

sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
maybe they should have called animal control ....
What? Were they hiding around the corner? A dog jumps at you and you are going to call animal control? What, with the hand not mauled?


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
What? Were they hiding around the corner? A dog jumps at you and you are going to call animal control? What, with the hand not mauled?
you know....maybe one of them could have pulled their head out of their ass...say the guy who shot the dog....and said "before we cuff you for no fvcking reason we're going to have animal control come down and take your dog...leaving it in a car isn't safe...and a friend/relative can come pick it up while we're fvcking you over...alright ?"


A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch
I have no love for cops. But the owner put the dog in harms way. He was "asking" to be arrested. If you're out on a mission like that, (antagonizing cops....right or wrong), leave the dog at home. What was his plan, after he put the dog in the car? He left the windows open. One assumes he can predict what his dog will do.

It was a ****ty thing that happened, but the owner is to blame for putting his dog in the middle of it


i heart mac
Apr 15, 2002
I have no love for cops. But the owner put the dog in harms way. He was "asking" to be arrested. If you're out on a mission like that, (antagonizing cops....right or wrong), leave the dog at home. What was his plan, after he put the dog in the car? He left the windows open. One assumes he can predict what his dog will do.
An arrest doesn't take a few minutes (only 5 minutes to 100F in this test). The arrest happened in Sunday afternoon in California, not the Great White North :clue: Cracking the windows doesn't cut it.

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A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch
An arrest doesn't take a few minutes (only 5 minutes to 100F in this test). The arrest happened in Sunday afternoon in California, not the Great White North :clue: Cracking the windows doesn't cut it.

That is kind of my point. What did he think was going to happen to the dog while he was being arrested?

I'm not siding with the cops here. I'm just saying EVERYONE in this event was a fiucking moron. The dog owner cannot claim to be any sort of victim


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
you know....maybe one of them could have pulled their head out of their ass...say the guy who shot the dog....and said "before we cuff you for no fvcking reason we're going to have animal control come down and take your dog...leaving it in a car isn't safe...and a friend/relative can come pick it up while we're fvcking you over...alright ?"
Sounds nice in fantasy land, but you can't operate like that. What, wait around 3hrs every time they want to arrest someone for animal control to come around? Not to mention the guy left the window open, so it can jump out at any ole time it chooses. Approach the car? Hell no, you don't put yourself in danger. Maybe the cops handled the situation wrong in terms of approaching and arresting the guy, I don't know (if his stereo was blasting, no sympathy), but the cop the shot the dog was absolutely correct at that point and it's not the job of the cops to ensure the owners are locking their pets up correctly when they are and are not around.
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Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
the cop the shot the dog was absolutely correct at that point and it's not the job of the cops to ensure the owners are locking their pets up correctly when they are and are not around.
if true, then this should be the advertised & encouraged policy of the dept: "neutralize all [perceived to be] threatening animals on the scene, then handle the investigation, which may or may not include an arrest"

if i've mischaracterized your position, please take the opportunity to clarify


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
if true, then this should be the advertised & encouraged policy of the dept: "neutralize all [perceived to be] threatening animals on the scene, then handle the investigation, which may or may not include an arrest"

if i've mischaracterized your position, please take the opportunity to clarify
Absolutely, but a "threatening" animal is not locked up in a car, in a house where there's no warrant, is not a Chihuahua, is not on a chain out of reach. The cops neutralize all threatening animals around here (bears, wolves, etc) first.
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Sep 13, 2006
Pittsburgh, PA
I have no love for cops. But the owner put the dog in harms way. He was "asking" to be arrested. If you're out on a mission like that, (antagonizing cops....right or wrong), leave the dog at home. What was his plan, after he put the dog in the car? He left the windows open. One assumes he can predict what his dog will do.

It was a ****ty thing that happened, but the owner is to blame for putting his dog in the middle of it
I agree with this 100%.

The main issue was not the dog owner filming the police, but having his car stereo playing at a loud volume. If he had not left it on, or turned it down when asked, there probably wouldn't have been any issue. I have trouble sympathizing with anyone who goes out of their way to create a problem and then plays the victim when something bad happens.


Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
^^^^^^You can be arrested for Obstruction of Justice for playing your radio too loud? First time I've ever heard that one...

The cops weren't trained to handle a situation in which they were confronted by an animal that is historically very protective of their owner. Either that, or they had some type of "shoot first, apologize later" training. Regardless, it will be very, very interesting to see what happens from the lawsuit...

And for the people on here saying "he put the dog into a car with the windows down, what did he expect was going to happen", shouldn't the cops have figured that out as well? Shouldn't one of them have said "look, we're going to take you downtown, we need you to call someone to come and take care of your dog for you"? It's what they're trained to do with children, so why isn't there the same training for large, possibly aggressive dogs?

My guess after the multi-million-dollar payout, there certainly will be...


Sep 13, 2006
Pittsburgh, PA
^^^^^^You can be arrested for Obstruction of Justice for playing your radio too loud? First time I've ever heard that one...
No, I'm not saying he should have been arrested at all. I'm saying if he hadn't been playing the radio loudly, then there likely wouldn't have been a problem that caused him to get involved with the police in the first place. I do agree the officers certainly over-reacted here without thinking ahead, but this situation is not entirely their fault.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.

