
Kidwoo's Everywhere in the US Test Driver Audition Thread


Artisanal Tweet Curator
Can you angle grind away the snow?
on the menu with the truck

What's the story with Chevy plow packages, aren't they usually just a heavier front spring-rate and a wire-harness? Seems easy enough to add to any truck, and would open up the field to non New England trucks, potentially even rust free ones.
It's an entirely different front end. Kind of a pain in the ass to replicate (IE expensive). Different rollbar/shocks/gross weight rating. And yes wiring.

Not out of the question just trying to keep it simple.


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
Not close to chatham, but let me know if you need a dude in the boston/metrowest area.

The cape sucks because of the ocean salt. I looked at a 62 bronco some years back and it was barely hanging on. The rest of MA isn't so bad, but down there you're gonna get it. I haven't seen as much rust on NE cars as I did in upstate NY. That was bad... They salt out here but we don't get as much snow. Other places get snow constantly so their cars get hammered.


Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004

Bellingham would be an easy trip...

This would be a longer trip, is this the kind of rig your after?

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Artisanal Tweet Curator

Bellingham would be an easy trip...

This would be a longer trip, is this the kind of rig your after?

Yes and mostly yes.

You live in the ham?


Artisanal Tweet Curator
I've got some friends up there I could lean on for a test drive. Comparable trucks are are like 8-10k more.

That plow truck with the flatbed would probably be mine right now if it were in this hemisphere. A beat down work truck but the flatbed and plow are good. Thanks yo


Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004

Heres a cheap one!

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