


Turbo Monkey
Mar 1, 2007
Champery, Switzerland
I'm pretty well known for being a conformist.

If you'll remember I was one of the first advocates of 29" wheels, boost hub spacing, and fanny packs. As well as just blindly accepting any new technology the bike industry tells you you need.

It's just who I am. I'm a follower, what can I say?

View attachment 190075

Quit being a pussy and pedal your fucking bike. If you want a motor to give you the impression of pedaling that's something else you should probably work through. They make real motors for when you reach peace with yourself. And they're a hell of a lot more valuable than some hybrid to convince yourself you're riding a bicycle.
What? I have 5 motorcycles.


Artisanal Tweet Curator
What? I have 5 motorcycles.
And suck up and defend literally every single thing the bike industry decides to market...

ebikes are a halfway house for people that want the warm fuzzy feeling of telling themselves they're riding bicycle, while actually in reality wanting to take advantage of what a motor provides. It has nothing do with cOnFoRmItY which you know damn well doesn't apply to me.

As you've stated many MANY times, where you live is different than here. Ebikes threaten mtb access here. If you want a motor just get a motor. All the things you think are rad about an ebike are even moreso in place with a cycle with an actual, useful motor that does far more than provide an impression about still riding a bicycle.

I get you live like a golden retriever where every new thing is fun and exciting. But with every new thing comes a wave of locusts here that rather dramatically reshape how our access exists. And the motherfuckers that oversee things here have guns. Conformity is lapping up every new thing specialized and others decide they need to sell you. I am not that. And you know it.

I personally have zero qualms with ebikes or any other toy anyone wants to play in the woods and mountains with. But it comes with baggage. Here that means every dumbass in silicon valley getting in the way on moto trails because that's the only place they're allowed, and actual mtb trails being threatened because land managers can't tell the difference and some douchebag just plowed into a hiker again. It's a managment problem and not an ebike problem at the end of the day but it's not as simple as 'but I have fun on ebikes'
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Turbo Monkey
Mar 1, 2007
Champery, Switzerland
And suck up and defend literally every single thing the bike industry decides to market...

ebikes are a halfway house for people that want the warm fuzzy feeling of telling themselves they're riding bicycle, while actually in reality wanting to take advantage of what a motor provides. It has nothing do with cOnFoRmItY which you know damn well doesn't apply to me.

As you've stated many MANY times, where you live is different than here. Ebikes threaten mtb access here. If you want a motor just get a motor. All the things you think are rad about an ebike are even moreso in place with a cycle with an actual, useful motor that does far more than provide an impression about still riding a bicycle.
I defend everything the bike industry does? Ok, that’s funny. What precisely?

You have no clue but keep beating that lil drum.

Ok, that’s true. I don’t care about your access issues and the attempts to link that to ebikes. Until it is illegal then it is legal.


Artisanal Tweet Curator
I defend everything the bike industry does? Ok, that’s funny. What precisely?
You've done the same shit with wheel sizes, new brakes that actually suck, and now with ebikes.

Every time someone points out a problem with some new standard or invention that's being pushed you just post a pic of you using said thing with a pretty mountain scene backdrop and some equivalent 'seems fine to me'

And it probably is. For you. With tons of industry connections. In a beautiful mountain valley in Switzerland that you said you rarely leave. But it fails to address jack shit in what's actually being addressed. You actually just called me a conformist. Seriously dude, check your brain. You're overdosing on #thegoodlife.

You should be able to read a lighhearted joke from me without getting so defensive you need to invent delusions.
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Turbo Monkey
Mar 1, 2007
Champery, Switzerland
You've done the same shit with wheel sizes, new brakes that actually suck, and now with ebikes.

Every time someone points out a problem with some new standard or invention that's being pushed you just post a pic of you using said thing with a pretty mountain scene backdrop and some equivalent 'seems fine to me'

And it probably is. For you. With tons of industry connections. In a beautiful mountain valley in Switzerland that you said you rarely leave. But it fails to address jack shit in what's actually being addressed. You actually just called me a conformist. Seriously dude, check your brain. You're overdosing on #thegoodlife.

You should be able to read a lighhearted joke from me without getting so defensive you need to invent delusions.
I called you a conformist due to the typical US ebike hate train bullshit and the homophobe comment.


Artisanal Tweet Curator
I called you a conformist due to the typical US ebike hate train bullshit and the homophobe comment.
My ebike hate is unique and I've made out with a dude before so try again.
(the whisker burn is real but he was also pretty hawt)

There's nothing homophomic about my comment, it points out the homophobia of someone who is actually gay but just doesn't want to admit it.