In other words, if the DEA wants to stick it to medical marijuana users because they’re flouting federal law, they can. If Steven Seagal wants to drive a tank into a man’s living room to demonstrate his love of animals, he can. If the Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPSC) wants to send a SWAT team to a physicist’s house to show that it’s cracking down on illegal bottle rockets, it can. At worst, the DEA, the CPSC, and Steven Seagal will be chastised by a judge after the fact, though that seldom happens. Even on the rare occasions when someone actually gets into court and wins an excessive-force lawsuit stemming from a raid, the damages are usually borne by taxpayers, not by the cops who used excessive force. In some cases, community outrage and bad press have persuaded police agencies to change a policy here or there regarding the deployment of their SWAT teams. But if they want to reneg and go back to breaking down the doors of people suspected of stealing decorative fish, there’s very little to stop them.
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filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
wrong. on every point
Oh, okay. I see your clearly stated and well thought out argument. My 20 years of experience in law enforcement have clearly been wasted and I have learned nothing along the way. With just 4 words you have invalidated everything I have ever believed in and stood for. I am scum, you are the superior being.

I kid. You are a tool. Try again, and read for comprehension this time.


I'm Mr. Negative! I Fail!
Aug 2, 2008
Im over here now
blah blah blah
oh, so because youve been a pig for 20 years that means you know it all right?i hope you arent on the streets anymore since im sure there were plenty of people's rights you violated. funny, other people call you out and you single me out. pig

however, they were in the course of an investigation of an armed robbery. Personally, I would stay as far away as possible at such a time, and would certainly not bring my oversized, owner protective dog out to distract the Cops from doing their job when a possibly armed and dangerous felon is lurking about.
i forgot, your opinion makes it a law

His prescence, the dog getting loose, and his intereference with Police procedure directly led to his dog getting shot. Had he been responsible and controlled his dog, stayed back and taken the video, none of this would have happened. He distracted the Cops from their assigned task and possibly caused the escape of a felon who could then continue to victimize and abuse the residents of his neighborhood.
his "presence" isnt illegal and his dog would have gotten out if the cops didnt try and throw him in cuffs. if the cops are that easily distracted, then maybe im sure Walmart's loss prevention team wont hire them when they are fired

This guy has a history of recording Cops and alledging harassment, sounds like he was looking for a payout to me, and now he may get one.
again, he did nothing illegal according to the law, only your "law"

one of JohnE's friend no doubt
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Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
Video of another angle

It clearly shows the dog owner was trolling the cops, purposely antagonizing them. And the dog lunged at the cop who shot him. To me it looks like the guy was in the wrong from the get go. His actions may have been legal, but they were far removed from anything resembling common sense. Police tend to be a little edgy when dealing with armed suspects and I don't have any sympathy for someone who purposely provokes them while they are trying to protect the public.

I'm not defending the the cop who shot the dog, but wtf do you expect him to do in that situation ? If a dog charged at you and you were armed, would you not shoot ?


Not all cops are "pigs", some are really good people sworn to protect the public. It depends on where you live I guess. Cops here are friendly and helpful. Some of them I am on a first name basis with. When I lived in Asheville, every single one of them was an unfriendly asshole who treated the public like we are all criminals.
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i heart mac
Apr 15, 2002
The dog would not have attacked if the owner was not illegally arrested - he was obviously cooperating if he put his dog away in the car prior to the arrest. Also the dog was not shot once, he was shot four times.
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Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
The dog would not have attacked if the owner was not illegally arrested - he was obviously cooperating if he put his dog away in the car prior to the arrest. Also the dog was not shot once, he was shot four times.
So the dog would not have attacked if the owner was "legally" arrested ? Legal schmegal, the guy was acting like an irresponsible dumb-ass and his poor pooched paid the price.

I guess I have a different perspective on po-po since I work in the hood...
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i heart mac
Apr 15, 2002
So the dog would not have attacked if the owner was "legally" arrested ? Legal schmegal, the guy was acting like an irresponsible dumb-ass and his poor pooched paid the price.

I guess I have a different perspective on po-po since I work in the hood...
If he wasn't arrested, there would have never been an attack. That is the reality of this situation. As your article states, the lawyers state the alternative view does not necessarily exonerate the police in this incident.

We do not live in a police state, just because police break the law in the hood (such has they have in NYC), doesn't make that protocol correct. NYPD is being forced to revise their stop and frisk policies there too because they are not legal either.

Similarly in a court case even if a suspect is guilty of crime if the evidence was obtained illegally, rightly so, its not permissible and may result in a case being thrown out.

Law enforcement is supposed to uphold the law, not make up their own.
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Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
The dog would not have attacked if the owner was not illegally arrested - he was obviously cooperating if he put his dog away in the car prior to the arrest. Also the dog was not shot once, he was shot four times.
not sure the dog has a mercury switch that closes when an arrest is unlawful, but i've been wrong about lesser things.

and if you're going to shoot, i'm pretty sure it's consistent with one's training to fire more than one. who knows? maybe they have a simulator where they're indiana jones in a market place.

ok, this is far as i can go in defending the cop's actions as a result of dept policies


i heart mac
Apr 15, 2002
King of the obtuse - the point is the owner should not have been arrested, not that dog knows the constitution.


