
Macbook VS. PC


Turbo Monkey
Nov 11, 2005
Winston-Salem NC
Ok I've been using a PC my whole life nearly, now with new found insurance money, I plan on switching over to Mac. I've used them before and love them for editing and other things. I just won a copy of Final Cut Studio Pro, from a film competition that I won, so I plan on running it on a mac. Any input from u guys on the new Macbooks, compared to Ibooks and powerbooks? I know they have the intel duo core which I hear is good, any other help isight whatever is appreciated


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
The MacBook has a few small issues, but overall is much better than the G4 I use now. The x86 is a lot faster than the power pc crap, so that is much of the difference.


Danforth Kitchen Whore
Sep 5, 2001
MacBook with dual core is 'da bomb.'

I have an older PowerBook and have no issues, save that it's old and becoming obsolete.

Any issues with new MacBooks should be addressable with the Apple Extended Warranty - for laptops, it's a Must Have.

You have my full-on Envy, ya lucky bastid!

ps. I use Final Cut Express on my PowerBook and, although i have to take a nap when it's doing something important, have no 'crashing complaints'.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 12, 2002
THE Palouse
About a month ago I retired my six year old PowerBook for a brand new MacBook. Not a single issue from my end. This thing is solid, beautiful, and fasssst!


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
i'm quite pleased with my Mac mini Core Duo. :)

software i like (google name + "os x" to find 'em):

iScrobbler (part of www.last.fm)
OSXII for playing Oregon Trail :D
USB Overdrive for my fancypants mouse


site moron
Jul 5, 2006
Vernon, NJ
well the new macbooks macbook pro mac mini and there screen desktop thing have dual core processers and apple has a program that will allow u to install windows on your mac. I have a mac book pro and im running windows rite now because im suposed to be writing a paper. But in about 15 min i will shut down and start up in mac. heh


<b>TOOL PRO</b>
Oct 20, 2005
In the bathroom, fighting a battle
I'm tempted to get a MacBook pro, but my 12" Powerbook is just too nice. I don't like how they eliminated the tiny notebook. However the MBP is a killer laptop, and is far superior to my G4 in everything but size. If you like bigger laptops it's perfect tho.

I just picked up FinalCaut, anybody know of a good book to learn the basics from?
Aug 11, 2005
Wenatchee, WA
no contest!!!! macs macs macs.
I think I have every video editing software out, and design software. Macs kick ass. I have an imac and a 12" ibook. Steve jobs has a posse.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 11, 2005
Winston-Salem NC
damn thanks for the overwhelming support, I think I'll go with the exteneded warranty then I guess. I'm so happy I got to go to this film competition to get a free 1300+ copy of Final Cut Studio Pro is simply amazing.

Me being only 17 and getting both that and the luck for lighting to strike my house and fry and old dell latitude (that I got for free ne ways) and for the insurance company to give me 1250$ twards a new laptop has pretty much made my day and put me off to an even better start to further my film making


<b>TOOL PRO</b>
Oct 20, 2005
In the bathroom, fighting a battle
Is there a reason you want a laptop? The iMacs will be more powerfull dollar for dollar. If you don't need the mobility of a laptop I'd skip it, and go for a larger monitor, and more power. I have my tiny Powerbook for travel, but nothing beats the speed of my G5 and the huge monitors, especially for editing.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 11, 2005
Winston-Salem NC
maxyedor said:
Is there a reason you want a laptop? The iMacs will be more powerfull dollar for dollar. If you don't need the mobility of a laptop I'd skip it, and go for a larger monitor, and more power. I have my tiny Powerbook for travel, but nothing beats the speed of my G5 and the huge monitors, especially for editing.
price, going away to college idk I can accomplish just as much with a laptop and its more convient for a small apartment and class's I may eventually get another monitor though for editing


Sep 17, 2001
LI, New York
the new macbooks are great. i am on one right now. i have an imac too. bottom line macs are the best cpu's around. they have the best operating system and with the intel core duo they are really fast. plus its great cause if you have to run a windows application with the new macs you can actually run windows xp right on your computer without using virtual pc.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 3, 2005
maxyedor said:
Is there a reason you want a laptop? The iMacs will be more powerfull dollar for dollar. If you don't need the mobility of a laptop I'd skip it, and go for a larger monitor, and more power. I have my tiny Powerbook for travel, but nothing beats the speed of my G5 and the huge monitors, especially for editing.
I'd say the MBP actually has more power than the iMac. The MBP is more expensive but if you have the money it has more power.

