB squarely landing on my shoulder on another rock out cropping and probably only a few PSI away from splitting my full face helmet in 1/2. Firemandivi had the pleasure of watching the whole thing. I survived thanks to my pads but my tube did not. So we spent some time replacing that I got my head back in the game and we headed to the switchback trail under the lift. I go first followed by burly50 who was closely followed by firemandivi. I come to the first trail split and wait, and wait, and wait. Thinking somehow they must have past me I head down to the lift and wait and wait and wait. Another RM member comes up and tells me Burly50 got hurt pretty bad. Eventually Firemandivi comes down and tells me he witnessed Burly50 cut one of the switchback short and run squarely into the rock filled water bars which he followed up with a taco'd rim and a pretty bad fall. Burly50 was taken off the mountain and sent to the local hospital. Burly50 was lucky that firemandivi was there because he's a medic and made sure he was stabilized. Apparently Burly50 injured his back pretty bad I haven't heard the final diagnosis but keep him in your thoughts.

We went for another run but the wind was gone from our sails and most of the day was gone so we packed our stuff up and went to watch the US Open which never fails to impress. Watching riders leave the huge rock garden at the top by launching the last rock ledge is some sick schit! Everybody I bring to this race for the first time is dumbfounded by the skill of the racers.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
thats who got hurt on alpine?! major bummer man. I heard about it on the walkie talkie - it was literally like 30 seconds after one of the racers got hurt in the rock garden at C4 during practice sunday morning. I was posted up at C5 (right before the super dust section that dumped you into the fire road). REally good race, and mad props to Jamie Ford for placing so high in pro category (11th or 12th out of a field of 60). :thumb:


Turbo Monkey
Aug 18, 2005
That sucks...I hope he's alright. I saw/heard him from the lift and he seemed to be pretty uncomfortable. Another buddy of mine got into those water bars and took a hard spill as well. Saw a racer getting carried off on a back board also. Heal up fellas.


They drank my Tooters
Sep 7, 2006
a state called denial
Burly50 broke his back and shattered his L1 (I think) vertebra on that nasty fall. He may even need surgery, hopefully he'll heal fast and be out on the trails again in no time. And I am not a medic I only have first aid & CPR plus 10 years of Firefighting and Search & Rescue experience. You should never move the head and neck when the person complains about their back, especially when they say they heard something pop on their fall.


talks too much
Mar 19, 2002
Claremont, CA
Damn, I saw the ambulance leaving and heard about the crash from some witnesses, but I didn't know it was burly50. I hope he's doing okay.


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Burly50 broke his back and shattered his L1 (I think) vertebra on that nasty fall. He may even need surgery, hopefully he'll heal fast and be out on the trails again in no time. And I am not a medic I only have first aid & CPR plus 10 years of Firefighting and Search & Rescue experience. You should never move the head and neck when the person complains about their back, especially when they say they heard something pop on their fall.
:shocked: YIKES!!! Glad you were there to help him out!!!


OMG! <3 Tom Brady!
May 2, 2005
Out of my mind, back in a moment.
Burly50 broke his back and shattered his L1 (I think) vertebra on that nasty fall. He may even need surgery, hopefully he'll heal fast and be out on the trails again in no time. And I am not a medic I only have first aid & CPR plus 10 years of Firefighting and Search & Rescue experience. You should never move the head and neck when the person complains about their back, especially when they say they heard something pop on their fall.
Did he say what kind of fracture? Hoping it's not a burst or something like that.

That must have been one bitch of a crash. Heal up fast B50.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 1, 2004
the trail crew up there did a crappy job with a lot of the new 'waterbars' they installed. not surprised someone got hurt. hope y'all are back riding soon!


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
the trail crew up there did a crappy job with a lot of the new 'waterbars' they installed. not surprised someone got hurt. hope y'all are back riding soon!
we were actually discussing this saturday night. over lots of booze. those WB's are dangerous. especially given the close proximity to one another. Diablo should take some hints from Whistler; shut the trail down for an hour a day and water it. That'll also keep the trails smoother and prevent them from getting rutted out. There's no way around it - its just proper maintenance.

haha corey i hope my screaming at you didn't affect your riding any :rofl:


Turbo Monkey
Sep 1, 2004
haha corey i hope my screaming at you didn't affect your riding any :rofl:
:D damn, i was wondering who the hell was yelling at me on that corner!!! i think the 'corey smells' took a half second off my time :clapping:

did you see my save during my race run? nearly had a messy run in with that new rocky stump section... threw a leg out and caught it without losing a beat. i was pretty stoked.

i think the waterbars are decent, just poorly implemented and placed. most of them lost all surrounding dirt after a few runs, turning them into a curb in the middle of the trail, disrupting all flow.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 18, 2005
Agreed on the bars...I didn't like them and was trying to recall what Whistler does to control runoff and such...I dont remember any water bars from my trips out there.

