
2012 Trek lineup released


Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
So I checked with trek again today and got them to double check...

The bike does NOT come with a fork - so thats a £4000 frame in the uk.
Good luck Trek but I dont see anyone paying £1200 more for Trek than they would for a V-10.

At present they are not selling the alloy as a frame only but my guess is that this might change.
when i was shopping for a dh rig, i walked into the trek dealer thinking "hey, trek makes affordable bikes.... maybe the session will be cheap".. but somewhere down the line, they went full retard.... a complete Session retails for as much as a brand new Toyota Yaris.

i ended up buying a Scott Gambler DH10.


Dec 15, 2009
After watching that I think they just priced themselves out of the Market....if they sell significant units then I'd hate to see bike prices from the rest of the big guys next year.