I'm Mr. Negative! I Fail!
Aug 2, 2008
Im over here now
Not all cops are "pigs", some are really good people sworn to protect the public
but they are under no obligation to actually help you according to SCOTUS

I guess I have a different perspective on po-po since I work in the hood...
you work in the hood and you dont think cops are pigs? where is this hood you speak of? beverly hills?
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filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
oh, so because youve been a pig for 20 years that means you know it all right?i hope you arent on the streets anymore since im sure there were plenty of people's rights you violated. funny, other people call you out and you single me out. pig

one of JohnE's friend no doubt
You dont know me, you dont know what I have and havent done. You judging me without knowing me and my background is unfair to both of us. Others call out to engender discussion, while you do it to incite argument.

There are things that Cops do to ensure the safety of the masses that are taken personally by some shortsighted individuals who have no LE experience and only see one side of the situation from a very specific angle.

You certainly are Mr Negative, and yeah, you fail.


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
If he wasn't arrested, there would have never been an attack. That is the reality of this situation. As your article states, the lawyers state the alternative view does not necessarily exonerate the police in this incident.

We do not live in a police state, just because police break the law in the hood (such has they have in NYC), doesn't make that protocol correct. NYPD is being forced to revise their stop and frisk policies there too because they are not legal either.

Similarly in a court case even if a suspect is guilty of crime if the evidence was obtained illegally, rightly so, its not permissible and may result in a case being thrown out.

Law enforcement is supposed to uphold the law, not make up their own.
If he hadnt been bothering the Cops he wouldnt have been arrested...you can go round and round like this all day and get nowhere.

Bottom line is that the Cops were after an armed and probably dangerous felon. He was distracting them from doing their sworn duty. He got arrrested. He failed to properly secure his very large dog, which then escaped and went to protect his owner. I know some of you would have rather seen a Cop or small child get chewed up by said dog, but the Cops acted in the interest of their and the publics safety and killed the dog.

Those of you with reasoning and reading skills can go back in this thread and others to see that I am often a HUGE critic of police and their often idiotic actions... but on this one I have to stand with the Cops. They acted, as they often do, to clean up anothers mess before innocents were hurt. The chain of bad decisions started with the dog owner, and ended when he forced them to kill the dog because he failed to properly secure it in the car. An unfortunate situation for sure...moreso for the dog.


I'm Mr. Negative! I Fail!
Aug 2, 2008
Im over here now
Others call out to engender discussion, while you do it to incite argument.
if i wanted an argument i would have called you a pig from the get go

There are things that Cops do to ensure the safety of the masses that are taken personally by some shortsighted individuals who have no LE experience and only see one side of the situation from a very specific angle.
you mean violate people's rights? thanks for proving my point


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
Uhh, you started calling me names relatively early, refernce post 266. BTW, do you think that calling me names hurts my feelings somehow?

And as far as proving your point, what is your point? Other then you hate Cops...who you probably owe far more too than you will ever realize, and certainly will never admit. Why do you hate a cadre of men and women sworn to protect you and preserve your safety based on the negative actions of a relative few? Do you hate lawyers because some take advantage of their clients? Doctors because some lose patients? Teachers because some are simply punching a clock and dont care?

I think you are a fairlry small person who really needs a dose of perspective. I pity you. But you are no one to me.


I'm Mr. Negative! I Fail!
Aug 2, 2008
Im over here now
Uhh, you started calling me names relatively early, refernce post 266. BTW, do you think that calling me names hurts my feelings somehow?
i believe the name calling started with you chief. unless 261 actually comes after 266 in your make believe world. if you cant take the heat, get out of the kitchen.

Why do you hate a cadre of men and women sworn to protect you and preserve your safety based on the negative actions of a relative few?
you should read the ruling by the supreme court about that stupid comment. my personal safety is my responsibility despite you raising your hand on some book.
I think you are a fairlry small person who really needs a dose of perspective. I pity you. But you are no one to me.dont worry, i never thought anything of you. pig


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
I stand corrected, I indeed lobbed the first name in this juvenile contest, please forgive my shoddy memory...I certainly did mean to offend. Did I hurt your feelings causing you to reply in kind, Tool?

And if your personal safety is indeed your responsibility, and you hold that obligation sacred, then why would it bother you what the police do if you are such a stud that you dont need them around? Who you going to run crying to next time your feelings get hurt or your woobie gets taken on the playground? Mommy or Daddy?

I find it hard to believe that the SCOTUS ruled specifically on some stupid comment of mine, must be a slow day in Washington.

I hope the next time you are having a hard time at your job, someone who knows nothing of your daily struggle and the hardships you face at your workplace comes along and critiques everything you do because they know better then you how to do your job...and lumps you in with all of the bad (Insert your job here...) in the world.

You remain an anonymous internet entity, and I hope that I remain the same to you. Good day. Tool.