I'd think that little roller doubles would serve the same purpose but be more fun/safer.

That said, I'm by no means complaining...I can only imagine the work involved in maintaining that many trails...I had a blast out there.


site moron
Jul 5, 2006
Vernon, NJ
i ride diablo all the time. last year i rode a getto xc rigged dj frame hardtail and had more fun without waterbars then i do with my sunday wc and waterbars in some sections. but w/e cant make everything perfect


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
i ride diablo all the time. last year i rode a getto xc rigged dj frame hardtail and had more fun without waterbars then i do with my sunday wc and waterbars in some sections. but w/e cant make everything perfect
as this past weekend proved, they are actually dangerous. and yea nothing can be perfect, but those h20bars are a long shot from being halfway decent.


Where the hell is everyone?
May 13, 2006
Westtown, NY
Alright, enough. There is no way in hell that I deserve 2 pages of posting. But, I do appreciate all the concern and well wishes.

First, I have to say a huge thank you to firemandivi. He remaind calm and professional the entire time. As much as I wanted to move, to reach a more comfortable possition, he strongly advised against it. He sat on my down hill side for an hour in a difficult kneeling position to stabalize my head. I hope your knees feel better. Stosh, I wish you could have seen it. It must have been spectacular.

For the med report. I did in fact break the L-1 vert. The neuro-surgeon told me that I am extremely lucky for the way it happened. The vert broke clean, almost level, and there is not too much shortening of what's left of the L-1.
Now for the concern. The fragment was deposited between the spine and the spinal chord. I show no neurological signs that there is an immediate need for surgery. After 4 days in the Morristown Trauma Center, I received a really cool brace that looks like body armor. I am to wear it at all times. I am restricted to sleeping on my back, sitting rigid and upright to eat and watch tv, and walking with a cane for short distances.

If I do all the above correctly and don't have any slips or trips or accidents of any kind, hopefully, I won't need surgery. The docs say that the broken fragment will probably absorb into my body, and all should be well. If I have one symptom such as tingling or munbness in any of my limbs, I go for surgery and have nothing to say about it otherwise. It has been deemed that I am already a probable candidate for surgery, but It's close enough in either direction that I can try it without surgery for now.

Thanks again for all the kind words, to fiemandivi, and to the crew at Mtn Creek for hauling my fat ass off that mountain. You guys deffinitely deserve a few cold ones after that excursion.

P.S. Sorry I haven't been around. I have been busy at work since last years shoulder surgery, and I moved into a house that my dad owns and have been busy fixing it up. I will surely be on more and more now. Later


Jun 27, 2006
Good luck with the healing dood... I broke my C6 3 months ago and have finally started riding the road bike on a bike path. I have been taking a calcium supplement by the company NOW called bone strength... check it on www.nowfoods.com... they are horse pills but that seem to have worked pretty well. Good luck again and listen to the doctors...


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Alright, enough. There is no way in hell that I deserve 2 pages of posting. But, I do appreciate all the concern and well wishes.

First, I have to say a huge thank you to firemandivi. He remaind calm and professional the entire time. As much as I wanted to move, to reach a more comfortable possition, he strongly advised against it. He sat on my down hill side for an hour in a difficult kneeling position to stabalize my head. I hope your knees feel better. Stosh, I wish you could have seen it. It must have been spectacular.

For the med report. I did in fact break the L-1 vert. The neuro-surgeon told me that I am extremely lucky for the way it happened. The vert broke clean, almost level, and there is not too much shortening of what's left of the L-1.
Now for the concern. The fragment was deposited between the spine and the spinal chord. I show no neurological signs that there is an immediate need for surgery. After 4 days in the Morristown Trauma Center, I received a really cool brace that looks like body armor. I am to wear it at all times. I am restricted to sleeping on my back, sitting rigid and upright to eat and watch tv, and walking with a cane for short distances.

