
what psp takes pictures of on a 30 day ban

Huck Banzai

Turbo Monkey
May 8, 2005
More 2c

Sean did some stupid things, and I dont care much for his antics etc..


Anything more than a ban for rest of season is excessive. While I have commented on 'what an ass' he has been, his outward response on forums is atypically mature and he clearly understands the sutuation.

I for one would advocate a lift of this ban (after this season is over) by Intrawest/Diablo assuming that there is no infraction we are unaware of that IS severe enough, and then sit down with him letting him know he has a strike (2 strikes, w/e) and that should he repeat this type of behavior, the ban will become permanent.

As I understood it, this wasnt at the behest of Shawn O. but Intrawest, and he is bound to comply with their directives.

Remember, it's our hobby / playtime, it's his business. If one of my suboordinates makes my job harder or less profitable for me, I'm giving him a pink slip ASAP; how about you?

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
I don't disagree at all. I just think it's stupid to have threads and topic deleted and people still talk about it in another thread...
Where has a topic or post with any kind of useful content in it been deleted? As far as I know, what I've deleted in the past few days is the only non-spam related posts that have been deleted in this forum, and I haven't removed any valid content, just inane picture posts and flaming.


Turbo Monkey
Dec 12, 2006
i thought you said we could keep posting our funny pictures. i guess you have to have over 2000 posts to do that.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
i thought you said we could keep posting our funny pictures. i guess you have to have over 2000 posts to do that.
I'm not going to keep explaining this. This is the last time, okay? Read it, re-read it, process it because you're not hearing it again:

Jokes are fine. Funny pictures are fine. All of that is okay IN MODERATION. Not in every thread. Not every post. Not to hijack a perfectly good thread that someone is looking for help with.

You want to know what it appears that there's a correlation between post count and leniency by the mods? Because a lot of the people with "over 2000 posts" have a long history of good contributions and have proven that they know how to handle themselves. The funny part is, those guys get moderated too when they step over the line, but a lot of them are smart enough to know that it's not worth bitching and whining over.


Jan 25, 2007
dirty jersey
Where has a topic or post with any kind of useful content in it been deleted? As far as I know, what I've deleted in the past few days is the only non-spam related posts that have been deleted in this forum, and I haven't removed any valid content, just inane picture posts and flaming.
Listen man, I'm not trying to match wits with you. I don't disagree, and I probably misworded things. But this as been a sensitive topic and posts have been deleted and threads have been locked for whatever the reason may be. I have only try to say why continue to talk about something that has been locked and /or deleted, and that when a mod get involved in a conversation usually that conversation needs to be toned down..

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
when a mod get involved in a conversation usually that conversation needs to be toned down..
Ahh, I see the confusion.

Some boards are like that: moderators only participate in discussions that require the attention of a moderator. Here, it's a little different. Generally, we're all posters first, moderators second. I would resign from being a mod before I would give up posting how/what I feel on any topic I want to post in.


I give a shirt
Jan 17, 2006
da Burgh

what ever the case may be with the mountain, I don't agree with the lifetime ban.

I haven' met you (only seen your posts and seen videos where you were present), but I teach HS, and know the antics of many of the students your age. You have some great gifts in your favor, living that close to Diablo, your photo abilities, and your riding. I would hope that the mountain gives you a second chance, because a lifetime ban is a bit excessive. I also hope that when they do, you respect your priveledges.

good luck with getting back on the mountain, and keep up the great photography.


Turbo Monkey
Dec 12, 2006

what ever the case may be with the mountain, I don't agree with the lifetime ban.

I haven' met you (only seen your posts and seen videos where you were present), but I teach HS, and know the antics of many of the students your age. You have some great gifts in your favor, living that close to Diablo, your photo abilities, and your riding. I would hope that the mountain gives you a second chance, because a lifetime ban is a bit excessive. I also hope that when they do, you respect your priveledges.

good luck with getting back on the mountain, and keep up the great photography.
i wish my one of my teachers downhilled. then when i come into class covered in bandages and completly dead they would understand instead of looking at me like i'm mentally disturbed.


I give a shirt
Jan 17, 2006
da Burgh
i wish my one of my teachers downhilled. then when i come into class covered in bandages and completly dead they would understand instead of looking at me like i'm mentally disturbed.
I am trying to convert the Playstation playing rug rats one at a time to ride bikes! so far I have converted 4 kids, and a few more are showing interest! :thumb:


I give a shirt
Jan 17, 2006
da Burgh
treading on thin ice so no more posting in the diablo section for a while!
treading on thin ice?

I thought it was very big of you to admit that you were wrong in your actions! anyone who doesn't reflect on their actions and make adjustments to them so as to not make the same mistakes twice is just an @$$Hole... It seams as if you have seen the error in your ways and should be commended for SEEING the error... Now it is your turn to prove you have grown through this process and let your actions speak for you.

if the powers that be cant see that you were directly asked a question, and you responded in a very matter of fact manor with very little editorializing, and admitted to this site that you made mistakes, then I feal sorry for them. You are a teenager that is growing up, learning from mistakes etc.

I always felt like hitting Diablo and getting some good quality pics without having to lug all my good cam gear on the trails... If you are allowed back on the mountain, let me know I will gladly hit you up for some mountain knowledge and photo shoot!


Crusading Clamp Monkey
Sep 27, 2006
Deep in the heart of TEXAS
<snip>You want to know what it appears that there's a correlation between post count and leniency by the mods? Because a lot of the people with "over 2000 posts" have a long history of good contributions and have proven that they know how to handle themselves. The funny part is, those guys get moderated too when they step over the line, but a lot of them are smart enough to know that it's not worth bitching and whining over.
BS!!! You know good and well that people like me, with a long history, never get moderated. :think: