
•• Tuesday GMT ••


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014

Fiberglass insulation done. Now to paper over it and get that shiz drywalled too. #drywalllife

Got the truck detailed last night. Dude spent 8 hours on it and removed all the funk and grode from the past year. Not bad for $185.


year old fart
Mar 19, 2002
Copenhagen, Denmark
We are testing renting out some of the basement where I have set up a small apartment. Unfortunately the first renter is leaving already and then it's back to the part that sucks finding a new person. You really get to deal with a lot of idiots and people filling you with BS. I need to be more aggressive and just tell them sign contract and transfer deposit within 24 hours.

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
Red flag warning with high winds forecast starting tonight. Power company gave notification that they may shut off power to fire prone sections of 30 counties ,( state law this year). Going to top off my fuel cans for my generator this afternoon.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
Back at work. Only missed three days, but it feels like it has been two weeks. Really do not want to open my email.

South Eastern Ohio was nice. The rural roads around the area where we stayed were interesting. Steep inclines, turns at the top of blind hills etc etc. Came up to one stop sign at the top of a super steep road with a car turning left. Made a last minute decision to cut the corner through a gravel mail box area; definitely would have roasted the clutch on my car if we had to stop and wait, it was that steep.

We saw 10+ deer in the state park on our bikes on Sunday and another five road kill deer yesterday. Luckily no bambis walked out in front of our car.

Easy drive home though. Somehow we had no traffic on the way back through Cleveland, Buffalo and Toronto. Zero cars at the border crossing around 5pm, too. But again, got asked more questions going back to into Canada than going into the States. Interesting how many tire treads from transport trucks are on the shoulder of I-70.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
Hello all. Riding later this morning. For now cozy time under comforter, with the baby by my shoulder, 6 year old and wife entertaining her, 4 year old still sleeping off steak coma.


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
Had an interview yesterday which I think was a success. They were asking questions about the second round interview so I'm guessing I'll make the cut, but I haven't heard yet and honestly I usually do. I just don't know whether I want the job or not. I'm sort of floating here with no manager, and I'm concerned about moving into a position with a micromanager or just a doucebag boss. I'm kind of my own boss right now, so I already have a douchebag boss. It would be nice to be part of a positive work culture and to get back with a startup where there's more excitement about what we do than just collecting a paycheck...then again, there's something nice about not having any pressure....hmmm....


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
It's becoming more common on our company calls... I, for one, welcome our cursey freedumb.
this was a total accident. i spilled beans out of my coffee grinder onto my desk and let one slip. thankfully it was whisper level and the microphone boom was up, others were talking so i don't think anyone heard.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
Rough return to reality today after my (most excellent) NY/VT road trip. I forgot to turn my alarm back on so was starting from behind... My kids were more organized than me for the first time today! We biked to school and I realized I'd forgotten the locks for the kids bikes, and to give one of my boys his meds, and to wear my (one-tooth) denture. So I went back home to grab the locks, the meds, and my tooth.

At least I have another one of these to look forward to when I get home:

and the memories of this are still dancing around in my head:



Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
Rough return to reality today after my (most excellent) NY/VT road trip. I forgot to turn my alarm back on so was starting from behind... My kids were more organized than me for the first time today! We biked to school and I realized I'd forgotten the locks for the kids bikes, and to give one of my boys his meds, and to wear my (one-tooth) denture. So I went back home to grab the locks, the meds, and my tooth.

At least I have another one of these to look forward to when I get home:

and the memories of this are still dancing around in my head:

Cant see your pictures...


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
Really? I see them...! And I haven't changed anything about how I posted them. :think::wtf:

I'll go and check the privacy settings again...
Strange.. I just see a "no entry" symbol instead of the pictures. :confused:

Maybe I should call the help desk. Apparently I've forgotten how to spell today as well.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Another day at an elementary school in the mountains. Glad I got these all scheduled early in the week because the snow is supposed to be worse up here. Planning on an after school ride with Haley tomorrow.

i maybe just accidentally dropped an f bomb on a conference call
Accidentally? I drop them semi-regularly as do a a few of my teammates. Coincidentally it's the group that came from institutional finance on the coasts and Chicago vs. the legacy retail financial advisors. The director and VP level guys also drop them pretty regularly as well, so it's not a surprise to hear them across the ranks though.


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
wait didn't you just have a shitty boss? what happened?
I did. I left that asskisser in the dust. Switched jobs for something better work life balance...got the itch as my current/former boss (who was an pretty cool guy and doesn't afraid of anything) left the company to go something something california girls. So now I'm trying to figure out whether I want to flounder/do whatever I want for a company that kind of sucks, or join another startup and work hard/play hard/buy an alfa.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
I rode. Strava on my watch ate the record along with all history. 1:45 for Mountain Lion plus a Snowshoe Hare (?) side loop. Good times.


Trail Rat
Jul 8, 2002
Alamance County, NC
Good Afternoon!!

I went to band practice last night - 17 miles from my home. I stopped at the store to pick up some beers and realized my wallet was not where I thought it was. Looked everywhere...no dice. Called back home - nada. Nobody had seen it. After practice, I loaded up my gear only to find my wallet on the rear bumper - which had ridden the whole 17 miles on the highway without falling off!