If I do all the above correctly and don't have any slips or trips or accidents of any kind, hopefully, I won't need surgery. The docs say that the broken fragment will probably absorb into my body, and all should be well. If I have one symptom such as tingling or munbness in any of my limbs, I go for surgery and have nothing to say about it otherwise. It has been deemed that I am already a probable candidate for surgery, but It's close enough in either direction that I can try it without surgery for now.

Thanks again for all the kind words, to fiemandivi, and to the crew at Mtn Creek for hauling my fat ass off that mountain. You guys deffinitely deserve a few cold ones after that excursion.

P.S. Sorry I haven't been around. I have been busy at work since last years shoulder surgery, and I moved into a house that my dad owns and have been busy fixing it up. I will surely be on more and more now. Later

Congrats man, good to see you didn't need surgery at this point. I hope you heal fast!

How did you explain to your job that while you were home sick you broke your back?


Nov 30, 2004
B50, I was on the lift right above you. Scary sight seeing a rider down and not moving. I was also one of the people to carry a pro rider from the rock garden to the ambulance out on a backboard. Luckily he was not a big guy because we had to carry him down some of the course to get to the truck. I seen the guy walking around the nextday. Aside from being sore, he was OK.


Where the hell is everyone?
May 13, 2006
Westtown, NY
Good luck with the healing dood... I broke my C6 3 months ago and have finally started riding the road bike on a bike path. I have been taking a calcium supplement by the company NOW called bone strength... check it on www.nowfoods.com... they are horse pills but that seem to have worked pretty well. Good luck again and listen to the doctors...
Wow man, 3 months and back on a bike makes me feel good. I was expecting next year. Luckily, I recently got back my 96 GT Avalanche LE that I had sold (sadly) to a pal. I built it up for road riding after long days at work. I will probably be on that on first.

Congrats man, good to see you didn't need surgery at this point. I hope you heal fast!

How did you explain to your job that while you were home sick you broke your back?
They love me there, and I never call in or come in late, so I have a good rep in that department. When we have to call in, we call a vioce mail box. My start time is 7 am. At 2:00am, when I called in for Sun., I left an open ended message. "Hi, this is Chris Slachta, clock #997. I won't be in today." As far as they know, I got hurt on Sat. night after work.
Now, the attendance policy states that if I return with a legit dr. note, I am off the hook. If no note, I get a written warning that will expire after 60 days worked. So many guys play this system. They call in every 61 days worked. As long as they don't miss a day, or come in late w/in the 60 days, they get by. I called from the hospital in Sussex and told my boss that I wasn't sure when I would be back due to my injuries. If they ask me when it really happened, I will tell them I took off to go riding and take the write up. I won't lie, but if they don't ask, I won't tell.

b50 ill send you a photo later tonight. i took from the lift
Cool. I am assembling a shrine consisting of my brand new, never worn until that day but now useless Specialized full face, my tacoed rim, with the blown off tire and tube, my back brace (when I don't need to wear it any more), all my x-rays, mri's, catscans and any pictures and or evidence of the accident. When I get my comp hooked up again, I will post some of the scans they did of my back.

Did you guys know that the trauma center I was at is totally digital. I had an x-ray done and saw it on the monitor in 2 seconds. God I love technology.

If anyone else has any pics of me being tended to after the crash, especially being carried down the hill, I would love to see them. You can send them to burly50@hotmail.com And thanks again for the good wishes.

B50 - SO glad to hear that you are doing well and posting again! Heal up so you can join us again at Kingdom in July!!!
I was thinking about an other monkey fest. I miss your cooking TreeSaw. I actually had this crazy idea of bringing my bike this time. Pfft. Silly me.

I see these injury posts all the time, an everyone always has kind words and wishful thoughts, but I usually don't get involved in those posts. I guess I have become jaded over the years. Now that it's me who is injured, and the thoughts and wishes are directed toward me, I really do feel just how tight we all are as community of riders, as well as humans in general. I kind of lost touch with that type of thinking for a long time. Unfortunately, it took this type of situation, at my expense to make me feel like I am part of some thing good again. For that, I am thankful.


Mar 14, 2005
Hey stosh.. what day were you there??? I went there on friday for the practice runs . Sram invited our shop down for the day, free lift tickets, free lunch, dinner and lots of cool schwag. I wish i knew you were going we coulda met up

and burly50.. glad to hear your feeling better