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Oct 7, 2001
On 2/16/2010 I purchased bars from Brad on eBay and paid for them through Paypal.
I received no communication from Brad as to the status of my order, expecting to received a shipping confirmation.

On 03/03/2010 I sent Brad an email requesting a Status on my order as it was now 2 weeks later and I had not receive the over priced bars that i had paid for.

On 03/05/10 I sent Brad a message through FaceBook as I figured he would actually receive this message more quickly and would get the point across that im looking for answers. At this time I also opened a dispute case with Paypal.

Within minutes of opening the dispute case I received a response from Brad stating, " I'll double check the order list , there might have been a small mistake made ". To which I informed Brad that the address of record on my eBay account was my old shipping address and provided him with my current address.

Brad responded with the following, "Thats probley what happened , my employee shipped them to your paypal address ?
I'll get another set to today shipped USPS express , you should see them in tomorrow's mail" .

The problem with this statement is that the bars were not shipped to my old address, as this is my parents house and if they had been delivered I would have found them sitting on my desk at work (my family all work for the same agency).
And in hearing this, being a trusting person, and expecting him to run his business in a professional manner, I closed the dispute case with Paypal trusting that he would do the right thing.

As of 03/10/2010 I still have not receive my bars and have requested that Brad either ship my bars Overnight via UPS or refund all of my money. I have not received a response from him yet.

Brad, it's time to step up to the plate and take care of your mess in a professional manner.

UPDATE 03/11/10 Received a message through Facebook instead of a direct response to the email I sent earlier today stating, "Bars went out yesterday. Sorry for the short delay in shipping, I was out of town this past weekend with my new girlfried she kidnapped me friday and took me to the beach. Please dont hold this against me, Bars are on the way express mail".

Short delay in shipping? How is nearly a month later a "short delay in shipping" and exactly how do you expect me not to hold it against you? So, in reality I don't expect to receive my bars until late next week.

UPDATE 03/12/10 The saga continues.....
Yesterday, I responded to Brad with what could be considered a surly retort, I’ve already heard this once before and am still waiting for the bars to show up. And that’s why im not going to waste my time by typing a tirade about moral and ethical business practices. Im going to say one thing and then go back to waiting for you to ship those damn bars.
It’s not personal, it’s just business. The only person you have to hold accountable for your actions is yourself.
P.S. I will continue to update my posts on Ridemonkey and Pinkbike until you have completely resolved this issue.

To which he replied, Well I understand this put the threads on RM and PB are not needed these are blatent attacks against me as a company and it's really not appreciated .
Delays in shipping happen , I'm sorry your pissed and i understand were your coming from .

FYI USPS delivery confirmation # is - 0308 0070 001 3098 5480

Thanks , sorry i got kidnapped by the GF last weekand , please dont hold that against me I knew it would cause problems but it was her way of being sweet .
check my FB if you dont beleive me , updated my status with her and then we went to sushi with friends monday night .

Really sorry man , hope you can understand life and **** happens .
Bars are on their way to you.

Oh, really? So, when I take that USPS Parcel number and plug it into their tracking app. I get a response of, "There is no record of this item". Does this surprise me? No, why should it?

UPDATE 03/12/10 2:05CST After a few choice remarks on another forum where ole' b-rizzle hangs out and openning a unauthorized payment dispute claim with PayPal, I get this....

Now your making a S storm out of nothing - really .

If you are going to do things like posting lies on RM and you have herd my reputation why did you buy from me anyway then ?
It's only people like you who are expecting to be screwed that get this impression so this way more you than me Shawn .
Your can read my facebook and see what I have been up too , not hiding at all your just taking advantage of this situation in every way !

First off please remember due to paypal I'm not supposed to ship you anything if the address on your account isn't correct , per the agreement I sign each year under my company account agreement .

Now last Friday you started making demands and I agreed , the only delay was due to me being abducted by my girl .
Sorry you dont care it was a really nice jester on her part but you only care about SHAWN .

The tracking # I gave your was a postal service delivery confirmation # IE: I believe this is only able to be checked once the package has in fact been dropped .

