

Nov 14, 2007
Maryland, east coast.
I noticed my single pivot rear had a full half inch to drop down further when I took the shock off to run a brake line. I take it that half inch at the shock means if I got a longer shock eye to eye by a half inch, that translates to longer rear wheel travel by possibly a full inch more?


Chelsea from Seattle
Apr 28, 2007
Sure. It'll also make your bike retardedly steep, with a monster high BB.


Nov 14, 2007
Maryland, east coast.
Sure. It'll also make your bike retardedly steep, with a monster high BB.
Not sure what you mean by steep. A lot of people say don't mess with a bikes original geometry, but a lot of guys put on a longer fork and don't seem to have a prob. I put a 1 inch longer fork on so it's now sitting up 1 inch higher in the front. Currently I have a Fox DHX 4.0 OEM on it, it's 2.80 x 450lbs w/8.5 inch eye to eye. If I put lets say a Fox DHX 5.0 3.25 x 500lbs, 9 inch eye to eye, would that not set my bike back to the original factory level angle?

I actually have 9.25 inches of room but if I could get on extra inch of travel on the rear axle, I'd be cool with it.

As to bb clearance, I like the higher clearance my fork got me, so I would like high clearance. Would that not be a benefit?
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Nov 14, 2007
Maryland, east coast.
higher BB=higher COG=monster truck handling
So raising the bike by one inch in front and rear that it was designed would make that much of a difference?

I went from a 5 inch XC bike to a 7 inch DH/FR bike that I only added an 8 inch fork to and to be quite frank with you, it handles like a limo because it's a longer wheelbase. It handles nice actually.

demo 9

Turbo Monkey
Jan 31, 2007
north jersey
So raising the bike by one inch in front and rear that it was designed would make that much of a difference?

I went from a 5 inch XC bike to a 7 inch DH/FR bike that I only added an 8 inch fork to and to be quite frank with you, it handles like a limo because it's a longer wheelbase. It handles nice actually.
the longer fork may raise the BB slightly, but... more importantly, it slacks out your HA (good) and gives you a longer WB (also good) What you would be doing is keeping the stock geo (not a bad thing) but you would raise your BB (bad) most modern new bikes are dropping the BB by the year, i do NOT recommend you do it, it might work, maybe you wont like it, but an inch in the BB is alot. Keep in mind an inch separates most sizes on the TT of bikes.

Its your bike and your call, but essentially your throwing your handling away.

Most "modern" DH bikes rock 64 or slacker (really like 63 and slacker) with 13.5 or less BB heights. Thats not to say that the 65 14" they sold 2-3 years ago is unrideable, but the designs are changing for the better, you dont race an autocross with a lifted car, you LOWER it.


Nov 14, 2007
Maryland, east coast.
I don't race. Just ride for fun.

My bike is a 17.5 frame but it's a DH/FR so it's pretty big. Came as a seven inch bike front and rear travel. I bought an 8 inch fork day one. Currently with the 8 inch fork I bought, my bike sits at 13.5 inch BB with a 45 inch front to rear axle distance.

What did you mean by 64 or slacker and TT? Don't know those short cuts? Head angle?
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demo 9

Turbo Monkey
Jan 31, 2007
north jersey
I don't race. Just ride for fun.

My bike is a 17.5 frame but it's a DH/FR so it's pretty big. Came as a seven inch bike front and rear travel. I bought an 8 inch fork day one. Currently with the 8 inch fork I bought, my bike sits at 13.5 inch BB with a 45 inch front to rear axle distance.

What did you mean by 64 or slacker and TT? Don't know those short cuts? Head angle?
64 is your HeadAngle (ranges from like 68-60) Top Tube=TT


makes avatars better
Dec 25, 2003
Six Shooter Junction
Currently I have a Fox DHX 4.0 OEM on it, it's 2.80 x 450lbs w/8.5 inch eye to eye. If I put lets say a Fox DHX 5.0 3.25 x 500lbs, 9 inch eye to eye, would that not set my bike back to the original factory level angle?

I actually have 9.25 inches of room but if I could get on extra inch of travel on the rear axle, I'd be cool with it.
So you are only increasing the eye to eye by 1/2" but the effective travel by over an inch*? Planning on moving the seattube too?

*assuming the leverage is 2.5 --7" / 2.80" = 2.5


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
1" more of fork travel does not necessarily mean your bikes geometry is going to change. That depends on the difference in A2C....


Nov 28, 2008
what might be a con with this setup? (not mine...)
total guesses here, but, first seat angle is a little whack, pedalling would blow. chainline just looks funny with no BB drop. BB is WAY high, so OTB possibilities are higher (i have experienced this, it sucks).

i threw a BETD link on a 2002 stumpjumper back in the day to give myself an extra inch of travel on the bike. i also popped on a longer fork to offset the steepness. felt like butter for my first impression, but once i went to a technical place to ride, i hated the BB height. i couldn't adjust to the height and kept going OTB. felt like i was trying to ride a pennyfarthing through rockgardens. ok, maybe not that bad but i got rid of the bike i disliked it so much.


Sep 13, 2006
Pittsburgh, PA
:eek: ^ I almost spit food on my monitor when I burst out laughing at that thing. I have seen it before, but thanks for the reminder. I like how they realized the need for moar shimz right off the bat and just added a second rear shock to take care of that issue. :rofl:


Nov 14, 2007
Maryland, east coast.
The bike came as 7 inch front and rear. I figured if I put it to 8 and 8 it wouldn't matter that much. Only thing I'd have to check is chain hitting the derailer in certain gears. Other than that, I go over a lot of logs and I like the ground clearance. Just thought it would be right to level it back out again when I noticed the frame can go back an extra .75 inch. I only thought about putting it back a half inch, leaving a full .25 inch between the seat post tube and the rear single pivot.


