
Top ‘O The Mornin’ to Ya, Lads


Bob the Builder
Aug 24, 2004
In the cleavage of the Tetons
man, cooked up some just off the boat Mahi on the grill, a nice 5 minute marinade of Sesame oil, Togarashi, Himalayan sea salt, and black pepper. Served with rice pilaf, and local bok choy, peppers, and garlic.
so simple, so good.
Hope you have a great morning!
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Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
22:38 here in Pōneke, off to bed soon. Just watched the 97% lunar eclipse with the fam. Still about 75% now.

Have a excellent day @rideit, hope you and the missus have most excellent adventures.


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014

Oi!! Made a fire last night in the fire pit. That was lovely to sit around for a few hours.

Coffee and work. Looking forward to an open house and some time in the woods this weekend.

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
good thing I just spent the last 18 days on the east coast as getting up at my normal 3 am is the same as the 6 am that I was getting up at the horse show. Dogs fed and tossed out into the back yard. sipping espresso. Dump on the horizon


free wieners
New DJI FPV should be arriving to the house today from refresh to replace the last crashed version. Surprise slow boat cornucopia of FPV goodies arrived yesterday from the china as well. Looks like i will be soldering and wiring all day today. NO complaints since it is raining like a cow pissing on a flat rock.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.

Soon as I decide to leave the comfort of my bed it will be espresso time, then dog walk. After that I shall go ride a bike on new trails in the canyon. As is tradition, my brother, who was supposed to go, has already flaked out.


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
espresso drank, car drove, work started.

Cigars and whiskey on tap for this evening, perhaps sushi prior. got next week off so I just need to stay true through the end of the day....

and make fun of tesla where I can!


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
Well, I stand corrected! Yup, those are the ones. Im not going to read the gazette article, because fuck that fascist rag of a newspaper, but I'm still going to go check out the new stuff. If it's not any good, I simply won't ride them again. It's a god damned miracle that this backwards ass city built anything at all, and Enduro bros are going to cry into their fanny packs about it? Fuck em.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
met with some local riding dudes last night at a brewery. wheels are finally in motion to get properly organized as a trail crew and begin working with the state park on which our "local" trails reside. instead of creating our own 501c3 LLC, we are organizing as a subsidiary of the group from another regional trail network. will be nice to finally have proper authorization to go in and perform basic trail maintenance.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Wifey is hurting badly from her booster. Sore, worn out, and while not sick is feeling the effects. I'm a little stiff but I can't tell if it's from our bed getting more uncomfortable (it's on last legs), the dog and cat sleeping on the bed (so I'm trying not to crush the cat while avoiding the dog), or said shot.

Another busy day. Been so busy all week that I haven't been able to even return a single call that I've received, so I get to squeak those in between my non-client meetings and other catch-up stuff. I can't wait for the year to end and be able to hit reset on stuff.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 5, 2008
Shit, colleague has the 'rona. Breakthrough infection with few symptoms. Haven't seen him much to qualify as direct contact, but he has been around.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Wifey is hurting badly from her booster. Sore, worn out, and while not sick is feeling the effects. I'm a little stiff but I can't tell if it's from our bed getting more uncomfortable (it's on last legs), the dog and cat sleeping on the bed (so I'm trying not to crush the cat while avoiding the dog), or said shot.

Another busy day. Been so busy all week that I haven't been able to even return a single call that I've received, so I get to squeak those in between my non-client meetings and other catch-up stuff. I can't wait for the year to end and be able to hit reset on stuff.
we have 3 cats that share our bed. 2 are big getting bigger.

also, my son got his first shot last night. was a champ about it, but he gets allergy shots on a regular basis so it doesn't bother him quite so much. a local pharmacy put on a clinic at our districts HS, and he actually ran into a few of his classmates there. being such a large clinic, there were definitely some kids nervous about getting their shot, and i did hear a couple kids cry as well. the staff running the clinic was really nice to everyone, so kudos to them and to all the kids who were scared but did it anyways.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
being five rows back at the nick cave show is just fine with me....

349.00 for vip seat and a signed poster....

pre covid it was 199.00....i did that twice and two times he invited everyone from the back down front....never again..


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.


free wieners
Quick story time, happened just meow.....

Bit of backstory, I had my truck broken into last week and the neighbors had a converter stolen same night so I upgraded the street facing cameras to color infrared for better night time vis.
Screen Shot 2021-11-19 at 7.34.22 AM.png

Sitting at my computer sorting the market before the weekend and chatting with you freaks on the webz when I see on my camera system a car roll up on the house, shut off the lights and coast to a slow stop across the street. I throw my pistol in my pocket, grab my 6 cell mag light and find the dude walking down the neighbors driveway with a tail pipe cutter in hand. Scared the chit out of him with my light in his face and got a pic of his plate before he sped off. Cops took 23 minutes to show up, lol
Screen Shot 2021-11-19 at 7.34.46 AM.png

Now that they have his plate come to find out he is wanted for eluding a neighboring dept and I will get called to identify any of the stuff he stole out of my rig a week ago.
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Compensating for something
Jan 4, 2013
In hell. Welcome!
I haven't ridden it yet, but the number of people in that thread who don't live here, bitching about the low quality of new trails here, is unbelievable. If you don't like our new trails, please don't come here. A perfect example of why I no longer frequent MTBR.
That's fair, but IMO it also demonstrates that skilled riders experience the same "progress" everywhere - old techy trails being removed for new flat & flowy 6ft wide machine-built sidewalks with ugly grade reversals; and zero new steep/technical trails ever permitted to be built again.


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014
That's fair, but IMO it also demonstrates that skilled riders experience the same "progress" everywhere - old techy trails being removed for new flat & flowy 6ft wide machine-built sidewalks with ugly grade reversals; and zero new steep/technical trails ever permitted to be built again.
That reminds me, I should go ride Lynn sometime. I always appreciated the old school techy trails that only got tougher with age and no maintenance. Wonder if it's still as I remember.


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
They literally dug up holes in pavement and then patched them up instantly. What-in-the-unholy-f*ck.
They have to spend their entire budget before the end of the fiscal year. If they fail to do so then they will receive less money the following year. Almost all municipalities do this. They just make up bullshit projects to spend the money on. Beats me why they don’t actually work on things that really do need repairs.