
Northstar Mini-Review and Semi-Poll


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
Howdy all, just back from a day at Northstar this weekend. Was lots of fun as always. There are a few new "North Shore" style stunts down near the bottom of Karpiel/Dogbone (just as you get to the bottom of the upper part of the mountain). Instead of hitting that little rock drop into the bermed section before the lift, you can go left into the trees and onto a new trail that has a few fun ladders in a row (nothing too skinny or tall for most people I saw out there), then an optional wall ride, then a section with three separate optional wood drops. They were also putting the finishing touches on a separate ladder-style thing in the middle of the other stuff.

Other than that it's pretty much the same as last year, with all the usual fun to be had banging through the rocks on Karpiel, Dogbone, Sticks and Stones, etc. There has been a lot of trail maintenance and things are in good shape, even if (as usual) it was very dry, dusty, and loose.

Wanted to get your thoughts on Northstar and what you'd like to see to make it better. Having been up to Whistler twice now, it's hard not to compare the two, and I keep thinking that although Northstar is close (and getting better), they just don't seem to get it quite right...

For example, the new stunts are fun and all, but they are all in one spot, and you need to choose between riding them or the fun little bermed course (and the jump at the end, which is one of the few good jumps in the whole park). Are there plans to sprinkle the woodwork throughout the park? If no, why not? True, there are already a few log rides in the park, but how about some ladders and bridges over some of the really soft parts of the other trails? Like, how about some woodwork that will prevent erosion AND add challenge to existing trails at the same time? Wasn't that the reason that stuff was first developed up North anyway?

And how about some fast flowy trails with lots of jumps and berms like A-line, Dirt Merchant, etc.? Ok, I like to jump, and there is nothing like being able to pump those big transitions top-to-bottom, run after run. Maybe the comparison isn't fair, but the first time I rode that stuff I thought to myself, "This is what big mountain ski resort riding should be." Three Amigos is another one at Northstar that drive me nuts. Ok, I love the idea of three big tables in a row. But why put them right after a short flat (uphill even) section where it's hard to carry any speed if you're on a dh bike? And why make the third one smaller than the other two? If you go fast enough to clear the top of the second one, you pretty much can't help but clear the entire transition and land flat after the third...wtf? Do the builders ride, consult with local riders, or what?

This is not really a rant, but I'm sure to take flack anyway, and perhaps rightly so. I love riding Northstar, and give props to the people there working hard to make it better. I also know that comparing it to Whistler is not fair - different soil, rocks, owners, resources, etc. I know. And yes, I also know it might be more constructive to send this to Northstar instead of posting this here, but I'm trying to get a sense of how other people feel, and if there is a strong consensus of opinion. If there is I will forward it to Northstar. Honestly just trying to figure out if it's just me or what.


Artisanal Tweet Curator
I've been riding there for years and couldn't agree more with pretty much everything you've said. I can tell you this though. That place has been under the total influence of one very tight assed xc-only dickhead for the last 6 years. He's still there this year from what I've heard but you can see that there are other influences. Dogbone, Karpiel, (remember "hsr"?) were all built by dhers in the area that busted their butts voluntarily just to get some terrain going......not northstar.

But with a few actual bike riders on the trail crew last year (sinuous, amigos, pho dog) you have to admit, there's been more built since last july than in the previous 3 years combined. Trail guy Kyle (new this year) rides too and I think you can tell. You have to realize though that you're still dealing with an entity called Booth Creek Holdings which neither rides, cares to ride, or really gives a rat's ass about the sport, just wants money. Same with Intrawest, they just know how to do it.........by hiring riders with a work ethic. Northstar is at least heading in the right direction, finally. Hiring people who ride DH to build DH riding terrain is still new to them. Remember everything they knew about mountainbiking came from mr xc tight ass for many many years.

Just yesterday, I'm watching them build up a table top parallel to sinuous. I asked them if they were open to input. They said sure. I suggested that the landing for said table needed to be about 10 ft further down. (Actually I kind of pleaded and whined thinking 3 amigos in the back of my head). My next ride up, the mini dozer is piling up more dirt on the landing.


Big companies don't like taking chances when they are unsure of the results. I think they're slowly starting to realize that building DH and freeride terrain under their lifts is anything but a gamble. It's unique and it's heavily sought after.