So how about this , as it's raining out there in Texas be a bit patient for a day or 2 and you will have your bars.
I haven't given you any excuses , you serious need to chill a bit .
Thanks , you should see your bars today or Saturday at the latest

I do enjoy how I am now the bad guy in this situation. Like, me wanting to actually get what I paid for is such a horrible thing.
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Oct 7, 2001
I wish I had done my research ahead of time. If I had I would be riding my bike right now instead of watching paint dry.


ass grabber
Sep 8, 2006
Central Florida
I guess I won't be buying those Kowa forks. Have fun working on fixies asshole!

To the OP: Ebay sellers should never, ever ship to a different address than is on the paypal account. It's a common buyer scam.


Oct 7, 2001
My verified address in Paypal is my current address and I did not realize that my old adress was in eBay until after the fact. That's why I immediately updated my eBay account after realizing the error. I would have had no problem with the bars going to that address and never requested that they be sent to my new address until after i realized they had never been shipped.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 17, 2005
My verified address in Paypal is my current address and I did not realize that my old adress was in eBay until after the fact. That's why I immediately updated my eBay account after realizing the error. I would have had no problem with the bars going to that address and never requested that they be sent to my new address until after i realized they had never been shipped.

NOTE: Per paypal user agreement I'm not required to send anything to a address that isn't the verified address on the buyers account .
PayPal and ebay have set form of recourse for situations such as these I have contacted Paypal and been in communication with shawn the buyer , this being posted on a public forum is noting but a attack against our brand support by RM this is slander is the basic sense of the word

YES we attempted to ship the listed address from the account on time , this shipment was returned by the postal service .
I re sent another set of bars out to Shawn earlier this week when I retuned home from a unexspected trip with my new GF .
I have given Shawn a Postal delivery confirmation # which has has noted as a tracking # IE: not the same thing.
At this point Shawn is posting to this forum to maliciously damage my brand even thought we have shipped the product and supplied him with demanded SWAG .

RM loved the drama :rolleyes:
Wile I know there have been issues on this one forum in the past.
These issues were blown out of portion by the powers that be here in RM and this is it's basic definition is SLANDER!

This is also the reason I do not post on RM any longer nor do I support his forum in any way !
RM is the only forum that seems to handle their business in this manor , accordingly I'm not the only industry manufacturer who stays away from this site like the plague !
People ask me what dont we make MTB any longer saying my brand went to **** ? We counter that with a simple retort the customer base went to **** and the net forums fueled it ! Ask yourself why no-one builds USA made boutique MTB frames any longer ?
YUP the customer base is generally undereducated , quick to start crap and doest want to pay for quality nor take the time to understand what is required these days to build a product in the US .

Why do me mainly make fixed gear frames now ?
Has nothing to do with the product but more the customer base !
your average fixed gear customer is educated with more than a 8th grade level of correspondence , they appreciate quality workmanship and are willing to pay for it without starting a ****-storm on the internet just to make themselves feels loved and important .

These issues were blow out of portion and supported by Binary as he seems to have it out for me and doest want to handle his job as a real mod here on RM. Honestly this boarders on slander due to the way the powers that been keep bumping these threads even after we have not posted anything to these forums nor have had any trouble in the past 2.5 + years !

Previous customer's started threads due to shipping delays or communication barriers as they were foreign customers, See Joni K from Finland who started a thread due to bars being delayed due to the horrible postal service in his country , well he has now purchased several frames from me and each time we ship to him a detailed letter to the Finish custom dept. is required .

In closing Shawn bars have now been shipped not one time but twice .
RM makes a **** storm out of the smallest mistakes that every company has to deal with at some time the difference I'm held to a higher standard as their have been threads of questionable merit posted here on the forum in the past .

Thank you
-Brad Hodges
Nemesis Project
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Oct 7, 2001
my response in bold.
NOTE: Per paypal user agreement I'm not required to send anyting to a address that isnt the verified address on the buyers account . Had you actually shipped the product this would have never happened.

YES we attempted to ship the listed address from the account on time , this shipment was returned by the postal service .
Can you prove this fact? Do you have the shipping confirmations to back this up? If it had been shipped I would have received the product, which I have not.
I re sent another set of bars out to Shawn earlier this week when I retuned home from a unexspected trip with my new GF .
We had agreed that they were to go out Friday, not Monday.
I have given Shawn a Postal delivery confirmation # which has has noted as a tracking # IE: not the same thing.
Exactly, the problem with this is that I requested that you use UPS, not USPS as your reputation preceeds you.
At this point Shawn is posting to this forum to maliciously damage my brand even thought we have shipped the product and supplied him with demanded SWAG . Everything that I have posted is statement of fact and I did not demand anything. I said " Having them show up tomorrow would be nice but, some schwag would make up for it". This is not a demand, this is a request. Which could have been a couple of stickers for the refrigerator in my garage for all I care.

