

Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
'It's So Funny': North Korean Comedy Show Is Anything But (VIDEO)
The North Korean government controls every aspect of the country's media consumption, even it's comedy. "It's so Funny" is the state's "humor" show in which a man and a woman dressed in military garb talk about beans and other equally boring things. "If we farm in the way the General tells us, we will become happy," the woman says.

The follow report from New Tang Dynasty Television, an independent nonprofit television broadcaster headquartered in New York City, shows actual clips from the show and talks to a North Korean defector about his take on it.
obviously, the answer is 'yes'


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
We had a meeting with some Japanese folks about the local elections.

Try keeping a straight face when someone tells you that the last one was five years ago.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
We had a meeting with some Japanese folks about the local elections.

Try keeping a straight face when someone tells you that the last one was five years ago.
Worked with a bunch of Japanese guys, rarely laughed with them with one exception.

We had a small fake electrical motor made out of Styrofoam for prototype mock-ups. It looked like the real thing except it weighed 1/4 of a lb instead of 30. We would play jokes on people by pretending to drop it on peoples feet. We showed it to the Japanese guy who was the head of the lab that developed the motors. He loved the idea of the the prank. Instead of pretending to drop it he would just whip it at one of the other japanese guy's face scaring the living hell out of them. People would scream like little girls thinking their faces were about to get caved in, I'm pretty sure one of the dudes **** himself. Of course they were all his subordinates and would just take the abuse. The reactions and sheer cruelty of it all were hilarious.


Turbo Monkey
Jan 30, 2006
Worked with a bunch of Japanese guys, rarely laughed with them with one exception.

We had a small fake electrical motor made out of Styrofoam for prototype mock-ups. It looked like the real thing except it weighed 1/4 of a lb instead of 30. We would play jokes on people by pretending to drop it on peoples feet. We showed it to the Japanese guy who was the head of the lab that developed the motors. He loved the idea of the the prank. Instead of pretending to drop it he would just whip it at one of the other japanese guy's face scaring the living hell out of them. People would scream like little girls thinking their faces were about to get caved in, I'm pretty sure one of the dudes **** himself. Of course they were all his subordinates and would just take the abuse. The reactions and sheer cruelty of it all were hilarious.

Must spread...


The Fresno Kid
Nov 26, 2001
Does anyone else see the irony in our favorite conservative posting legitimate political/cultural commentary and it becoming an excuse for all the liberals to share their "haha it's funny 'cause they're asian" jokes that can't even keep Koreans and Japanese straight?

Just sayin'.

God I enjoy being a buzzkill.


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
Does anyone else see the irony in our favorite conservative posting legitimate political/cultural commentary and it becoming an excuse for all the liberals to share their "haha it's funny 'cause they're asian" jokes that can't even keep Koreans and Japanese straight?
face it: i'm the karl rove of rm. i even have hecklers. and dirty underoos in my bob the builder lunchpail


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
North Korea has plenty of doctors: WHO

Chan spent most of her brief visit in Pyongyang, and she said that from what she had seen there most people had the same height and weight as Asians in other countries, while there were no signs of the obesity emerging in some parts of Asia.

But she said conditions could be different in the countryside.
i don't care who you are: institutionalized starvation kills!


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
Lucky number plates go up in value when times are bad
The basis for many superstitious beliefs may be little more than fantasy but their economic effects are all too real. According to Travis Ng and colleagues at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, casual estimates suggest that between $800 and $900 million is wiped off the value of US businesses every Friday the Thirteenth! Now Ng's team has explored the economic cost of superstition by comparing the value of Hong Kong car number plates purchased through auction from 1997 to 2009.

The new research focuses particularly on the presence of 4s and 8s in Hong Kong plates. There's a consensus in Hong Kong that '8', which rhymes in Cantonese with 'prosper' or 'prosperity', is a lucky number, whereas '4', which rhymes with 'die' or 'death', is an unlucky number.


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
Kim Jong-il Blamed for N.Korea's Foolish World Cup Tactics
After the complete rout of North Korea by Portugal on Monday in their second match of the World Cup, some observers have seized on the opportunity to blame North Korean leader Kim Jong-il personally.

The license was provided by a claim by the team's coach Kim Jong-hun that the dictator "gives regular tactical advice during matches using mobile phones that are not visible to the naked eye." The coach added the fantasy device was invented by Kim Jong-il himself.
they has teh funney


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
I used to work with some "management trainees" at a mid size Japanese company. They were called trainees, but they were the best and the brightest handpicked for c-level jobs, and they spend a couple years at each overseas office. Those guys were an absolute riot.

North Korean peasants, probably not as funny.