Also blue:

Apple will never release OSX to run on the PC. Doing that would be suicide. The whole reason people buy macs is to run OSX (or to run their nice hardware) but mainly to run OSX. If they released OSX for PC's then their hardware sales would go down the drain.


<b>TOOL PRO</b>
Oct 20, 2005
In the bathroom, fighting a battle
bballe336 said:
I'd say the MBP actually has more power than the iMac. The MBP is more expensive but if you have the money it has more power.
You're right, I guess I learn something new every day.:clue: I thought they had the smae proccessors, but I stand corrected.

Untittledsince89, as long as you have a legit reason for a laptop they are great, but a lot of people seem to buy them more as a fasion statement, and if cash is tight you gotta go function over form. The second monitor is really handy though.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 3, 2005
maxyedor said:
You're right, I guess I learn something new every day.:clue: I thought they had the smae proccessors, but I stand corrected.

Untittledsince89, as long as you have a legit reason for a laptop they are great, but a lot of people seem to buy them more as a fasion statement, and if cash is tight you gotta go function over form. The second monitor is really handy though.
Well you could get a standard macbook instead of the pro. That way you could pick up a monitor, keyboard and mouse to use when at home and still stay around the same price as an iMac. Althought you wouldn't have the graphic power of the pro or iMac but it is a good way to have a very versatile set up. If you plan to do a lot of editing (which it seems like you do) then the 17 inch MBP is a worthwhile investment.

Chunky Munkey

May 10, 2006
is ALWAYS key I say...
To all those using macs, your intelligence shows. To all those considering buying one, GENIUS! PURE GENIUS! To all those who don't, GET ONE! You'll understand later.

APPLE is coming back! THE ENEMY Bill Gates BEWARE!


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Chunky Munkey said:
To all those using macs, your intelligence shows. To all those considering buying one, GENIUS! PURE GENIUS! To all those who don't, GET ONE! You'll understand later.

APPLE is coming back! THE ENEMY Bill Gates BEWARE!
Apple hardware has been tops since day one, but it wasn't until they used Linux to run it that it made a real difference. With the addition of a fully supported CPU, it can't beat beat.

My 17" Powerbook is HUGE, but so worth it!!! Finding a bag it fit in was the only issue I've had.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 12, 2002
THE Palouse
seanmankiw said:
well the new macbooks macbook pro mac mini and there screen desktop thing have dual core processers and apple has a program that will allow u to install windows on your mac. I have a mac book pro and im running windows rite now because im suposed to be writing a paper. But in about 15 min i will shut down and start up in mac. heh
I'd say Apple needs to work on their grammar check utility, but that would be mean.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 11, 2005
Winston-Salem NC
bballe336 said:
Well you could get a standard macbook instead of the pro. That way you could pick up a monitor, keyboard and mouse to use when at home and still stay around the same price as an iMac. Althought you wouldn't have the graphic power of the pro or iMac but it is a good way to have a very versatile set up. If you plan to do a lot of editing (which it seems like you do) then the 17 inch MBP is a worthwhile investment.
Something got lost, I am getting the Macbook (not pro), the White 2.0 ghz, with the 80gb HD upgrade, but I am USing Final Cut Studio Pro,

also if u check the apple site, the black macbook, with the only difference being that it's black, and 20gb more HD space it costs 200 more, compared that u can just upgrade to the 80gb HD for 50 more, hmmmm 150 more just black I think not (even though they look so damn good)


Turbo Monkey
Mar 3, 2005
untitledsince89 said:
Something got lost, I am getting the Macbook (not pro), the White 2.0 ghz, with the 80gb HD upgrade, but I am USing Final Cut Studio Pro,

also if u check the apple site, the black macbook, with the only difference being that it's black, and 20gb more HD space it costs 200 more, compared that u can just upgrade to the 80gb HD for 50 more, hmmmm 150 more just black I think not (even though they look so damn good)
If I am thinking correctly the standard macbooks have some form of intel integrated graphics. So they suck memory out of your ram and use it for graphics. And that wouldn't be nearly powerful enough to run final cut. I mean final cut starts slow down my system under heavy usage (dual 1.6 g4's with ati radeon 9800 and 2 gigs of ram) so if you don't have a fast graphics card you really should forget about using final cut. And the standard macbook doesn't have the graphics power to make it work.