RM loved the drama :rolleyes:yeah, just one more person you're screwing over and you still dont see the problem
Wile I know there have been issues on this one forum in the past. This actually seems to be the running issue with you on most of the forums you post on, Ridemonkey, Pinkbike, VWVortex, and im sure a few other.
These issues were blown out of portion by the powers that be here in RM and this is it's basic definition is SLANDER! Actually it would be considered Libel if the statements that I've posted where false. But, alas they're not. So, you have no legal ground to stand on. But, i don't expect you to know the difference.

This is also the reason I do not post on RM any longer nor do I support his forum in any way ! Yeah, because you've ripped off too many people on this forum and have had to move on to "greener" pastures.

RM is the only forum that seems to handle their business in this manor , accordingly I'm not the only industry manufacturer who stays away from this site like the plague ! Separating the the wheat from the chaff, is a good thing.
People ask me what dont we make MTB any longer saying my brand went to **** ? We counter that with a simple retort the customer base went to **** and the net forums fueled it !
Actually, your inability to operate your business in a professional manner is the root of the matter. Ask yourself why no-one builds USA made boutique MTB frames any longer ? Who are you trying to kid? There are a ton of boutique manufacturers. I know of 6 alone here in Austin.
YUP the customer base is generally undereducated, quick to start crap and doest want to pay for quality nor take the time to understand what is required these days to build a product in the US. I don't think you really know anything about your client base.

Why do me mainly make fixed gear frames now? Hipsters are easy to fleece and usually don't know any better?
Has nothing to do with the product but more the customer base!Yeah, you drug your own name through the dirt so, you had to find fresh blood
your average fixed gear customer is educated with more than a 8th grade level of correspondence I happen to be an accountant., they appreciate quality workmanshipIm sure they appreciate your more than stellar customer service. and are willing to pay for it without starting a ****-stormBecause they don't know better on the internet just to make themselves feels loved and important .I have my girlfriend, family, bikes, crew, and cat for love. I don't need the internet. But, I need my handlebars that I paid you $70 for and you are refusing to ship them.

These issues were blow out of portion Not really. If you had just shipped my bars in the first place none of this would have happenedand supported by Binary as he seems to have it out for me The truth obviously hurtsand doest want to handle his job as a real mod here on RM. Seems to be doing a bang up job.Honestly this boarders on slander due to the way the powers that been keep bumping these threads even after we have not posted anything to these forums nor have had any trouble in the past 2.5 + years !Again, this would be Libel if it weren't true.

Previous customer's started threads due to shipping delays or communication barriers as they were foreign customers, See Joni K from Finland who started a thread due to bars being delayed due to the horrible postal service in his country or your lack of caring., well he has now purchased several frames from me and each time we ship to him a detailed letter to the Finish custom dept. is required. Texas has no such requirements as it is not a foreign country.

In closing Shawn bars have now been shipped not one time but twice . You have yet to prove this statement as fact. And per your previous statement,"we attempted to ship the listed address from the account on time, this shipment was returned by the postal service " and you never attempted to make contact with me in regards to supposed returned shipment.
RM makes a **** storm out of the smallest mistakes that every company has to deal with at some time the difference I'm held to a higher standardActually the same standard, only your customer service is sh!t. as their(there) have been threads of questionable merit This is not one of them. posted here on the forum in the past .

Thank you
-Brad Hodges
Nemesis Project
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Oct 1, 2006
west asheville
Has nothing to do with the product but more the customer base !
your average fixed gear customer is educated with more than a 8th grade level of correspondence
Pot meet kettle. Did you read your own post?

Why don't you just man up and take care of your customers? It's pretty easy. Go ahead and blame RM for your business failures though. :wave:


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
holy crap.

Your response to this situation has done FAR more damage to your reputation than the original posting. Thats just my opinion, and I'm not in the market for a fixie so you needed worry about it.

