
Macbook VS. PC


i heart mac
Apr 15, 2002
Macs have a much more intuitive interface than windows. And for someone who is new to a computer that can make a tremendous difference in the learning curve. It certainly did for my dumb ass.
For very low functioning user's this isn't true. I swapped someone from a Mac Mini PPC to a Windows tower on the floor and left the Mini on the desk unplugged. They used Firefox, so I set it up with the same on the new machine. It took them 3 months to realize they weren't using the Mac anymore after they couldn't turn it on via the power button on the Mini when I shut it off one day. That was great, hehe....
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Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
I just looked at the "basic" price for a Macbook Pro 15".


It's the same price for a brand new Dell XPS 15" with TWICE the ram, faster i7 proc, bigger drive, Windows 7 Ultimate and MS Office Business installed.

Seriously, both machines do the same stuff. I just don't get it.
What was the question again?
Well, technically it wasn't a question...

By the way, that summer's eve stuff tastes TERRIBLE.
Congrats on your flexibility. Yoga ?