It's a longstanding joke here so I forgive there might be some regional unfamiliarity.

(note the date)

But I used it specifically because I think all ebike riders would benefit from just saying fuck it and buying something like a sur ron. Which is remarkably cheaper than a lot of ebikes. Because they obviously recognize the benefit of motors.........but just haven't quite admitted it because the idea of being a bicycle rider is half the reason they're in this world. I'd also request that you don't fall into the trap of thinking you're reading posts of mine as the 'average american' because I'm no more that, than you are the 'average arizonan.' I know you're not, so I'd ask the same of you.
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Turbo Monkey
Feb 25, 2004
Jeebus Woo. Deep breathes. It'll be okay. Are you playing "Trailtroll" right now?

Isn't it snow season for you? Why are ebikes pissing you off so much right now? Go slide on some snow. Maybe get some Netflix and chill with some of your gay friends :)


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
all ebike riders would benefit from just saying fuck it and buying something like a sur ron
For me and everyone else in the front range, I disagree with the above. Class 1 e-bikes and our trail access situation are just fine.


"S" is for "neo-luddite"
Aug 27, 2002
@SylentK Woo's problem is with 'Murca, the dumbasses who reside there and the even dumber folks who make the rules not Ebikes. He should probably think about moving to Yurp! And giving a golden retriever a hug when he gets there.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
says the guy who's never ridden a sur ron

And the front range situation has never been 'fine'.
Riding a Sur Ron would not be looked upon fondly by other trail users in, say GGCSP. I’m sure they’re fun.


Turbo Monkey
Jan 24, 2006
And suck up and defend literally every single thing the bike industry decides to market...

ebikes are a halfway house for people that want the warm fuzzy feeling of telling themselves they're riding bicycle, while actually in reality wanting to take advantage of what a motor provides. It has nothing do with cOnFoRmItY which you know damn well doesn't apply to me.

As you've stated many MANY times, where you live is different than here. Ebikes threaten mtb access here. If you want a motor just get a motor. All the things you think are rad about an ebike are even moreso in place with a cycle with an actual, useful motor that does far more than provide an impression about still riding a bicycle.

I get you live like a golden retriever where every new thing is fun and exciting. But with every new thing comes a wave of locusts here that rather dramatically reshape how our access exists. And the motherfuckers that oversee things here have guns. Conformity is lapping up every new thing specialized and others decide they need to sell you. I am not that. And you know it.

I personally have zero qualms with ebikes or any other toy anyone wants to play in the woods and mountains with. But it comes with baggage. Here that means every dumbass in silicon valley getting in the way on moto trails because that's the only place they're allowed, and actual mtb trails being threatened because land managers can't tell the difference and some douchebag just plowed into a hiker again. It's a managment problem and not an ebike problem at the end of the day but it's not as simple as 'but I have fun on ebikes'
Ward,you were a little hard on the Beav. You are jumpin rock to rock with you’re thoughts,just hoppin down the trail.

Ebikes threaten mtb here. No they do not. We have never had access? Rangers handing out a ticket for 15mph? I climb a very wide fire road to get the top. I do not wear a Helment as I am sweating like a pig on my HardTail. Ranger comes up and wants to give me a ticket? For what I say? It’s the Law of the Land,CA Land. I am going 3mph sir? Now,I could ride up singletrack but I avoid a possible problem from a DH rider. We do not have a Uphill Only here,so I plan my route as such.

You could say Night Riding threatens mtb access here. You can not ride a Mnt bike at night in a park For bikes at night. Why? If the riders had lights and went into the park,they could plow down another rider,as well as put this “wear and tear” on the trail,and breaking the Law? So,do we consider Lights could threaten mtb access here? It’s the people of CA and Mngment.

People are to busy working and family to make that a reality,otherwise,it could be a Serious problem.
I had more thoughts,but one at a time.



Turbo Monkey
Apr 21, 2002
Northern California
ebikes are a halfway house for people that want the warm fuzzy feeling of telling themselves they're riding bicycle, while actually in reality wanting to take advantage of what a motor provides.
I want more descents in the hour I have before work. That's it (well, that and be able to get in a bunch of descending on days when my legs are blasted from a ton of climbing on my regular bike the day before). By your logic we should be riding motos instead of taking our DH bikes on chairlifts.


Artisanal Tweet Curator
I enjoy a bicycle (or e-bike) a lot more, but that's me.
I really don't care.

But it is funny to watch grown ass men become such little crybabies when someone says something mean about their dentist toy.