Jun 7, 2007
Warsaw :/

I wrote them an email. They claimed they use 2 pararell shocks for better leverage ratio. Well 2 8.5'' shocks or smaller. With 10.5s they would be in the v10 area... Silly.

BIGHITR - What bike do you currently use if we may know?


Nov 14, 2007
Maryland, east coast.
Lol at the tags....
Assh/les will be assh/les... It's amazing the childishness of those that run this site and their same few friends that always attack my posts. They think they're smug and witty by their attacks but, show childishness and a failure to grow up. Here I asked a legitimate technical question and the same few come in and do what they normally do because they think their insults are witty. These types are the type that would never open their mouth in person to avoid the chance for any harmful conflict, just on forums where they can easily bully at no painful expense and join together in group mentality to gain a feeling of self confidence, a feeling of safety in numbers and feel a sense of self worth through feelings of being part of a gang that will have their back if anyone attacks back. The fact they allow the same few to attack and post neg rep, yet pull my ability to post it back in response shows their contempt and wish to continue to bully without consequence. It's a "safe zone" knowing they can bully as much as they want and receive no challenge back. This is caused by their psychological feelings of inadequacy in life that manifests itself inside their subconscious and thus lashing out at people gives them feelings of self worth, a false sense of dominant pride and a feeling of meaningfulness. Kind of like fat people that are upset with the way they look, yet they keep eating because the immediate gratification they get from the food releases chemicals in their body that gives their mind good feelings for a few moments when they satisfy their weakness. When they feel better about themselves they can go off line and back out into society and feel somewhat confident to cope with some of their real life problems feeling a sense of superiority through attacking the weak, or in this case, those they don't have to deal with in actual real life in front of them in a confrontation directly. That alleviates the possibility of having to answer for their actions which is a type of fear of having to show what could possibly be what they already know, they truly have no dominance over anyone and thus that makes them experience feelings of inferiority which is the root cause of all of it. It's nothing more than typical online cyber bullying. Their attacks are pusillanimous at best.
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not worthy of a Rux.
Jun 22, 2009
Dude, you asked the question, were told it was a dumb idea and then continued to push the idea, despite many, many, many posts telling you just how bad an idea it is. There is only so long someone can ask a stupid question before the response degenerates to fail pictures.

p.s. don't get a longer travel shock, it would be stupid


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Assh/les will be assh/les... It's amazing the childishness of those that run this site and their same few friends that always attack my posts. They think they're smug and witty by their attacks but, show childishness and a failure to grow up. Here I asked a legitimate technical question and the same few come in and do what they normally do because they think their insults are witty. These types are the type that would never open their mouth in person to avoid the chance for any harmful conflict, just on forums where they can easily bully at no painful expense and join together in group mentality to gain a feeling of self confidence, a feeling of safety in numbers and feel a sense of self worth through feelings of being part of a gang that will have their back if anyone attacks back. The fact they allow the same few to attack and post neg rep, yet pull my ability to post it back in response shows their contempt and wish to continue to bully without consequence. It's a "safe zone" knowing they can bully as much as they want and receive no challenge back. This is caused by their psychological feelings of inadequacy in life that manifests itself inside their subconscious and thus lashing out at people gives them feelings of self worth, a false sense of dominant pride and a feeling of meaningfulness. Kind of like fat people that are upset with the way they look, yet they keep eating because the immediate gratification they get from the food releases chemicals in their body that gives their mind good feelings for a few moments when they satisfy their weakness. When they feel better about themselves they can go off line and back out into society and feel somewhat confident to cope with some of their real life problems feeling a sense of superiority through attacking the weak, or in this case, those they don't have to deal with in actual real life in front of them in a confrontation directly. That alleviates the possibility of having to answer for their actions which is a type of fear of having to show what could possibly be what they already know, they truly have no dominance over anyone and thus that makes them experience feelings of inferiority which is the root cause of all of it. It's nothing more than typical online cyber bullying. Their attacks are pusillanimous at best.


demo 9

Turbo Monkey
Jan 31, 2007
north jersey
We told you it was a bad idea, you argued, we told u it was still a bad idea,your argued-we even explained it. At this point your asking for it. If you dont believe anybody here, do it, its not my bike, but dont sit on here crying because we dont agree with you. I dont care what you do, as far as im concerned, id like to see you flip out with more SAT words.

Hit jon with some rep for me somebody


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
We told you it was a bad idea, you argued, we told u it was still a bad idea,your argued-we even explained it. At this point your asking for it. If you dont believe anybody here, do it, its not my bike, but dont sit on here crying because we dont agree with you. I dont care what you do, as far as im concerned, id like to see you flip out with more SAT words.

Hit jon with some rep for me somebody
what we used here is very common in the mountain biking world. It's called the "bigger hammer" tactic.

We tried doing it the right way. Like using your splined wrench to get your stuck BB cup out.

That didn't work.

We tried be a little more assertive. Like tapping on the wrench with a rubber mallet.

That still didn't work.

So we had to dig out the breaker bar and the 5lb mallet. In the end it got the job done, but we stripped the threads on the frame. Except in this case the frame started crying.