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
Thanks man, your comments make a lot of sense. I agree that things have gotten a lot better since the last part of last year, and that they're making progress. It's just painful to see a place with so much potential get so close and just miss the mark. Three amigos comes to mind again - I remember hearing last year about the great new jumps and heading up there excited to check it out, then being disappointed at the actual product...

Guess I should send some comments directly to Northstar.

Anybody else?

Edit: I sent an email to the General Manager but wasn't able to find a specific contact person on the website.


Mar 26, 2003
Fremont, Ca
In the bay area forum, there is a "northstar rep" that posts there. You should definitely send him/her a PM and let your voice be heard.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 3, 2002
I haven't "wasted" my time going up to N* since 1995 (last time I went to ride bikes there). And after having been up to Whistler I don't see myself heading to N* anytime soon. I would think that given the success of Whistler, N*'s corporate, $$$ hungry execs would be into making it the "premier" bike resort in the western US or CA at least! Although N* is different geographically than the PNW, it is that very same difference that offers them distinction. N* has world cup style rock gardens a plenty. And any type of dirt is game for wooden stunts. So N* could do as you suggest and build Whistler quality stunts while at the same time capitalize on it's inherently rocky terrain as a great attraction to racers who are sometimes turned off by Whistlers "playground" like trails that are perceived (by racers) as fun but not actually as challenging as a gnarly DH rock garden (Look how many people appreciated Carlin ripping Tunnel trails' super gnar rocks over him dropping Moreno gap in his UFC video). Anyway I would be very happy if N* invested serious time and effort into updating their resort to what modern DH/freeriders are looking for. It would be a lot easier to drive 4hrs than almost 24hrs! I can say for a fact that I would be spending about $750-$1000 min. annually at N* if they would step it up. Now imagine if everybody in my situation did the same? Even $$$ minded execs can't argue with that!!! I think it is much like the introduction of snowboarders to Ski resorts in the early 90's, it took them a while to figure it out but they eventually realized where the $$$ was.

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
I guess I'm too simple, I personally love N* and am happy with the terrain since thats the type of riding I like to do. I have never been to Whistler, maybe next summer I'll go check it out, but being in the Bay Area there isn't alot of fun LEGAL DH trails around, I'll ride N* anyday. Plus I can give a rip about the stunts since I'm a wuss and will never try them anyways.


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
I agree Brian, I live in SF and I love riding Northstar, and it's definitely the best lift-assisted riding around. And it would be different if they were just saying, "Screw it, we're not building anything new." I guess my frustration comes from seeing them spend time and money to build new stuff that comes really close but has issues that seem to come from not being aware of what an actual rider would want.

Northstar will never be Whistler, but they're inviting comparison if you look at what they're doing. The obvious example is the three little drops near the new wall ride...in the Whistler version, you've got four evenly spaced and graduated drops, with more than enough room to approach so you can focus on the task at hand. Contrast the one in Northstar, which comes after the loose turn I mentioned earlier, and the drops themselves are kind of goofy, with what looks like intentionally-placed rocks under the third, making it a different kind of drop than the others. How can someone focus on learning the drops if they're trying to keep their bike upright on the approach? Maybe they plan to build a berm there, I dunno...just seems like with all the space, it could have been executed better.

I really don't want to sound like a whiny biotch here but I guess it's too late for that...


Turbo Monkey
Feb 3, 2002
nope, going to Whistler, I will find what I am looking for just fine there if not locally (SC) $40 (lift ticket price?)is a lot of gas for shuttles...


Mar 26, 2003
Fremont, Ca
You are going to get varying opinions regarding this subject. There are a lot of people that love northstar because it is NOT whistler. Most of these guys exhibit aggressive behavior when you compare N* and whistler. They don’t want anything changed. It is almost Ted Kasinsky like. I don’t think anyone is saying N* should get rid of all the trails and make it just like Whistler. Hell, what makes N* so cool, is the very trails that’s there now. However, they should introduce more new trails that mimic A-Line and such to cater to the growing demand of riders who are hungry to ride more flowy trials with stunts. Lord knows that they have enough room. Just imagine how truly great N* can be.

Yeti DHer

I post here but I'm still better than you
Sep 7, 2001
The Foothills
I hope that northstar does not turn into a whistler sized resort. Can you imagine the damage to the trails? I mean, karpiel is destroyed after one day of racing on it, but can you think of several hundred dhers a day doing a dozens runs down it every day for a couple months? That would be horrible. Why does everything have to be like whister? I like going up once a year because it's a special place to ride. Northstar is awesome and I like it just how it is.


