
syadasti's jihad against Steve Jobs?


<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008
syadasti, why do you hate Steve Jobs so?

I mean, I understand it to some extent even though he has passed on. He's developed a fanboi-esque cult of hipsters wearing their sister's jeans, and I can understand disliking someone just for that.

But does it go deeper?

As he's been dead for 19 minutes now, I'd ask you to put it aside. Let bygones be bygones, maybe give someone a hug.

Just sayin...


free wieners
I am going to back syadasti on this one.....but hear me out

granted it is always a tragedy when a person of this caliber dies but if you know you have a life threatening illness and know there is a life saving surgery that can prevent death, I consider it foolish to not opt for life. regardless of religious beliefs or wacked out suggestions from family members.

I spent 3 years in the hospital and opted for every single chance I had, thus is why I am still alive today. to ignore something is a complete lack of common sense by any standard.


<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008
I suppose the counter I'd offer to GFF is that there was room for you to come back from the grave. Jobs, on the other hand, was one foot, an iPad and several apps into the ground.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 13, 2008
Ellicott City, MD
he did have the surgery. he still died
exactly. assuming that i knew for certain my family would be taken care of, if i was prognosed with a form of cancer that i knew would kill me--it was only a matter of when--then i would probably try alternative approaches before resorting to surgery. too often this country cuts first and asks questions later.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
exactly. assuming that i knew for certain my family would be taken care of, if i was prognosed with a form of cancer that i knew would kill me--it was only a matter of when--then i would probably try alternative approaches before resorting to surgery. too often this country cuts first and asks questions later.
I would agree with you in general but not when it comes to Mr. Jobs' particular form of cancer. Although I agree that pointing it out at this moment isn't in the best of taste, I agree with the underlying point that his delay probably was foolish.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 13, 2008
Ellicott City, MD
I would agree with you in general but not when it comes to Mr. Jobs' particular form of cancer. Although I agree that pointing it out at this moment isn't in the best of taste, I agree with the underlying point that his delay probably was foolish.
I know next to nothing about this particular form of cancer. Why is it different?


<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008
I don't think we've quite hit the need for RM's Judge Rehnquist to step in and shut the fun down. I mean maybe RM's Tipper Gore needs to put on her head band and tell us that we're all going to hell for these sorts of thoughts and images. Matter of fact, I'd fap to that.

But on Jobs related news... Nevermind, I can't even make this relate to him. My Macbook does not encourage this, or looking at porn, so its making me very edgy.


Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
I have to say, after watching a friend and coworker succumb to brain cancer and another friend fighting against an extremely virulent form of breast cancer, I'm kind of with syadasti here... **Either** of my friends would've given anything to have the diagnosis that SJ had. 75% survival rate for 10 years, especially since it was (apparently) caught early in SJ's case? They would have taken those odds against what they were facing in a heartbeat. As it is they fought/have fought tooth and nail against cancer, and have done whatever they could to beat it. Immediate surgeries, radiation, more surgeries, chemo, you name it, they had or have tried it.

If the stories are true, SJ was far luckier than either of them were, and yet he chose to allow his beliefs to get in the way of treatment for 9 months. That's sh!tting on everyone who *wasn't* lucky enough to get a highly treatable form of cancer in my mind.

Fvck cancer.


<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008
I've watched a few of my elders pass of cancer over the last few years, one of the unfortunate side effects of growing up in Nevada.

I suppose if I was confronted with the choice, I don't think I'd want to dump it on my friends and family to watch me waste down to nothing, to become a ghost of the former pile of bulk that I once was. Its just too hard on them, too stripping on their souls and on their time. I'd rather go on my feet any day of the week then to go down shivering in a hospice bed somewhere.

And if for nothing else, that is where I respect Jobs. I didn't love his politics, I hated the whole turtle neck fad he brought back, and I thought he was pompous to the end. But in the end, he chose not to do this to the people he loved, and having seen it first hand, I respect his last call.


Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
And if for nothing else, that is where I respect Jobs. I didn't love his politics, I hated the whole turtle neck fad he brought back, and I thought he was pompous to the end. But in the end, he chose not to do this to the people he loved, and having seen it first hand, I respect his last call.
Huh? He was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer (a treatable form), and delayed the only treatment that could save him by 9 months while he tried diet and exercise. Then he had the treatment anyway...


Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
My soon ex wife had Near stage four Ovarian cancer when she was 14. While I was not there for that part, I see today the trauma it caused full force. She and her family faught tooth and nail for her to survive, Today she cannot have children, and must take 14 scripts just to make it by. I see hte aftermath of what some call survival every day with her, and I have to say having any type of cancer myself, it would make me really evaluate what surviving really meant in the long run.

Not that we are getting along all so gret at this aprticular moment, but its still heartbreaking to be there when it all comes out. If she had it to do again with what she knows know, she would have fought it any way possible without having to give up the ability to have children.....

