
How Safe Do You Feel?


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
So how safe do you feel as far as personal security?

I have a friend who lives in a very similar neighborhood as mine. No history of any breakins theft or violence. They Lock every door and window in the house at all times, even when they are home, even when they go outside to check the mail. Another friend keeps a loaded shotgun underneath the bed in case someone breaks in at night.

I lock the doors when not at home but feel it is just a joke. If anyone wants to get in they are a broken window away, not to mention any grown man over 150 lbs can kick most doors in. The only security feature I have is 150 lbs worth of dogs.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
We've had kids rifle through our glove box when we left a car unlocked one night. They swiped a mini mag lite. :shock:

For the most part I feel my family and I are safe. That's why we moved out of Oakland.


skin cooker for the hive
Dec 6, 2001
Witness relocation housing
We live in the stix and feel pretty safe from people..... but, one of our neighbors does have a brood of pitbulls and its made me want to become a gun owner for the next time the f#$kers are running on my property. We have 2 kids and dont feel safe to let the 3 year old run around on his own. There havent been any incidents recently, but you can never be sure when they may be out on the prowl.

We lock the doors and windows out of habit from when we lived in portland. Our cars were glove box rummaged here a while back. I think they were looking for a garage door opener... there were things worth stealing in the car... CD's, CD walkman, Ect.. but they didnt take anything. So now we lock our cars too....


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
Dogs are a great deterrent. A good door lock on you sleeping rooms is good too, and a cel phone in the bedroom is a good idea. Lock the door and call 911 on the cell. Dont be a hero, your insurance will pay for the new t.v (See the wide screen thread for some buying tips!). If you get broken into, lock down and dial 911. Its not worth your life to protect a t.v and computer...

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
When I lived in NH with my family, I did not own a house key. The only time we locked our doors was when we went on vacation. I felt pretty safe there, we hadn't had a crime in the area in forever.

Down here I lock my doors and my car, but I still feel pretty safe. We live in a good area of town, and when we move into our house, we will be in a fairly safe little subdivision... I never really feel threatened here.


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
I live in a very good neighborhood across from a school. I've done stupid things like left my garage door open or left a bike in my yard for a couple hours after washing it, and so far never had a problem. My neighbor is on disability so there's always someone around which helps. But I should probably be more careful.


Future Turbo Monkey
Jun 1, 2004
Ballard 4 life.
I left my car unlocked one night, only to find a cigarette butt, and other crap that wasn't in it at night, in it in the morning, but nothing was taken. That said, feel completely safe. Paranoia is one of the biggest problems in America, IMHO. I generally lock my doors when I'm gone and at night, but that's only because there is a lot of money sitting right in our living room (XBox 360, GameCube, etc). When I first moved to Seattle, I had a roommate that was completely paranoid and always locked the doors, even when we were home, while my other roommate and I would sometimes leave it unlocked when we were gone (this is in a school owned apt. building). The chances of me dying early from a reason that is my own fault or inevitable (driving, heart attack, lung cancer, etc...) are so much greater than any kind of terrorist attack or shooting, so why worry?


Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
i feel pretty safe at home.
my 10 years old toy poodle protects me!!!!!!!!

plus, i´ve got an electric fence, infrared trapwires and motion sensors everywhere, silent alarm hooked to the police station, 24 hour monitoring, a security guard 24/7 at the door, and the wackenhut guys doing rounds around da hood:p

we even leave the doors and sliding windows inside the house open.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
I feel safe for the most part. The city I live in is pretty dangerous. For a while it was the murder capital of the northeast. Were getting better though. I live in a pretty urban situation now and I feel safe.

I think most assholes leave me and my property alone. We get random **** but nothing serious. I am lucky. I do however make my presence known. Most people think I am a lunatic and are afraid of me.


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
There are alot of decisions that can be made to lower the chances of something bad happening to you. i just chalk up bad experiences as learning experiences. But no i'm not packin, it's not necessary. Use fear to be smart, but life is too short to dwell on it or let it consume you.


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
but, one of our neighbors does have a brood of pitbulls and its made me want to become a gun owner for the next time the f#$kers are running on my property.
i hope your neighbors don't feel the same way about you when the full moon hits and you "wolf" out!



