
Close calls while driving?


ass grabber
Sep 8, 2006
Central Florida
If you drive with any regularity, you WILL have a close one every now and then. That is, if you are lucky.

I was coming to work before sunup, cruising along about 60. There's a slow moving car ahead, so I take a peek and the only other vehicle I see is a car over 1/2 mile down the road coming toward us. Plenty of room.

So I start passing and the car ahead (I can only see headlights) suddenly appears to lift off the road and approach me at 150 mph. Double U Tee Eff.

You know those harleys with the front fairing that has one center headlight and two smaller white lights on each side? It was one of those, but the center headlight and running lights were not working, so it looked exactly like a car way down the road instead of a bike 200 yards away.

It was close. So close.

When was the last time you puckered butt in your car?


Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
dude, that was more of a close call for the moto guy....

i´ve had countless, hundreds maybe, as peruvian drivers tend to be suicidal, and i have a penchant for rural mountain dirt roads, with 200ft cliffs 20 inches away from the tires, and twisty and exposed two-way interstate highway...

its a bit of a small miracle i havent totalled a car yet. needless to say, i find the shuttling almost as much adrenaline inducing as the bike ride downhill.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 9, 2005
Bleedmore, Murderland
Almost clipped a dear while merging onto 95 about a month ago. I was doing about 80 and noticed him at the last second and swerved, I think my driverside mirror brushed his ear it was sooo close.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 20, 2008
Beech Mtn Definitely NOT Boulder
driving back to school sunday night, I was passing a line of slow cars. I was about to pass a scion shoebox car when all of a sudden he changed lanes right in front of me to pass the car in front of him. Our bumpers were no more than 3 feet apart and I was going probably 10 mph faster than him. I slammed on the brakes and almost got rear-ended. people that drive those ugly ass cars are always asshats :rant:

Heres one that was my fault:

Driving back to school coming back from fall break. In the far left lane. I almost missed an exit that I miss often and acting impulsively, I cut across 3 lanes (no traffic), through the grass, and onto the exit. It probably looked like what you see people do on those cop pursuit shows. Luckily I've driven my car offroad at highway speeds for fun, so I controlled it well and it was like nothing happened. I'm pretty sure my roommate almost **** himself though :thumb:

CrabJoe StretchPants

Reincarnated Crab Walking Head Spinning Bruce Dick
Nov 30, 2003
Groton, MA
driving back to school sunday night, I was passing a line of slow cars........people that drive those ugly ass cars are always asshats :rant:

Heres one that was my fault:

Driving back to school coming back from fall break
. In the far left lane.........pretty sure my roommate almost **** himself though :thumb:
Sounds like you should stay at school.

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Back in my late teens, I was driving along on the wet highway at about 70mph in the left lane when a flat bed 18 wheeler cut me off. I slammed on the brakes and promptly went into a spin across the highway, hitting the guard rail and coming to a stop in the breakdown lane facing the wrong direction. It was a close call because the highway was busy and it's a miracle that I didn't take out any other cars as I was hydroplaning across the road. Just cosmetic damage to the rear quarterpanel, but the car was a beater anyway so I didn't care. The a-hole truck driver never stopped and probably has no idea he damn near killed me.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 5, 2007
Santa Barbara, CA
I used to drive a lifted truck, sold that and have been driving my parents prius till I find a different truck...yes a prius.

Almost got t-boned twice in the same day in the same intersection. That's about it recently. Oh, and today I called some really hot blonde chick driving a new mercedes S500 a "stupid dumb b**ch whore." Ya, I was going to back into a a gas station since there were no other spots. As I'm backing up she guns it, cuts me off and pulls into the last pump. Best part is it was followed by her not knowing how to pump gas...and that you PAY before you get the gas. It was quite entertaining.


Mar 20, 2004
olney md.
A little past a close call but here it is.

Earlier in the month I was driving home on us 15 near Gettysburg following a van doing 75, the van makes an emergency swerve into the next lane all i see is a dead deer in the lane I was in. The van had slowed down leaving me no choice but to use the deer as a very large misshaped speed bump. Hitting the deer luckily slowed me down enough cause it threw me into the other lane almost hitting the van. After getting the car stopped I got out and found no major damage to the car, I was able to finish driving home in Rockville MD about 70 miles.

When I got home and was able to really look at it the radiator is bent up but not leaking, the condenser is busted up, lower Radiator support is toast and the shop I took it to found a crack in the bumper. $1300 in damage most of that being the bumper.

Btw I was driving my 83 year-old grandmother's car, this fact probably upsets me the most cause if it was my car I wouldn't really care but she was nice enough to let me drive it until I can get a new to me car.

CrabJoe StretchPants

Reincarnated Crab Walking Head Spinning Bruce Dick
Nov 30, 2003
Groton, MA
*runover deer story*
A buddy of mine ran over a deer in his Speed3 a couple years ago. Chunks of flesh stuck to the exhaust system and it smelled like venison until he was able to get home and wash it (we were on a bike trip somewhere for the weekend).