The facts: somebody purchased your product, you have yet to deliver, it has been almost 1 month (!) and they're unhappy and concerned about their money. This is exactly what the Bad Sellers forum is for.


Generous jaywalker
Mar 12, 2009
Hellafornia. Formerly stumptown.
I still stand by my statement that Brad is a tremendous asshole incapable of problem solving and apparently keeping his retarded mouth shut. Seriously, how hard would it have been to simply solve the problem.

From what I've read of his responses Brad's excellent at making (maybe) factual statements then never supplying any verification of those, and when he's tried in the past he posts more bull**** to add to the fire.

Seriously dude, im amazed anyone would want to deal with you. Oh and fixie kids are a passing fad, when that **** dies like rollerblading you'll be left holding a bunch of useless jigs asking what happened.

SDH Racing

Apr 5, 2006
All this for a pair of bars... No wonder I'm taking a break from bike selling stuff and moving onto real estate. Not to hijack but in the same time you spend heckling over stuff between 10 to 300 bucks (like I've been doing) much more can be gained otherwise and THEN go back to this kinda stuff when there's more then sufficient $$ to handle everything properly so there's no disputes like this.

Anyways on topic, thats silly to tie up all this time and wasted effort for a pair of bars, if it helps I have a spare set of 2010 Azonic double wall bars I'll send to you for $54 including shipping costs, no kidding. :D


Turbo Monkey
Jun 17, 2005
Is posting lies and needs to learn how to handle his life in the proper channels, bars shipped as I have stated in each of the billion forums you have posted your complaints in.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 17, 2005
Pot meet kettle. Did you read your own post?

Why don't you just man up and take care of your customers? It's pretty easy. Go ahead and blame RM for your business failures though. :wave:

We shipped one set of bars to the original address from ebay , If I hadn't gotten the other set of bars back already I would have called SCAM on this all myself .

I sent the bars out the past week and gave the OP the postal tracking # which now has been posted to this thread , I sir have handled my business it's the OP stirring up **** here and posting lies .

I only blame RM for supporting these types of threads when PayPal has a proven set form of recourse in their system , all threads like this do is support slanderous net whores feeding their need for attention !


Turbo Monkey
Jun 17, 2005
holy crap.

Your response to this situation has done FAR more damage to your reputation than the original posting. Thats just my opinion, and I'm not in the market for a fixie so you needed worry about it.

The facts: somebody purchased your product, you have yet to deliver, it has been almost 1 month (!) and they're unhappy and concerned about their money. This is exactly what the Bad Sellers forum is for.

The problem here is that we did deliver TWICE already , I still have the orignal box we sent to his ebay address sitting next to my desk at the shop .

I now after ebing attacked via email and on sevral net forums have had to come on to each one and post pictures of the shipping receipt which has been on file with paypal for the past 48hours so everything the OP did today was a milious attack against me and my company and nothing more .

Wonder why most urban manufactores are going to Taiwan and flat out jsut not making bikes for this market any longer ? Yea I wonder why :think:


Oct 7, 2001
The problem here is that we did deliver TWICE already , I still have the original box we sent to his eBay address sitting next to my desk at the shop .

I now after being attacked via email and on several net forums have had to come on to each one and post pictures of the shipping receipt which has been on file with PayPal for the past 48hours so everything the OP did today was a milieus attack against me and my company and nothing more .

Wonder why most urban manufactures are going to Taiwan It's cheaper that way. That's basic economics.and flat out just not making bikes for this market any longer ? Yea I wonder why :think:
Brad, I still don't believe that you have shipped my bar because, if you had shipped them on March, 1st I would have them. I don't. The only piece of evidence you have a produced is a piece of paper that could barely be considered tangible evidence, as when you take the number on the slip of paper and plug it in to the USPS system, you get nothing.

If you do indeed, as you say, "I still have the original box (that) we sent to his eBay address sitting next to my desk at the shop". Why was I not contacted when this package was supposedly returned to you and why am i just hearing about this now?

Don't you think you should have told me this earlier if it had already happened? Why don't you post up a picture of this box with the shipping label clearly visible for all to see? It would go along way to actually proving that you did indeed ship a box of some type.
Or better yet, take it down to the closest UPS store, first thing in the morning, and get it on a truck.