Feb 28, 2002
Vail CO
You can't really compare Northstar to Whistler because N* is so far behind they're not even in the same league. You really can't understand just how far behind Northstar is without having ridden Whistler yourself. That being said, N* is getting better (I think sinuous is the coolest trail they've built there in awhile) but they still don't have things quite figured out (the jumps on 3 amigos are a good example). The fact that Whistler has awesome soil to work with lets them do things that aren't really possible at N*, but that doesn't mean N* should settle for less. Kelowna and Kamloops BC have the same dry dusty powder soil as N*, yet they're trails are amazing. They link together interesting stunts in a way that flows and use wood kickers and landings when the dirt's to dry to shape. Northstar already has the steep, rocky, technical, dh stuff... now they need to incorporate more flow, real jumps, speed, etc.


Feb 28, 2002
Vail CO
Yeti DHer said:
I hope that northstar does not turn into a whistler sized resort. Can you imagine the damage to the trails? I mean, karpiel is destroyed after one day of racing on it, but can you think of several hundred dhers a day doing a dozens runs down it every day for a couple months? That would be horrible. Why does everything have to be like whister? I like going up once a year because it's a special place to ride. Northstar is awesome and I like it just how it is.
I don't think Northstar will ever be a "whistler sized resort" purely because the demand for such a place isn't great enough down here. You do bring up a good point about trail damage but part of expanding and adding new features involves maintaining the existing trails. While whistler builds new stuff, they're constantly working on their existing trails. If N* was really going to do it right, they'd need a much larger crew of dedicated, full-time trail workers. Unfortunatley, I don't see this happening anytime soon.


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
Hey, aren't we talking about private property offering recreation for money? Yes erosion is an issue but it's a mountain bike park, the trails are going to get abused, and it's up to the owners to have a maintenance crew that can take care of stuff or divert riders around especially sensitive or torn up areas. Also, the existing double-blacks would get less abuse if there were more options.

Personally I hope Northstar continues to grow and get more popular. If it doesn't none of us will get to ride there because if attendance drops they won't bother opening it for bikes at all.

And like I said, they seem to want to incorporate more canadian-style action, so they invite the comparison. Northstar will always be unique - what's wrong with voicing an opinion about wanting to improve it?


Turbo Monkey
Feb 3, 2002
OGRipper said:
Hey, aren't we talking about private property offering recreation for money? Yes erosion is an issue but it's a mountain bike park, the trails are going to get abused, and it's up to the owners to have a maintenance crew that can take care of stuff or divert riders around especially sensitive or torn up areas. Also, the existing double-blacks would get less abuse if there were more options.
to the best of my knowledge, N* is leased with permission from the National Forest Service like most ski areas...

Joe Pozer

Mullet Head
Aug 22, 2001
Redwood City
punkassean said:
to the best of my knowledge, N* is leased with permission from the National Forest Service like most ski areas...
Nope...N* owns most of their land and only leases a very small portion hence the reason they can build trails.

OGRipper said:
Northstar will always be unique - what's wrong with voicing an opinion about wanting to improve it?
There is nothing wrong with voicing your opinion and I agree with most of the points you've made. N* has definitely made some very good improvements, especially the opening of the gondola. N* is not perfect but they are improving and I think getting rider input can only help. Like you said, the bike park is open to make money and I think the people higher up are slowly starting to pay attention. Hopefully things will continute to improve.

I also agree with 911 that some flowy trails would be nice. Don't get me wrong, I love the rough, rocky terrain but it would be nice to get some flowy trails also.


Artisanal Tweet Curator
punkassean said:
I haven't "wasted" my time going up to N* since 1995 (last time I went to ride bikes there). .
It's um you know like 2004 and stuff. It's like uh different. The money they spent on the bike racks alone shows a little more commitment than the days of full suspension as new technology.

punkassean said:
I would think that given the success of Whistler, N*'s corporate, $$$ hungry execs would be into making it the "premier" bike resort in the western US or CA at least!
True, the small intimate atmosphere created by the mom and pop organization of INTRAWEST WORLD DOMINATION POWERS INC. certainly provides an example for the demons of Booth Creek Holdings. I mean out of the goodness of their hearts, they've created the whistler bike playground simply for the mere enjoment of us and our wood pixie frolickers. Let us look to all the good that INTRAWEST WORLD DOMINATION POWERS INC. is currently bringing to mammoth mountain as we speak.....A new airport, several strip malls, rediculously priced time shares, and a complete transformation of a small mountain town into..........LA. Sweet. Not like those big meanies at booth creek for sure!!

punkassean said:
I can say for a fact that I would be spending about $750-$1000 min. annually at N* if they would step it up. .
1995 did you say? Please. Come visit. Things are a'changin'. They have guys building trails that own body armor.

