
Dilemma! Fathers with young daughters need your opinion.

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
So my 6 year old daughter just informed me she wants her ears pierced. Not that I'm against it, but I'd rather have her wait until she's at least 11 or 12. What is your take on the matter, and why?


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Im pretty sure as her father, you're allowed to tell her what to do if she's only six.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
No pierced ears for my 8 soon to be 9 year old. If she wants it when she's 13+, then it's her call. But they are a pain in the ass and at 8 she isn't ready for that.


Turbo Monkey
Dec 4, 2003
Tar Effing River!! NC
I made mine wait til she was 10. Oh, she wanted them soooo bad from the age of 8 til 10. So her tenth b-day rolls around, we go get holes in her head, 4 months later she can't stand having earrings in and hasn't worn any since. One of the things that bugs me is parents piercing their babies ears before the baby has any say in the matter, totally uncalled for imho.


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
I made mine wait til she was 10. Oh, she wanted them soooo bad from the age of 8 til 10. So her tenth b-day rolls around, we go get holes in her head, 4 months later she can't stand having earrings in and hasn't worn any since. One of the things that bugs me is parents piercing their babies ears before the baby has any say in the matter, totally uncalled for imho.
Kids have it easy these days. My parents had the tip of my dick cut off shortly after birth. Is it any wonder I'm an irritable bastard?


Turbo Monkey
Apr 13, 2008
Ellicott City, MD
my little girl got hers pierced when she turned one. i figure they will do it eventually so why not do it on your time schedule and have it done by a professional, unlike my wife whose parents wouldnt let her do it so she did it herself and not only are the piercings not even, but she got an infection.


Why don't you have a seat over there?
Jan 27, 2005
Sarah got hers done when she was 5 or so. She asked and Momma was cool with it, no big deal to me either. She doesn't like not having them in now. Depends on the kid I guess.


Crusading Clamp Monkey
Sep 27, 2006
Deep in the heart of TEXAS
my little girl got hers pierced when she turned one. i figure they will do it eventually so why not do it on your time schedule and have it done by a professional, unlike my wife whose parents wouldnt let her do it so she did it herself and not only are the piercings not even, but she got an infection.
If Caroline decides to do it on her own, I'm pretty sure the bruising will be the bad part.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 13, 2008
Ellicott City, MD
I made mine wait til she was 10. Oh, she wanted them soooo bad from the age of 8 til 10. So her tenth b-day rolls around, we go get holes in her head, 4 months later she can't stand having earrings in and hasn't worn any since. One of the things that bugs me is parents piercing their babies ears before the baby has any say in the matter, totally uncalled for imho.
to each their own i guess, but it really isnt as barbaric as you may think. they use a really tiny needle and she didnt even cry


May 18, 2003
Portland, OR
I've been wondering what age girls get their ears pieced since I saw this picture (Shrymp's shrimp?) in the "Little Monkeys" thread. Not judging, I was just amazed that you can get it done that young:



Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
I've been wondering what age girls get their ears pieced since I saw this picture (Shrymp's shrimp?) in the "Little Monkeys" thread. Not judging, I was just amazed that you can get it done that young:
Let's face it... it can't be any more traumatic to an infant than getting the "tip of <their> dick cut off shortly after birth" as silver so eloquently stated...


Turbo Monkey
Jun 30, 2004
This thread will a quaint memory when she comes home with 'Place Beer Here' tattoo'd across her lower back.

:monkey: *father of 2 boys


Grammar Civil Patrol
Jul 2, 2004
Sandy Eggo, CA
If she is a mature 8 year-old, she might understand this logic.

Explaining age-appropriate behavior to a kid

First ask her if she knows what the word "appropriate" means. Explain that it means something is fitting for a particular purpose, person, occasion, etc.

Ask her if she knows first or second-graders who use bad words. Ask her what she thinks of this. Does it make those kids look silly or stupid? Does it make them look cool? Or like they are trying too hard? Like they are trying to look older than they are?

Explain that they look silly because bad words shouldn't used, and especially not by kids. It's not fitting to that-age person. It's age-inappropriate.

Ask her what she would think if you were to ride a little tricycle or jump up and down when someone offered you an ice cream. You would look silly, because it's age-inappropriate behavior.

Ask her if she thinks there's anything her friends do that is age-inappropriate. Ask if those 1st or 2nd graders who curse think they look stupid, or think they look cool. Then ask how we are supposed to know when we are doing something we THINK is cool, but really is inappropriate.