All the no e-bike signs on the USFS trails here have little scratched X's on them or get ripped off because of what I can only imagine was a wonderful in person mantrum to watch. I keep trying to catch one in progress but I can never seem to time it just right :rofl:


These are right next all the other no dirbike and no quad and other signs that don't seem to elicit the same response. The adamant ebiker population wants all the access that bicycles have and then refuse to be even considered allies with the dirtbikers because they want to maintain this illusion of being a cyclist or some shit. Like that really matters. Just don't treat them like motorized users, cuz they're better than that amirite?

Buckow mentioned that unless something isn't illegal then it's legal. Well ebikes are illegal on USFS non-motorized/bike trails. Rather than join up with some people who have been dealing with this dumb shit WAY longer, everyone wants to still maintain this illusion of themselves riding a bike.

The national precedent was set here a few years ago

That reminds me, I need a crank assist coffee grinder..... I like the idea of manually grinding my coffee but I just feel like I could grind so much more in the 20 seconds I've allocated to the task...
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Turbo Monkey
Jan 24, 2006
I really don't care.

But it is funny to watch grown ass men become such little crybabies when someone says something mean about their dentist toy.

All the no e-bike signs on the USFS trails here have little scratched X's on them or get ripped off because of what I can only imagine was a wonderful in person mantrum to watch. I keep trying to catch one in progress but I can never seem to time it just right :rofl:

View attachment 190124

These are right next all the other no dirbike and no quad and other signs that don't seem to elicit the same response. The adamant ebiker population wants all the access that bicycles have and then refuse to be even considered allies with the dirtbikers because they want to maintain this illusion of being a cyclist or some shit. Like that really matters. Just don't treat them like motorized users, cuz they're better than that amirite?

Buckow mentioned that unless something isn't illegal then it's legal. Well ebikes are illegal on USFS non-motorized/bike trails. Rather than join up with some people who have been dealing with this dumb shit WAY longer, everyone wants to still maintain this illusion of themselves riding a bike.

The national precedent was set here a few years ago

That reminds me, I need a crank assist coffee grinder..... I like the idea of manually grinding my coffee but I just feel like I could grind so much more in the 20 seconds I've allocated to the task...
Brother,you do care,that is why you are here. I don’t know what you are so mad about? You are putting everything into 1 Pot? Talkin all this shit about a crank assist coffee grinder. Please.

There is Grey in the World,something I have a very hard time to deal with.

I told baboon to use hand paddles and a kickboard when swimming for more strength. He only has a Hour to train. He is swimming,is that enough for you to turn you’re nose at him? This is something that can assist you with a different sport.



Artisanal Tweet Curator
why is the biggest ebike defender who started this thread, a salty MFer who doesn't even have to deal with the US, the only one who gets this :rofl:

I have nothing against ebikes or any other toy anyone wants to use to see things outside. But they come with baggage in the US, something I'd actually like to see fixed, if most of the users can get over the horror of being lumped in with 'motorized users'. And someone living in a mountain village in another country getting all butthurt over mErKiN eBiKe hAtE who has no basis for understanding that, is way more annoying than another two wheeled means of scooting.

I had a cop holding onto her damn gun stopping snowmobilers in a parking lot saturday, not letting people leave until they showed full registration papers. Welcome to the club bitches! No one, no user of supposed public lands should be subject to that nonsense. And the sooner everyone with a pedal assist (IE MOTORIZED) bicycle accepts that, the sooner we can fix the nonsense en masse. But first people are going to need to get over the idea that they're strictly a nonmotorized user just with a little 'assist'. You're not better than a dirtbiker. And right now you're being treated exactly like one so let's look at all the dumb laws that affect both.
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Artisanal Tweet Curator
I’m terrified of pedaling and I think it might hurt.
At least give me the decency to quit making shit up. I know you, please remember that you know me too.

You already said you don't give a shit about access issues here. If I've failed to sufficiently explain how that's intimately tied to my desire to wake people up in the US who ride ebikes, please let me know.

I'm sorry that no amount of photos from your valley of you riding an ebike and enjoying yourself is going to change the reality in other parts of the world.


Artisanal Tweet Curator
which affects your “but trail access” argument imo.
Only where you live and only in the convenient after work access.

Hate to break it to you but the BLM and USFS manage way more land and a zillion more miles of trails than jeffco and the like. Those examples are a pimple in comparison. If even... Go scream jeffco rights in granby and let me know how that goes for you.

They can however be used as examples for getting the bigger, more significant agencies to change their bullshit. Unfortunately FAR more counties and states defer to the national agencies for management precedent.
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Customer Title
Mar 3, 2020
USFS / BLM may manage land around you, but it doesn't around others. I'd figure most people who want more bike access in the US are butting up against state or county restrictions, which they have at least a slim chance of changing.

