
What To Do?

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
I'd give it to him first thing, but that's just me. I like to get it over with. With any luck, they'll send you home and pay you out in lieu of the 1.5 weeks. :)


What do I have to do to get you in this car TODAY?
Nov 15, 2002
Charlotte, NC
Originally posted by I Are Baboon
I'd give it to him first thing, but that's just me. I like to get it over with. With any luck, they'll send you home and pay you out in lieu of the 1.5 weeks. :)

That is an excellent point...

But then you wont be able to surf the :monkey: from work for the rest of the day.

You may have to go out and ride or something :D


took the red pill
No riding for me today. I've been on vicodins for like a month for my neck and I officially burnt out on Tuesday. My wife locked them up and I've had the cold sweats, shakes, lack of sleep and whatnot and I'm not in the mood to see my boss sulk all day if they don't boot me. What do do? Now? or Later?


Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
Grab a 12 pack of newcastles, walk into his office first thing, hand him the letter, go to you desk and pop open a nice cold Newcastle and enjoy your beers:thumb:

Man you guys need to learn the proper procedure to quitting.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
I try to never burn bridges when I leave a company.

In my business around here it's very incestuous.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Originally posted by stosh
I try to never burn bridges when I leave a company.

In my business around here it's very incestuous.
Being a jerk about it is just bad juju anyway. Tell him first thing or take him out to lunch and let him know. Just be as proffesional as possible.


took the red pill
I live to burn bridges, this place was talking like 70k when I originally told them I would leave consulting and come here. Then when I got laid off and was desperate, this place sweated me for a month and finally offered me much less than what was originally talked about. I don't mean to mention numbers here so nobody jump down my throat, just trying to make my point.



Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Originally posted by Knuckleslammer
I live to burn bridges, this place was talking like 70k when I originally told them I would leave consulting and come here. Then when I got laid off and was desperate, this place sweated me for a month and finally offered me much less than what was originally talked about. I don't mean to mention numbers here so nobody jump down my throat, just trying to make my point.


Supply and demand! Business is business... this is the economic climate we live in.... come down of the script and we'll talk more.


I gave notice at my last gig and they said you can't leave. I of course said I must. I was professional. The bosses, they were not so professional. They were rude and short for 2 weeks. Now I would likely have just been a prick for 2 weeks. Flippin the bird and all every time we meet up. :D You should do it early and be nice Knuckle. Don't be one of those DB jackasses that peeps hate to be around. You know the type.


Oct 17, 2002
As soon as you see your boss wandering around talking to people, ask him to see you in his office in five minutes and walk away. Then, walk in his office, sit down, stare him straight in his eyes and ask him for his resignation. Pause. And tell him you'd like it by 5pm today. Pause. Walk out.


took the red pill
Yeah, I have another job. A job I'm actaully happy about. Being paid what I should. I don't want to piss these guys off, as I might be able to do work on the side for them. I'm just nervous and shaky and messed up from being on the vics for a month :dead:
Vicodin sucks.



Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Originally posted by Knuckleslammer
Yeah, I have another job. A job I'm actaully happy about. Being paid what I should. I don't want to piss these guys off, as I might be able to do work on the side for them. I'm just nervous and shaky and messed up from being on the vics for a month :dead:
Vicodin sucks.


Ha, you're funny!


Oct 17, 2002
Originally posted by Knuckleslammer
Yeah, I have another job. A job I'm actaully happy about. Being paid what I should. I don't want to piss these guys off, as I might be able to do work on the side for them. I'm just nervous and shaky and messed up from being on the vics for a month :dead:
Vicodin sucks.

congrats on the new gig! :thumb:


Jun 14, 2002
Santa Monica
Originally posted by Brian HCM#1
Grab a 12 pack of newcastles, walk into his office first thing, hand him the letter, go to you desk and pop open a nice cold Newcastle and enjoy your beers:thumb:

Man you guys need to learn the proper procedure to quitting.
To make it easier on your boss, just go into his office with your letter and two beers, hand him your letter, let him read it, then hand him a beer.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Eh, the proper procedure for quitting is usually to be straight, up front, and polite.

If you're moving far away, or if its a big city, or if you're leaving for a completely different type of business, sometimes it's okay to be rude.

The rest of the time... Well, first off, good references are ALWAYS a good thing. Why piss him off when you can exploit him for personal gain by smiling and handing him your letter a few hours earlier? Also, people talk. Especially in smaller towns. All that has to happen is for your boss to make a rude comment in passing - it could end up in your future boss's ear.

Lastly, what if you ever end up working with them in your new company? Or being desperate for a job? Don't burn bridges; wouldn't it be nice if your company goes under in 2 years and the economy is bad, to be able to call in a favor and get your old job back?

Just my opinion though.


took the red pill
Well, the way I figure it, if I burn enough bridges, I wont be able to get a job as a DBA (dirty bullsheite artist) and will be forced to change careers (which I desperately want to do)
Little motivation ya know? I got tons and tons of references, I don't care about this place that SKREWED me to begin with.



took the red pill
I don't drink beer. I hate beer. I like drugs. Beer makes me tired and useless, makes me sick and gives me migrane headaches. I just don't understand the inflatuation with beer. Never did, never will. To each his own. Yeah, a beer in this place? I can see it now. Dogs, cops, fbi, atf, LOL. I'll give my boss a punch in the face, that's what I'll give him. I don't need no stinking references, I got tons. Even people I've never worked with or for. I'm a liar and a no good SOB :d
Anyhow, it all goes down at 1pm. Myself and the Net Admin are going to the HR dept to spill the beans to try to figure out a way to not give my boss a heart attack. I do feel a little bad. Not too bad, just a schmigent.

After all, I am a DBA



I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
Dude...Knuck...sounds like between the mortgage post earlier and this one you're just having a dandy week.

Tell your boss, and then wear pink tutus to work for the next week. :D


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
Break some crap and tell him a gremlin did it, show up for work 2 hours late in shorts and flip-flops only to take a 2 hour nap in your chair, drink all the coffee in the pot except 1/8 of a cup and put the pot back on the burner, eat lunch and leave a huge food mess in the breakroom, then leave a massive turd in the toilet and sign the seat with a sharpie, burn some incense in your office (use keyboard to hold up the stick), surf some porn with the volume on high, then... right as your boss is giving you hell, drop the letter on him and spray a big fat sneeze all over his face.


took the red pill
No, but I did put the turkey they gave me last year up in the ceiling. I also opened a can of tuna and put it inside someones pc I diddn't like. Another fun one is to pull out about 2 feet of toilet paper in the bathroom stall and write WIPE IT GOOD A-HOLE and wrap it back up :D