EDIT: Oh yeah, I forgot my point. Put your money where your mouth is. I intentionally spend full pass price on a season pass every year when I can get a cheaper shop deal. I do this to essentially put in a vote for bike park profit viability. Don't like northstar? Show them they can make money by improving. Summer of 2002 saw a 60 something percent increase in bike tickets and like a 20-30% increase in condo rentals. Last year (2003) they built stuff. I haven't heard any statistics on last years rental/ticket sales but I'm sure it was an increase. Show up damnit. It's getting better.
Hey, if it sucks so bad then it can only go uphill from here right? Give it a chance, eventualy Mr. hardass XC dude will get replaced, they will get real trail builders, and it will turn into a sweet mountain bike park. Never been up there, though. I' gonna be up in the tahoe area in august with the family, I'll try and slip away for a day to hit up N*. I have a friend that went up there last year, got a stick shoved through his hand. Anyway, just give it time, if they are gonna follow the money, they gotta follow the dh/fr scene.


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
Kidwoo, that is some funny shi-ot there man.

I am giving Northstar a chance, I ride up there at least 4-5 times every year and love it. Just wanted to know if others share my opinion that boils down to this: Props to them for building new stuff, but some of it is misguided, and it seems like they need more riders on the crew...
May 3, 2004
Sanna Croooz
I had a lot of fun at Northstar (am I the only one who is willing to spell it out?). However, I felt that I had pretty much done everything I was interested in doing in 1 day. I hit all the tough trails, and really, I felt that it needed more in order to keep me coming back.

I spent some serious time at big bear for the national so let's compare those two. Besides, we shouldn't really compare anything in the US to Whistler 'cause it's in Canadia and all the canadians are CrAzY!

I liked how fast you could go at big bear, just let go of the brakes for a good 150 yds and carve the corners.

There is nothing like that at Northstar, they really need a long, fast flowy section(s) or two to break up the rock sections. (and hand cramps!)

Big bear had that nasty tree/wooded section, which while wasn't as gnarly as Northstar rocks, was about as technical at speed because you had to really know how to turn tight with a big bike to even get through it. Good use of terrain! (I realize that was just for the race but it probably will be a trail now?)

Big bear lifts can suck a big fat D*ck. They were so slow it was ridiculous. I REALLY am impressed with the new gondola/lift system at Northstar. They spent a lot of money on those lifts and had everything streamlined very well. If anything it's great 'cause you knew that the lift was never going to hold you back during the day. Nobody mentioned this before, but I think it is definately important to the whole function of the park.

The berms and transitions need the most work on ALL the trails at Northstar. The one trail at the top that had berms was weird. They didn't feel quite right and certainly din't transition very easy from one to another. If I was going to make a trail, purpose-build for riding fast flowy berms, I would make sure it was like a good dirt jump rythym section, or like a downhill bike-friendly dual slolam course. Pump-turn-pump-turn etc. No pedaling and all the berms/turns would be about the same size or at least feed you into the next one in a manner that is consistent.
Also, after practically every jump or drop there was an anti-transition or bomb hole. JHC what the hell were they thinking? Who wants to drop into a hole every time they go big? I like to use my suspension, but I think it a bit much when I bottom out on a 3' table top-to-crater, like 3 times in a row. At least all the jumps in Big Bear had a nice transition to land on if you wanted to. I really liked the jumps at speed, dude, some of those Big Bear tables were so sweet! Mach 5 down a trail and boom! you hit a big table to transition! Smooth and fun.


