
You WILL Watch This Twice (Match 6 Teaser)


Turbo Monkey
Jul 4, 2002
Whistler, BC
Good god...initially I was thinking...oh good another dj/street vid..wow...then the 720...huge transition...backflip off a freaking tree...holy crap.


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
biggins said:
yeah riding that good is pretty cool but then you get bored.
yeah but then you just go back to pimpin ho's & rockin' da mike like dolemite. that never gets boring.


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
TN said:
yeah but then you just go back to pimpin ho's & rockin' da mike like dolemite. that never gets boring.
sheeeeeot mang you know i be rockin and pimpin with the best of them.


May 25, 2004
dude. that was insane. i got to see the decay close up and that vid doesnt do that ramp justice. that thing was like 15 ft high it was huge. and the back flip off the tree damn that was the most intense thing i have ever seen. i would be scared to do that in my dreams :D :drool: :eek:


Jan 28, 2004
Denver, CO
This is all well and good, but it is in the WRONG FORUM.

I wasn't really impressed with the riding in the photo, and didn't want to get flamed for saying so. Don't get me wrong, it takes a lot of skill and all, it just doesn't really impress me. And I couldn't figure out why I wasn't digging it until I realized that it's street riding, and I don't usually have to wade through the stuff since I don't frequent the street forum. So please, next time, post correctly, for everyone's sake. You'll get more people who want to see that kind of stuff. And since you will ask, I watched the video because I didn't know it wasn't DH riding.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 20, 2001
Foxboro MA
erikkellison said:
This is all well and good, but it is in the WRONG FORUM.

chill out, theres probably plenty of people (like myself) that just browse this forum. Its all riding, its all good. Ive recently been converted racer boi but still hold that special place in my :heart: for street.


Jan 28, 2004
Denver, CO
I'm chill, just wanted to use the caps to make sure that the kids responsible for this thread location actually read what I wrote. And if we used the "it's all riding, it's all good" philosophy everywhere on the board, there'd be utter chaos, and it would take hours to sift through the stuff you don't want to read just to find the stuff you do want to read. This can probably be likened to spamming. And for you who do not see the relation, I will spell it out in advance. I don't see this as spamming, but it is like spamming a normal thread. When people read a normal thread, they do not want to be bothered with spam. If they did, they'd go to the classifieds/bike shop webpages. When people want to read about downhill mountain biking, they do not want to be bothered with street riding. If they did, they'd go to the street forum.


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
erikkellison said:
I'm chill, just wanted to use the caps to make sure that the kids responsible for this thread location actually read what I wrote. And if we used the "it's all riding, it's all good" philosophy everywhere on the board, there'd be utter chaos, and it would take hours to sift through the stuff you don't want to read just to find the stuff you do want to read. This can probably be likened to spamming. And for you who do not see the relation, I will spell it out in advance. I don't see this as spamming, but it is like spamming a normal thread. When people read a normal thread, they do not want to be bothered with spam. If they did, they'd go to the classifieds/bike shop webpages. When people want to read about downhill mountain biking, they do not want to be bothered with street riding. If they did, they'd go to the street forum.
Gimme a break Dude - what's the harm in the person posting the thread in here. You are the only one complaining - I don't get it.


Mar 13, 2002
Yep, watched it twice. Something was f'd up with the color the first time. :)

I dig the huge gap to landing on the table, that takes some balls.


May 25, 2004
yeh man that gap was huge it had to be over 20ft.

but dude theres alot of dhillers who like to ride and watch street so i dont see a big prob with him posting here. its riding and its awsome anyway you slice it. and you cant sit there and tell me youve had the cravin to ride and not had the opportunity to ride on a trail. so you just go and ride the street. so dont complain about awsome vids with awsome riders in them. expecially something as petty as that. and i will ignore you.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 12, 2001
something about that flip reminds me of bikerfox :D :nope:

but very "whoa" @ the same time.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 20, 2001
Foxboro MA
flatulant_man said:
yeah, unfortunately, that was the only part that really stood out to me. other than the picnick table road gap hill thing. looked like your average bike movie
how about that fufanu chase was doing on the tree branch off the barrier. That seriously looked like it was 15ft deep or so :eek:
or how about the kid in the blue shirt putting his foot down on the wall :rolleyes:


Turbo Monkey
Jul 11, 2004
just when I thought I was getting to be a better rider. Damn, I really suck, whats my problem? why can't I ride like that?


Oct 22, 2002
Oslo, Norway
the gap to the picnic table looks wrong, I don't think he makes it. Open the movie in QT, pause it and use the arrow tabs to flick through the motion. His wheel seems to get stuck before the table, in the last frame. That kid is going to eat it, hard.


Rusty Trombone
Jul 10, 2003
erikkellison said:
I'm chill, just wanted to use the caps to make sure that the kids responsible for this thread location actually read what I wrote. And if we used the "it's all riding, it's all good" philosophy everywhere on the board, there'd be utter chaos, and it would take hours to sift through the stuff you don't want to read just to find the stuff you do want to read. This can probably be likened to spamming. And for you who do not see the relation, I will spell it out in advance. I don't see this as spamming, but it is like spamming a normal thread. When people read a normal thread, they do not want to be bothered with spam. If they did, they'd go to the classifieds/bike shop webpages. When people want to read about downhill mountain biking, they do not want to be bothered with street riding. If they did, they'd go to the street forum.
You are obviously new around here, if you didn’t realize the street/dj forum is almost never posted in, I think i speak for the masses when saying that most of the guys in here, would be more than entertained by the teaser its sick...do a little research before acting like a moderator :nuts:


Turbo Monkey
Nov 20, 2001
Foxboro MA
stoney98 said:
I watched it once, realized I'm not from the east coast and then thought about riding a real mtn bike on dirt, not bmx on a bigger bike. Then thought oh wait, I'll just go drive my car, and then did that. I'm gonna get some 15" 6pots for my subie so I can do stoppies and front flips! Then I can be core east coast!
senechal went out to calgary to do a whole scene report there, robinson is from the great north, the asheville comp was in north carolina, hacksaws from nevada, prisels from ohio....
dont be jealous they decided to do the roadtrip here :nope: :cool:
the only reason i have to be bitter is they did it the same week as mount snow! :dead:


Rusty Trombone
Jul 10, 2003
stoney98 said:
I watched it once, realized I'm not from the east coast and then thought about riding a real mtn bike on dirt, not bmx on a bigger bike. Then thought oh wait, I'll just go drive my car, and then did that. I'm gonna get some 15" 6pots for my subie so I can do stoppies and front flips! Then I can be core east coast!