I agree bike (ebike or real bike) access sucks in the US. Mostly because all those dipshit Sierra Club NIMBY boomers only want wilderness to be accessed by REI tour groups and their 1ton shit factories (aka horses). So the only way to get laws / rules changed at a county/state level is to get more people with a vested interest in biking, to outweigh the stupid old hippies. And since most people are, let's face it, lazy, real biking is hard. But give them ebikes and it's fun as shit, and they're riding more often and starting to ask questions like, "Why can't I ride my bike in this place?" If it means dealing with more fat guys wearing cargo pants riding their ebike on the trails in order to get more trails like they have in WA or BC or parts of Europe, I'm ok with that.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 1, 2007
Champery, Switzerland
At least give me the decency to quit making shit up. I know you, please remember that you know me too.

You already said you don't give a shit about access issues here. If I've failed to sufficiently explain how that's intimately tied to my desire to wake people up in the US who ride ebikes, please let me know.

I'm sorry that no amount of photos from your valley of you riding an ebike and enjoying yourself is going to change the reality in other parts of the world.
I will give you the decency…. once I know what you are on about.

I don’t know which one you have a problem with but so far I’ve got a couple theories. Bad pédaler, bad brake recommendation (Hope, Formula or TRP?), bad big wheel recommendations (27 or 29 or both) and general bad lizardy stuff.

It’s true I don’t worry about access issues all over the world and I concentrate on what I can try to change. It’s called Stoicism and I enjoy it. I do currently work as a trail builder and consultant creating jobs and new trails so that’s my part on what I assume is your topic. We will even have WC racing from 2023 up until 2025 in Champery and Chatel. I’m working plenty on future Mtb access and new trails. Ebikes have helped us get more maintenance budgets.

Emotos are sweet too. (No scenic mountain background)

Btw, we aren’t allowed to ride snowmobiles here.
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Artisanal Tweet Curator
USFS / BLM may manage land around you, but it doesn't around others. I'd figure most people who want more bike access in the US are butting up against state or county restrictions, which they have at least a slim chance of changing.
True. On the east coast mostly.

You know how everyone west of the mississippi takes trips to ride state and county parks in VA?

Me neither.

You know of any east coasters who travel to ride the monarch crest, porcupine rim, downieville, oakridge etc, etc, etc....?

The truth of the matter is the biggest most iconic, vacation worthy riding is on federal land. Even Pisgah is that.


Artisanal Tweet Curator
I will give you the decency…. once I know what you are on about.
I've tried to explain it multiple times but I'll try one more time. Here, in the US, in the environment I know the best (and better than most), ebikers are stuck in a middle ground of being treated like motorized users, while wanting, and being used to the access provided as a non-motorized user. So, I made the joke I did because a lot of those owners/riders would benefit greatly from just accepting that their toys are considered motorized vehicles here. Like it or not that's what dictates MOST of the access here nationwide. So they might do well to get over the idea that they are superior to motorized users because they bought it from a bike company since the laws are the laws. The laws are dumb, created in an irrelevant era, granted. But that straddling of the laws here is just going to keep things in limbo. We've all been places where some of the best MTB riding is multi-use (including motorized) trails (parts of porc rim, the best trail off the monarch crest, downieville etc...). They're not incompatible. In fact some good moto chewed descents end up being the best mtb riding.

So that's the joke I made. What pissed me off is that you genuinely think I'm trying to impose some kind of conformity, which is like the polar opposite of how I view the world. Living in CA I'm far more the victim of this idyllic environmentally responsible hokey utopia conformity, so no, that's never what I'm after. And I sure as shit am not some homophobe, regardless of the framing of my joke. Straight white male power is the conformity in this country. I'm much more of a 'fly your freak flag' approach.

I can blow off idiots saying dumb shit but I elaborate on this stuff because I know and respect you. And I feel like you could give me the benefit of the doubt and maybe ask what I mean before "fuck you and your conformist rules." If I were a conformist where I lived I'd be building shit IMBA flow trails. It's not ebike hate, it's ebike user hate in this country because they want it both ways. There's a way forward but it's going to have to involve accepting some realities about existing law.

I already know that outside of sweden sleds are banned in most of europe. It's the same gentrification BS that controls ebikes here. It's all dumb.
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Turbo Monkey
Feb 25, 2004
I think I'm slowly getting it. It's late, the wife made me drink way too much wine.

So what do we do? What's the solution?


neu bizutch
Feb 5, 2006
not in Whistler anymore :/
you sure are not allowed to do a lot of things in the so called land of the free. motorbikes belong to the streets or mx tracks in europe. yet no one ever comes to the crazy idea of separating ebikes to the same group.