Born Again Newbie
Sep 5, 2001
Blah Blah and Blah
El_Chimichanga said:
I liked how fast you could go at big bear, just let go of the brakes for a good 150 yds and carve the corners.
I'm with you there...that is also one aspect of Big Bear that I like. Same for Whistler, they have such sections there :thumb:

El_Chimichanga said:
Big bear had that nasty tree/wooded section, which while wasn't as gnarly as North Star rocks, was about as technical at speed because you had to really know how to turn tight with a big bike to even get through it. Good use of terrain! (I realize that was just for the race but it probably will be a trail now?).
Again I agree. The reason why we probably liked that section at Big Bear is because it's something North Star doesn't have! Although some sections on Boondocks is similiar, but not as steep. To me it’s all-good…as long as I’m on my bike and I have some means of transportation to the top of the mountain, I don’t care. Big Bear is fun, North Star is fun, Whistler is Fun-er-er, etc..


I broke all the rules, but somehow still became mo
Sep 6, 2001
Livin it up in the O.C.
Orven said:
I hope N* turns into Big Bear.
I was jsut going to tell these guys that although I can appreciate their desire to improve N*, untill they only have a BigBear style place to go to they will not realize how good they have it.


Born Again Newbie
Sep 5, 2001
Blah Blah and Blah
-BB- said:
I was jsut going to tell these guys that although I can appreciate their desire to improve N*, untill they only have a BigBear style place to go to they will not realize how good they have it.
preach on reverent Jeff.. :D


I broke all the rules, but somehow still became mo
Sep 6, 2001
Livin it up in the O.C.
Acadian said:
preach on reverent Jeff.. :D
Too bad you are going to be in Whistler on the 10th... I mean, it is cool for you and all, but I was looking forward to rippin up N* with you that weekend.
Brian can't make it either, so it will just be Pozer and I.

Is Low-B up there any more? I haven't seen him here (RM).. that's for sure.

Oh... btw, I just got my tickets up to Vancouver!! Doind Whistler on Sept 5-8th. :dancing: :dancing: :drool:
May 3, 2004
Sanna Croooz
Acadian said:
... Although some sections on Boondocks is similiar, but not as steep. To me it’s all-good…
Yes, I can't believe I forgot to mention boondocks. There is a good trail. It has a lot of variety, a few drops (1 really fun one that isn't a crater-landing!) and that steep rock-face roll-in as well. It's faster than most of the other trails to boot!

When I think about what I really like to do on a DH bike it basically comes down to these things:

1. Go fast. simple.
2. Go steep. should be easy on a ski slope?
3. Gnar-gnar tech sections.
4. Big jumps and deep berms that make you hug the turn.

Otherwise, yeah I pretty much will love anything on my bike. But really, If we are going to PAY someone to ride thier trails, they could at least cater to what makes riding those bikes fun a little bit more, no? wouldn't it be great to have the freeway section at GGG right after the bottom part of dogbone? Whew! talk about endorphine rush.


Born Again Newbie
Sep 5, 2001
Blah Blah and Blah
-BB- said:
Too bad you are going to be in Whistler on the 10th... I mean, it is cool for you and all, but I was looking forward to rippin up N* with you that weekend.
Brian can't make it either, so it will just be Pozer and I.

Is Low-B up there any more? I haven't seen him here (RM).. that's for sure.

Oh... btw, I just got my tickets up to Vancouver!! Doind Whistler on Sept 5-8th. :dancing: :dancing: :drool:
Bummer...ya I wish I could ride with you - just bad timing I guess! :(

I will have to do a trip down south and ride with you :thumb:

:think: hummmm...Whistler in Sept! ;)


Hey little girl, do you want some candy?
Oct 18, 2001
Reno 911
I'm going to Big Bear this weekend and Northstar 7/17 (Woohooo!!!!) I'll give you guys a compare/contrast ;)

Big Bear blows compared to Gnar* and BB has a complete unwillingness to do anything about it... Makes me want to move. Both have a lot of potential to become bad ass resorts, but Northstar is a lot closer to achieving it and more willing.

The USFS land lease cripples any new trails at BB, but they could maintain them a little....


Artisanal Tweet Curator
I know it's been said before but the berm and jump problems have issues for two reasons.

1)A few trail crew guys got the bright idea to start removing rocks from berms last year. What happened is that a rock sticking out 2 inches was taken out to create a hole that was 8 inches deep. Lame for sure. You can't "groom" just by removing rocks.