Brad, You and I entered into a contract when I decided to purchase these bars from you. You are obligated by said contract to fulfill your end of the agreement, ship me the bars. Where I agreed to pay you $55 for bars and $15 for shipping, which I did immediately through PayPal. One of us is in breach of this contract and it's not me.

So, it's simple, really. Until I have the bars in my hands im am going to continue to send you emails and post status updates here everyday in an attempt to hopefully put some bars on my bike or just get my money back.

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Generous jaywalker
Mar 12, 2009
Hellafornia. Formerly stumptown.
usps # says package was accepted in Sacramento. Let's hope that it is actually Shawn's and gets delivered and then this chapter in Brads obviously negative history can be closed. Until the next one opens.


Generous jaywalker
Mar 12, 2009
Hellafornia. Formerly stumptown.
Wonder why most urban manufactores are going to Taiwan and flat out jsut not making bikes for this market any longer ? Yea I wonder why :think:
Really? Seriously you are stupid as hell. One you can't type worth a damn. I've yet to read anything of yours that even hints at a possible proof read. Two, you always have to make these uneducated remarks about how you think the world operates when actually haven't the slightest clue. Cost/Economics drove manufacturing overseas. Nothing more, not because we as a whole as consumers are the cheap imbeciles you'd like to think we are.

Also, who the **** do you think you're fooling guy? I'm going to venture a guess here and say that you're probably lucky if your education exceeds high school. Maybe i'm wrong but the way you act and react to things leads me to believe your both as smart as and mature as your average eighth grader.

Seriously, in this and so many of the other posts here there is always such a simple amicable solution you somehow always fail to see. Simply post up the relevant information, be somewhat apologetic and lastly do not make slanderous remarks against this bike community as a whole. No excuses, no retorts just the facts.

Your stupid ass would be amazed at how simply these situations will work themselves out. Lastly the OP has every right to post online his experience, after-all you have his money, a stack of excuses as to why a set of bars simply didn't get shipped out. Finally almost one month later you seem to be able to produce some evidence of a shipped package. Whether or not it shipped to his old or new address is irrelevant, his family live at the old one he lives at the new one. Someone would have gotten it or a missed delivery notice if it had actually shipped. Which it seems never did.

The bottom line is that Brad, you simply aren't capable to correctly run a business. Bottom line. Your communication and problem solving skills seems to be matched only by the smartest of chimps in captivity.

I stand by my statement that your sir, are an asshole.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Wonder why most urban manufactores are going to Taiwan and flat out jsut not making bikes for this market any longer ? Yea I wonder why :think:
Yes, we know. Another customer of yours is unhappy, and it's the bike market's fault. It's the internet's fault. It's the customer's fault. It's the American education system's fault. It's my fault.

It's the fault of everyone but you, who time after time produces stories that each individual customer, who have no connection to each other, state are patently false or in no way reflects their experience.

As the old saying goes, the common thread in all of your failed relationships is you. I quite frankly have no idea if you're telling the complete and utter truth in every single situation, but what I know for damn sure is that customer's reality is only what they see and feel and hear - not what you say - and there is no doubt whatsoever that you are an absolute failure at handling these negative situations. Every company will experience them, the good ones will diffuse them quickly, carefully and while making the customer feel good.

I have never seen anything like these threads (including the deleted ones). Never seen a small manufacturer who produced so much ill-will among the customer base.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 15, 2009
I'm waving. Can you see me now?
Is posting lies and needs to learn how to handle his life in the proper channels, bars shipped as I have stated in each of the billion forums you have posted your complaints in.
The date on that receipt says may 2002. You are a fool. I wish the worst of luck to your company as you clearly can't handle the responsibility. Maybe it is sheer coincidence that your girlfriend keeps taking you away every time you need to ship a package, but it is totally irresponsible. You need to think about something for one minute. Think about why everyone is mad at you and why your company name is tarnished. The answer is not everyone else.


Generous jaywalker
Mar 12, 2009
Hellafornia. Formerly stumptown.
The date on that receipt says may 2002. You are a fool. I wish the worst of luck to your company as you clearly can't handle the responsibility. Maybe it is sheer coincidence that your girlfriend keeps taking you away every time you need to ship a package, but it is totally irresponsible. You need to think about something for one minute. Think about why everyone is mad at you and why your company name is tarnished. The answer is not everyone else.
Actually that's the date that form was created or put into use. It's clearly stamped 3-10-2010.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 17, 2005
Nope, not yet.
Thats funny the USPS site clearly states you have recived the package to your residence in Round Rock Texas today as I said previously in this thread. I'm sorry the box didnt arrive on firday this could be due to your distance from the nearest local postal hub .