Turbo Monkey
Jun 30, 2004
On the autobahn @ around 180kph in passing lane in pretty heavy traffic.
Car coming other direction, flipping end over end, came across the divider.
Just missed my car and wasted several cars behind me.


Mar 20, 2004
olney md.
A buddy of mine ran over a deer in his Speed3 a couple years ago. Chunks of flesh stuck to the exhaust system and it smelled like venison until he was able to get home and wash it (we were on a bike trip somewhere for the weekend).
I'm glad I didn't have to use the heater yet, unlike the other 2 times this has happened to me (they where in Dec. and during cold spells), but those times there was no new damage to the cars (the first one had an improperly installed rear window that was knocked loose but that was the idiots that installed it fault).


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
How about a double-impact and a close call wrapped into one seriously fun time?

Driving in the rain on the Bay Bridge one morning and traffic stopped short from about 50 mph. I had enough space to stop in time, but just barely. As soon as I realized I wasn't gonna rear end the guy in front of me I look in my rearview mirror and see a car barreling into me. It smacks me hard into the car in front of me, and I ricochet off 180 degrees and into the other lane, so the next thing I know I am facing the wrong way on a wet freeway with a bunch of cars coming straight at me. There were cars sliding all over the place and they all managed to avoid me.


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
I live in New Jersey. I used to live in LA.
I learned to drive in Philly in the 80's. The Schuylkill Expressway is where road rage shootings originated, fun times.

The major difference between drivers in the South and up North is that you flip someone off in traffic up there they yell at you and keep going, here they will follow you home.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
I commute 35 miles by motorcycle from SF to Sunnyvale.

I consider every trip an ass-puckering event.

Even though I am not at the limit of skill or luck on most trips, I have the attitude that my life is at risk at all times. Because it is.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
I learned to drive in Philly in the 80's. The Schuylkill Expressway is where road rage shootings originated, fun times.
I used to live in Conshohocken. My sister still lives near KOP. That expressway is a nightmare.

The major difference between drivers in the South and up North is that you flip someone off in traffic up there they yell at you and keep going, here they will follow you home.

where's the video of the rednecks in a truck following a guy and his wife in a beamer, while insulting and harrassing them? where the guy in the BMW eventually leads them down a dead end dirt road then pulls a gun on them when they get out of the truck with a baseball bat and takes their keys? :rofl:


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
I feel completely asleep at the wheel after working a 60 hour week and having 3 drinks after work. Flipped the car and was knocked out for who knows how long. I never should have turned that heater on.
i can't drive for more than 2 hours without pulling over.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
where's the video of the rednecks in a truck following a guy and his wife in a beamer, while insulting and harrassing them? where the guy in the BMW eventually leads them down a dead end dirt road then pulls a gun on them when they get out of the truck with a baseball bat and takes their keys? :rofl:
Never confirmed, but that is about as fake as Heidi Montag.


I'm Mr. Negative! I Fail!
Aug 2, 2008
Im over here now
after driving 30k+ miles a year for my old job ive had a ton

-i learned what "bridges freezes before road" is @ 80mph
-had some damn close calls when trying to pass someone on a two lane road, only to have them speed up :think:
-ive had big rigs cut me off in the left lane and drive me into the median
-had several big rigs blow red lights and almost t-bone me..


Dec 23, 2004
Silverdale, Wa
well I just got my license back today woohoo!

and First time in 6 months that I have drove a car.

It scared the **** out of me !

people out there are idiots!

I'm staying on my bike (my safe place) except for the long trips out of town to ride.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 13, 2008
well I just got my license back today woohoo!

and First time in 6 months that I have drove a car.

It scared the **** out of me !

people out there are idiots!

I'm staying on my bike (my safe place) except for the long trips out of town to ride.