Danforth Kitchen Whore
Sep 5, 2001
blue said:
When will Apple cave and make it "legal" to run OSX on a PC *cough* "mac" *cough*?
...when they decide to stop being a hardware vendor.

Apple Computers, Inc.

Not Apple Software, Inc.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 11, 2005
Winston-Salem NC
bballe336 said:
If I am thinking correctly the standard macbooks have some form of intel integrated graphics. So they suck memory out of your ram and use it for graphics. And that wouldn't be nearly powerful enough to run final cut. I mean final cut starts slow down my system under heavy usage (dual 1.6 g4's with ati radeon 9800 and 2 gigs of ram) so if you don't have a fast graphics card you really should forget about using final cut. And the standard macbook doesn't have the graphics power to make it work.
can anyone verify this and give any more insight kthanks


Turbo Monkey
Mar 3, 2005
Toshi said:
i have the mac mini core duo as explained earlier. it has the integrated intel GMA graphics. it doesn't suck, and i do plenty of photoshop work.

final cut express hd will run on the macbook or mac mini just fine: http://www.apple.com/finalcutexpress/specs.html
I'm fairly sure the intel GMA graphics max out at 64mb of memory. And when I push my computer it freezes up in final cut. I have a much more powerful graphics card than the integrated intel one. I have played around in final cut on a MBP and it ran very well. But if you plan to do a lot of editing the standard macbook will be sluggish.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 5, 2005
Chandler, AZ, USA
I'm in the same boat. I've been IBM PC since it was invented, but seriously looking at Mac, and the dual core macbook in particular since they started layering it on Unix. That dual core mini mac also looks like a sweet general purpose home PC.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 11, 2005
Winston-Salem NC
thats what I thought, idk for some reason running the studio Pro version of FC would make it have some problem, the whole package is FC Pro, Soundtrack pro, motion and another DVD producing software, I know that Soundtrack has a load of samples included so idk if that would be any issue at all. I doubt it would but idk


Danforth Kitchen Whore
Sep 5, 2001
untitledsince89 said:
also just found out that if I load the full, package of Final cut studio pro, with all the software it takes up 40gb of HD space, damnnnn thats a load, half of my drive:0

http://www.apple.com/finalcutstudio/ I got alllll of this for FREE

it makes me wonder if I'll be doing it justice putting it on just a macbook hmmm
wish I had some more cash
Listen, you lucky son of a biyatch, rubbing it in is hardly necessary.

That being said, I've found that a lot of 'compiling' of processes on ANY computer rely more on processor, ram and bus speed. Not so much on the graphics array.

Now, that doesn't mean that real-time-modelling in Final Cut Anything won't lag - I'm probably not using the right terminology - but generally it's the 3D stuff that demands the most from the grafx card (in this case, shared ram via the bus.)

Also, you will need to get an external hard drive as soon as possible. Just downloading from a decent camera will likely take about 60-100 Gb's of storage.

I think your MacBook has Firewire 400 and 800 - while USB 2.0/1 is rated at 480 throughput - it handles data packets better than video streaming - so go with maybe a firewire/usb combo drive.

<muttering to himself...lucky, lucky...lucky...b#$#@Asd...mumble...>


Turbo Monkey
Nov 11, 2005
Winston-Salem NC
^^ awesome thanks so much for the help, yes I definetly planned on buyying any external HD for storring all my video files, and with the firewire the transfer rate is pretty fast, the only thing is don't I have to get a hd formatted for a mac? I was planning on like a 150gb HD for storring all my incoming video files, and then save my audio files, directly to the hd so i can always acces them.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 3, 2005
untitledsince89 said:
^^ awesome thanks so much for the help, yes I definetly planned on buyying any external HD for storring all my video files, and with the firewire the transfer rate is pretty fast, the only thing is don't I have to get a hd formatted for a mac? I was planning on like a 150gb HD for storring all my incoming video files, and then save my audio files, directly to the hd so i can always acces them.
All the drives are the same. You can use the disk utility on the mac to format and partition your drive if needed.

Also you're gonna want at least a 250 external drive. I run dual 250 internal drives and have almost filled both with random images and videos that I have edited (and plenty of other random crap that I don't need (all kinds of ripped DVD's)). It sounds like you really know what you are doing with editing and you'll probably be handling big files. I don't know if you are going to be handling HD files or not but they take up a lot of space so a big hard drive is a must.