2)Have you ever really watched the way the majority of people ride that place? I can't tell you how many people I've seen land on the backside of a jump and instantly have the brakes locked. This goes for turns, and straight aways, and rock sections, and sitting in the parking lot...... Most people drag half the mountain down with them every run. No big deal, it's just that as dry as that place is, you can't skid and expect the surface to remain the same. Sinuous has brake bumps for chrissakes. So does speed control. Between you and me, I don't think they built them with brake bumps. I think they got there from people locking up thier brakes in turns. Just a theory really.

No big deal. Things change.......sometimes hourly. If you want a bmx track, there's one in truckee. It's real smooth.

I can tell you this though. You learn to ride northstar well and everything outside of mud is complete cake. I've been riding there for a while now and still have never had what I would call a perfect run, on anything. I used to get irritated by that fact. Now I just think about cornering and braking and get better at handling my bike.

Open two weeks so far and at least 5 new features have appeared. It's not that bad.


The Spooninator
Mar 28, 2004
El_Chimichanga said:
The berms and transitions need the most work on ALL the trails at Northstar. The one trail at the top that had berms was weird. They didn't feel quite right and certainly din't transition very easy from one to another. If I was going to make a trail, purpose-build for riding fast flowy berms, I would make sure it was like a good dirt jump rythym section, or like a downhill bike-friendly dual slolam course. Pump-turn-pump-turn etc. No pedaling and all the berms/turns would be about the same size or at least feed you into the next one in a manner that is consistent.

sinuous? thats my favorite:thumb:

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
-BB- said:
Too bad you are going to be in Whistler on the 10th... I mean, it is cool for you and all, but I was looking forward to rippin up N* with you that weekend.
Brian can't make it either, so it will just be Pozer and I.

Is Low-B up there any more? I haven't seen him here (RM).. that's for sure.

Oh... btw, I just got my tickets up to Vancouver!! Doind Whistler on Sept 5-8th. :dancing: :dancing: :drool:
Bryan is still riding there, talked to him last fri & sat on opening weekend. He's supposed to be there this weekend too.
May 3, 2004
Sanna Croooz
kidwoo said:
I know it's been said before but the berm and jump problems have issues for two reasons.

1)A few trail crew guys got the bright idea to start removing rocks from berms last year. What happened is that a rock sticking out 2 inches was taken out to create a hole that was 8 inches deep. Lame for sure. You can't "groom" just by removing rocks.
Uhhh, yeah. That's not a good idea, trying to groom the berms like that is bad overall if they leave big holes. I don't have a problem with braking bumps or rocks in berms. I do have a problem with berms that turn funny or you have to pedal up and out of because they aren't as fluid as they could be. I'm sure with more practice I would have that trail dialed, but it's always more fun when the trail is dialed FOR you. I don't want the trail to literally be super-smooth, but I just want it to throw your weight onto the correct camber upon exiting it!
kidwoo said:
2)Have you ever really watched the way the majority of people ride that place? I can't tell you how many people I've seen land on the backside of a jump and instantly have the brakes locked. This goes for turns, and straight aways, and rock sections, and sitting in the parking lot...... Most people drag half the mountain down with them every run. No big deal, it's just that as dry as that place is, you can't skid and expect the surface to remain the same. Sinuous has brake bumps for chrissakes. So does speed control. Between you and me, I don't think they built them with brake bumps. I think they got there from people locking up thier brakes in turns. Just a theory really.
HA! Actually, I've never seen another person ride because of all the dust. No, seriously, I agree that people drag the mountain with them. It seems that with maintainence to those sensitive areas in particualar, you could keep a good transition in place for most of the season. Maybe a rock or wood tranny with dirt covering it? I dunno.

kidwoo said:
No big deal. Things change.......sometimes hourly. If you want a bmx track, there's one in truckee. It's real smooth.
I'm sure it will be fun on my V10. I'll give it a try right after get my cavity filled sans novacaine and practice scratching my nails on a chalkboard.

kidwoo said:
Open two weeks so far and at least 5 new features have appeared. It's not that bad.
I should have mentioned that I think the place is better than last year. They just seem to be progressing the park slow. We want our fun NOW!


Artisanal Tweet Curator
El_Chimichanga said:
I should have mentioned that I think the place is better than last year. They just seem to be progressing the park slow. We want our fun NOW!
There was a foot of snow around the top of vista only 3-4 weeks ago remember. Come up this weekend and check out the new tabletop berm thing to the right of sinuous. I think it will make you happy. And bring punkass ean with you.

And yeah I do think we should kick down that 3 pack of little bridge drops. What the hell were they thinking? :p