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
Driving the ambulance in Concord earlier this year I missed slamming a lady in a sedan by inches. We were on Concord Blvd , 2 lanes each direction, doing 35 mph in the slow lane. I had just gone through an intersection and I saw a sedan coming out of a driveway between parked cars at 10 or so mph and the driver wasn't looking our way. Instinctively I had my foot off the gas and over the brake and glanced into my left mirror. She pulled right out in front of us with about 2 car lengths between us and impact. I slammed the brakes and felt the ABS kick in and cut left, no time for the horn. I felt the back left tire of the ambulance lift up and knew we were near the roll over point. I had a 200' gap in the oncoming traffic and decided to cross the double yellow just as the lady driving the sedan looked left and saw us not 10 feet away and slammed her brakes. My partner said I missed clipping her bumper by less than 6" and as soon as my front end passed hers I cut back right to drop us back onto all 4 wheels and I got us back over the double yellow and onto our side of the road. I my mirrors I saw all the cars behind us in panic stops and the sedan burning rubber backwards into the driveway. I pulled to the curb and took a few deep breaths then continued on to John Muir Concord Hospital.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 13, 2008
Driving the ambulance in Concord earlier this year I missed slamming a lady in a sedan by inches. We were on Concord Blvd , 2 lanes each direction, doing 35 mph in the slow lane. I had just gone through an intersection and I saw a sedan coming out of a driveway between parked cars at 10 or so mph and the driver wasn't looking our way. Instinctively I had my foot off the gas and over the brake and glanced into my left mirror. She pulled right out in front of us with about 2 car lengths between us and impact. I slammed the brakes and felt the ABS kick in and cut left, no time for the horn. I felt the back left tire of the ambulance lift up and knew we were near the roll over point. I had a 200' gap in the oncoming traffic and decided to cross the double yellow just as the lady driving the sedan looked left and saw us not 10 feet away and slammed her brakes. My partner said I missed clipping her bumper by less than 6" and as soon as my front end passed hers I cut back right to drop us back onto all 4 wheels and I got us back over the double yellow and onto our side of the road. I my mirrors I saw all the cars behind us in panic stops and the sedan burning rubber backwards into the driveway. I pulled to the curb and took a few deep breaths then continued on to John Muir Concord Hospital.
no pics?


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
wow...some crazy stories. My worst recently have been simply where "phantom brakers" (i live near/in boston) simply decide to slow down from 80-60 on the highway. Split second decision, brakes or change lanes? I managed to get out of the way...but I put big ol fresh brakes on my car after that....now I've got faith again.


Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
About thre months ago on the 60west. Was travelling about 65 70 ish, had a ford pickup in front of me..... Five or six car lengths or so...... When I heard the noise in my pickup..... Loud ass bang.... All I see is rear axle coming at me, apparantly the axle shaft snappped near the carrier which proceeded to lock up both wheels in turn at that speed removed the entire housing........... Found out that I can get sideways in the s10 at 65 get it to drifting, pop the clutch a bit and whipp that little ass truck all over the freeway without flipping it...... Was great.

Four years ago, riding the scooter oin the ten about 90....... Peice of metal falls out of a recycle truck, Miss it with the front tire, catch it in the rear..... rear tire shredded almost instantly........... always fun trying to keep control on a bike at 90 with no rear tire left


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
I was recently at a Gas Station in Lee MA. A tow truck pulls in and drops off Mazda Miata off on top of a hill by the Garage. The Miata starts rolling down the hill as the tow truck is pulling away. The Miata driverless proceeds to pull ahead of the truck barely missed 2 Cars and a Van, then crashes in to a US mailbox and came to rest in a ditch finally. The tow truck driver pulled away and took off. He came back after the cops came though. The Mailbox was fine. The Miata not so fine. It was stilll in the ditch the next day when I drove by. It was the highlight of my trip.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
This past summer I was leading a group of motorcyclists up to Bear Mountain through a double lane roundabout. Our group, me included, was in the roundabout, where we clearly should have right of way over entering cars.

Some typical schmoe in a Mercedes-Benz C-class, however, blew through his yield sign and cut me and the group off, without so much as signaling or looking over his shoulder.

Thankfully, I'd anticipated him doing that--it's best to anticipate that everyone around NY has gone "full retard" long ago behind the wheel--got on the brakes hard without locking the front up, and came to a stop upright on two wheels with a few feet to spare. He'd finally realized what he'd done and stopped, too. Idiot.

I really hope that his girlfriend in the passenger seat chewed him out for being an asshole and an inattentive driver as she seemed more upset by the situation than she did.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
Another one happened to me way back when, when I was around 16 and a brand-new driver. I was driving with my dad in the passenger seat along a four-lane road in the right lane with a minivan a few car lengths ahead of me in the left lane.

A 40-50 lb size dog darted across the road from the left, straight into the path of the minivan. The minivan clobbered it and I distinctly remember the unfortunate pooch doing a pretty good spiral across my field of view at head height. The minivan driver, having already done the damage, thought it would then be a good idea to swerve over in my lane and slam on the brakes.

I instinctively swerved over into her (former) lane and continued on my merry way, but from that day forward learned the lesson that other people on the road are not to be trusted.


Jan 28, 2003
Driving on the autobahn on a dh trip I finally got my parents minivan up to about 170 kph (going downhill) when all off a sudden some idiot in the slow lane doing about 100 kph decided to pull out in front of me. I slammed on the brakes and our bikes and crap came flying towards the front of the car. Luckily nothing hit me or the windshield, in retrospect I probably should have strapped my bike to something in the car.

Driving on amsterdam's ring road I see a big bus parked in the breakdown lane when I'm nearly there the driver pops out from under the bus with his head in my lane! I managed to swerve, thank god I was driving my dad's car and not the ****ty minivan.

And offcourse a few close calls on my motorcycle (people drifting in to my lane on a 2 lane road in a corner etc...)