Treatment for Cancer for many is just being comfortable till the end, never judge how someone is going after that treatment if they are happy with their decision.


ass rainbow
Jul 12, 2005
My soon ex wife had Near stage four Ovarian cancer when she was 14. While I was not there for that part, I see today the trauma it caused full force. She and her family faught tooth and nail for her to survive, Today she cannot have children, and must take 14 scripts just to make it by. I see hte aftermath of what some call survival every day with her, and I have to say having any type of cancer myself, it would make me really evaluate what surviving really meant in the long run.

Not that we are getting along all so gret at this aprticular moment, but its still heartbreaking to be there when it all comes out. If she had it to do again with what she knows know, she would have fought it any way possible without having to give up the ability to have children.....

Treatment for Cancer for many is just being comfortable till the end, never judge how someone is going after that treatment if they are happy with their decision.
The reason I'm the person I am is because my mother had an ectopic pregnancy followed by ovarian cancer. I was adopted. I also have two friends that survived childhood leukemia and one my age (young) with breast cancer. In those cases the treatments were, for the most part, already decided upon.

I haven't read up on the Jobs story because I don't really care about his story...not in an insensitive way but because cancer is so personal. I don't care what decisions he made or how they may seem to myself or others...I'm sure he was fully informed about the consequences of every decision he made.

There are plenty of individuals out there in the same situation that are terrified, indebted and desperate and don't have the choices and options he had. Those are the people I'll raise money for.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
Damn it, I was going to make a joke about Jobs' death, but you guys got all serious and stuff.


A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch
- Classic promotion of style over substance
I still don't quite understand this.

I don't know much about Apple products. My first home computer (in 1983) was an Apple 2+. A friend got a MacIntosh and it ran like Windows.....well before microsoft.....and it had a kick-ass sound card

Fast forward to yesterday when our IT consultant guy (who sets us up with Dells exclusively) was telling me about another job he's doing at a local Mazda dealer. They wanted Macs on their desks mostly for show....as they ARE pretty. He had very little experience with macs. But as he worked with it, he's now saying he's thinking of getting one for home. So I'm thinking it has to be more than just hype.


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
Question: will people be this concerned when Bill Gates, a man who has publicly given friggin oodles of money away, and has signed the giving pledge to donate half his wealth, yet created just as much or more technology dies? I'm just confused as to why we're all so concerned over the (albeit untimely and sad) death of a guy who sold us lots of ****, but never publicly gave any money away outside of through apple itself. Will we mourn the passing of Warren Buffet as much, who made even more money, gave even more money away, but didn't sell us any ****?

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
Question: will people be this concerned when Bill Gates, a man who has publicly given friggin oodles of money away, and has signed the giving pledge to donate half his wealth, yet created just as much or more technology dies? I'm just confused as to why we're all so concerned over the (albeit untimely and sad) death of a guy who sold us lots of ****, but never publicly gave any money away outside of through apple itself. Will we mourn the passing of Warren Buffet as much, who made even more money, gave even more money away, but didn't sell us any ****?
Steve Jobs was a innovator. It seems like over the last 15 years or so Microsoft has been riding Apples coat tails on technology. As for money, why is it necessary for Jobs to donate? His money, his company, his prerogative. Maybe he rolls his profits back into his company for new creations, while Bill gates waits for Apple to create something new for them to mimic.


i heart mac
Apr 15, 2002
I still don't quite understand this.
Because the old man knows the only innovation we saw was in marketing - packaging and selling other people's ideas better than everyone else. This type of marketing has help establish an unsustainable consumption-based debt ridden culture which nearly bankrupted the world economy and we'll be dealing with its effects for the rest of our lives financially and especially environmentally.
Last edited:


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Steve Jobs was a innovator. It seems like over the last 15 years or so Microsoft has been riding Apples coat tails on technology. As for money, why is it necessary for Jobs to donate? His money, his company, his prerogative. Maybe he rolls his profits back into his company for new creations, while Bill gates waits for Apple to create something new for them to mimic.
and gates wasn't an innovator? don't forget which company started first. apple didn't have a true hit product that dominated a market segment until the ipod, over 2 decades after the company was founded.

why is it necessary for jobs to donate? why is it necessary for gates to donate? difference between being selfish and philanthropist.


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
Steve Jobs was a innovator. It seems like over the last 15 years or so Microsoft has been riding Apples coat tails on technology. As for money, why is it necessary for Jobs to donate? His money, his company, his prerogative. Maybe he rolls his profits back into his company for new creations, while Bill gates waits for Apple to create something new for them to mimic.
Not necessary at all, but in light of that, it's hard for me to give a **** about his death. If he did nothing for the world besides sell consumer electronics, left no impact besides a few touch screens, then why should I care? What about Ralph Steinman, who also had pancreatic cancer, but died just before he was to be awarded the nobel prize? You don't care about him, but you care about turtleneck-mcgee who sold you an ipod.

Say what you want about gates and microsoft. His foundation and commitment to giving surpass the creation of the ipad and an expensive computer in a multi-colored box.