UPDATE- I just got off the phone with the Fraud dept at PayPal they are now VERY intrested in the claim Mr. whitfield has filed.
Turrns out that they canceled the claim straight off due to the differnce in address's from the ship too vs the varified address on Shawn Paypal account.

In closeing I will stand behind my statements made in this thread that Binary has now created a open venue for every degenrate web scammer to take advantage of me and my business practicess, sure PayPal and Ebay say I'm right , I even post up documents from the postal service with dated USPS stamps proving the date we told the customer the package had shipped but in the world of RM I'm ALWAYS wrong :rolleyes:

Delivery information.
Label/Receipt Number: 0308 0070 0001 3098 5480
Scheduled for Delivery: Saturday, March 13, 2010
Class: Priority Mail®
Service(s): Delivery Confirmation™
Status: Delivered

Your item was delivered at 11:41 AM on March 13, 2010 in ROUND ROCK, TX 78681.

Detailed Results:

Delivered, March 13, 2010, 11:41 am, ROUND ROCK, TX 78681
Out for Delivery or Available at PO Box, March 13, 2010, 8:56 am, ROUND ROCK, TX 78681
Sorting Complete, March 13, 2010, 8:26 am, ROUND ROCK, TX 78681
Arrival at Post Office, March 13, 2010, 7:27 am, ROUND ROCK, TX 78681
Acceptance, March 11, 2010, 11:27 am, SACRAMENTO, CA 95818
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My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
Damn, someone who posted that tirade full of typos, grammatical errors and missing punctuation, has the nerve to call someone out on their education?

I find it pretty crazy that you are probably the MOST popular subject in this forum, yet it is always someone else's fault?

I guess the world is just out to get you, huh?
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Generous jaywalker
Mar 12, 2009
Hellafornia. Formerly stumptown.
In closeing I will stand behind my statements made in this thread that Binary has now created a open venue for every degenrate web scammer to take advantage of me and my business practicess,
If by scammer you mean people that paid you for items that you were unable to deliver is a acceptable timeframe, then yes they are degenerate scammers.

Seriously dude, just **** off. Why not post pics of the original box they address on the label, date of shipping and undeliverable stickering. I bet you can't.


Oct 7, 2001
Yes, upon returning from my grandfathers funeral, the bars had in fact been delivered. Finally, nearly a full month after purchase. I will not venture a guess as to why it took this long. I will not stoop to name calling. I have what I've paid for and my Molly is finished. I will leave it at that.

The end.


Jun 9, 2006
Yes, upon returning from my grandfathers funeral, the bars had in fact been delivered. Finally, nearly a full month after purchase. I will not venture a guess as to why it took this long. I will not stoop to name calling. I have what I've paid for and my Molly is finished. I will leave it at that.

The end.
Dude, don't you realize that it is SLANDER if you bring up the fact you didn't get a product, even if you ordered it one month ago or 5 years ago? (end sarcasm).

SIDE NOTE: The only companies that get pissed off and hate the interweb/forums are companies that rip people off or have no clue how to conduct business.


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
Oh and by the way, it isn't slander. Slander is spoken, libel is written. An internet forum is written. You should probably figure out what something means before you accuse a client of it. :rolleyes:


Why does this guy keep citing his girlfriends actions as a reasonable excuse for not taking care of business? Why does he cite Facebook as a legitimate verification process to what he was doing instead of taking care of his customers?


I'm Mr. Negative! I Fail!
Aug 2, 2008
Im over here now
Why does this guy keep citing his girlfriends actions as a reasonable excuse for not taking care of business? Why does he cite Facebook as a legitimate verification process to what he was doing instead of taking care of his customers?
its called passing the buck

Quo Fan

don't make me kick your ass
Why does this guy keep citing his girlfriends actions as a reasonable excuse for not taking care of business? Why does he cite Facebook as a legitimate verification process to what he was doing instead of taking care of his customers?
Actually, the clinical definition of a person who believes that everything that goes wrong for/to them is called Borderline Personality.
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