I'd then tell her that sometimes we don't know that we're being (or wanting to be) inappropriate, so we really have to rely on the judgment of people who love us to help us make the right decisions. Your job as her dad is to help her learn to make good decisions.

Although there are little girls out there pierce their ears when they are young, there's a recognition that piercing your ears means that you are no longer a little girl, but are becoming a young lady. And just like the cookies in the oven that take a full 12 minutes to bake, that you can't rush no matter how much you want the time to pass faster, kids can't rush their growing up years. Those 12 minutes are all important to the perfect baking of the cookie. And her 12 years are all important and all necessary to turning her into a perfect young lady.

I would then tell her that 8 is such a wonderful age, because you can still enjoy silly things, like making up your dad's face with makeup (or whatever would totally blow her away). You could give her a treat as a bonding moment thing. Be careful not to reward the "right" decision, just because some kids understand that as "dad loves me as long as I do what he wants, but doesn't love me if I don't"

If she will have none of it, perhaps you can tell her that you are willing to meet her half-way. You'll give up two years if she will, and she can have it done when she's ten and graduates from elementary school.

If you are willing, after letting her know your feelings, you could let her make the decision. Tell her you hope she will wait, that it is more age-appropriate to wait, and shows her maturity to wait. Remind her that she doesn't have to do things on anyone else's timeline (if her little friends are all doing this now). This can be a great teaching moment, helping her make wise decisions about --brace yourself -- friends, sex, drugs, teen-age stupidity, etc, in the future.

The sooner she starts making decisions (and even making mistakes), the better prepared she will be to make good decisions when she's a teen-ager and you are no longer around all the time.

Good luck.


<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008

Set these on her bedside table or on the coffee table. Explain the next time she asks about getting her ears done you're going to smash her across the face with one. It should do the job and buy you a couple years of silence.


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
My 3yr. old has her ears pierced. She got them done at the same time (double piercing) and it really doesn't hurt at all...it's more the shock of hearing the "gun" than any real pain. And yes, I have had my ears pierced several times. She didn't even cry--barely flinched, unlike the 10 year old boy that got his ear pierced right before her...he cried, nearly screamed and got all worked up about it :busted:


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
This thread will a quaint memory when she comes home with 'Place Beer Here' tattoo'd across her lower back.

:monkey: *father of 2 boys
As the father to a 19 month old girl, let me be the first father here to say "fvck you azzhole" :rofl:

I can't honestly say it had even occurred to me until I saw this thread. Frankly, just becasue of Dan-o, (i keed, i keed) shes gonna get locked in the crawl space till shes 18 then she can get a job and do whatever the hell she wants.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
As the father to a 19 month old girl, let me be the first father here to say "fvck you azzhole" :rofl:

I can't honestly say it had even occurred to me until I saw this thread. Frankly, just becasue of Dan-o, (i keed, i keed) shes gonna get locked in the crawl space till shes 18 then she can get a job and do whatever the hell she wants.

I don't envy you fathers of little girls...

:monkey: *father of 3 boys


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Caroline gets it from her whacky mother. :think: Please tell me Syd minds better than Caroline.

I wonder what Earl thinks. :D

*note - Julie is just a little crazy, so I'm not really sure that's where it comes from.
LOL! Syd has her stubborn moments (she gets those from me for sure) and her "I'm too focused to notice that the world around me is crumbling into ???" moments (she gets those from Sq-Earl) but as a whole she does mind pretty well. We definitely give her lots of space though and choices (always one sided but she hasn't figured that out yet).


Turbo Monkey
Apr 22, 2008
Boone, NC
Earrings are just another way for guys to try to get at it later down the road...
Think about it.

Make her wait until she's at least a teenager to make the decision.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
My wife wanted to get our daughter's ears pierced a few months after she was born. I said no F'ing way. Kids are cute without them.
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Nam I am
We waited till my Daughter was 10 to have her ears Pierced. and Not because i was against it. I wanted her to really want it and Make it some thing special for her.

she started asking when she was about 7 , and My wife was sure sure ( my Wife talked about having it done when she was born.) , I was no , lets wait , I want it to mean something to her. so for her 10th Birthday She got her Ears Pierced. and it really ment something to her. she had the first ear done , and a Little tear came down her eye and the girl doing it saw that and told her she could wait for the 2nd ear , but No , she wanted it , so she had Both of them done. she was so Proud of them and has taken excellenct care of her ears since then. I am glad we waited.