The Spooninator
Mar 28, 2004
I feel way safe at my current residence. My new apartment I will keep everything locked up tight just because I don't want anyone to have the opportunity to rummage through my **** ( Bike/DSLR/Computer equip.) My truck stays locked all the time though.


Sep 20, 2004
In My '09 WRX STI
I feel pretty safe. My wife thinks I'm paranoid because I keep the doors locked and I double check them. Must be the job.

Then again......a buddy of mine that works at another division got pipe bombed over the summer. Right through his bedroom window while he was sleeping.


The Spooninator
Mar 28, 2004
I feel pretty safe. My wife thinks I'm paranoid because I keep the doors locked and I double check them. Must be the job.

Then again......a buddy of mine that works at another division got pipe bombed over the summer. Right through his bedroom window while he was sleeping.
Whoa, You are friends with that guy?

I heard about that on the news up here.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 19, 2001
Kenmore, WA
Doors locked. Alarm on house. No garage door opener in the car that's parked outside. Paranoid? I guess, a little. Guess that happens when you live in a not so desireable area or in the city for years. At least I don't have helicopters flying around my house with their spot lights on anymore,..... or well, often.


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
We live in the sticks and on a cul-de-sac in a really nice neighborhood. We feel quite safe and don't necessarily lock every door on our house. We often have left the sliding glass door unlocked. We don't lock up our shed either (generator, etc.) but have never had a problem. Our cars are in the garage and the one outside we don't lock. If we go away for a weekend or longer, we try to make sure it's locked up.


i heart mac
Apr 15, 2002
Locks only really prevent casual theft and invasion. Any thief with no lock picking experience can bump your locks open in less than a minute with a cheap key set you can buy on eBay (or from a locksmith).

That being said, I lock my stuff to prevent theft but rarely if ever feel unsafe.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
So how safe do you feel as far as personal security?

I have a friend who lives in a very similar neighborhood as mine. No history of any breakins theft or violence. They Lock every door and window in the house at all times, even when they are home, even when they go outside to check the mail. Another friend keeps a loaded shotgun underneath the bed in case someone breaks in at night.

I lock the doors when not at home but feel it is just a joke. If anyone wants to get in they are a broken window away, not to mention any grown man over 150 lbs can kick most doors in. The only security feature I have is 150 lbs worth of dogs.
We never lock our doors and leave the keys in the ignition of our cars.


beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR
Pretty safe. My wife did have her car broken into in our driveway a couple months ago, so we lock the cars at night now and leave the back porch/garage flood light on at night. We lock the house doors when we go to bed at night, but we leave the backdoor is unlocked during the day for the most part.

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
My only security concern is having the roaming neighborhood dog **** in my yard.

Speaking of dogs, I hear them barking around the neighborhood all the time. Everyone brings their dogs in at night though, so I don't mind the daytime barking that much.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Speaking of dogs, I hear them barking around the neighborhood all the time. Everyone brings their dogs in at night though, so I don't mind the daytime barking that much.
Yeah - during the day isn't that big of a deal. But every neighbor in our old 'hood seemed to feel the need to let their barking dogs out between 4:30 and 5:30 in the morning. :rant:


Nam I am
I feel Quite Safe where we live , We never lock the cars when we are home. I have accidently left the garage door open all night on more than one occosion and and never had any problems. We do lock the house when we are not there, butthat is a joke , several time My wife or kids have locked them self out , and it takes them all of 10 minutes to break in.

what is funny is my sister lives a couple miles from me, in a good neighborhood , and they have a dog and have ADT security triple Deadbolts on the doors ( that Auto Lock) , it was funny when they locked them solvs out of there house once it took over 4 hours for them to get back in to it ( and it cost them Like $300 for the lock smith )


Oct 21, 2006
The land of Bio-diesel
We had some cars broken into right after we moved into the neighborhood (there weren't that many houses built at that time).

Nothing since but a guy from our neighborhood was out running and was shot at by some gangsta wannabes. We live in a rural area near a fairly large city. Now, I always watch my back when riding the local roads or running.TC