
what psp takes pictures of on a 30 day ban

Rob Munro

Jul 22, 2005
that last photo is amazing. the horse and rider could teach us all a thing or two about cornering.

by the way, if it's just a 30 day ban, why are you selling your bike?


site moron
Jul 5, 2006
Vernon, NJ
30 ban from being aloud to shoot on the mountain with no lift access lifetime ban on the lift, and from what im hearing i am not aloud on the mountain during the winter. i might keep the bike not to sure yet.

Rob Munro

Jul 22, 2005
30 ban from being aloud to shoot on the mountain with no lift access lifetime ban on the lift, and from what im hearing i am not aloud on the mountain during the winter. i might keep the bike not to sure yet.
jeez, I thought it was just 30 days and then you got full access. if you can't ever ride again, or sell any photos you take, what the heck is the point?


site moron
Jul 5, 2006
Vernon, NJ
yep it was just stupidity in a condensed form. i got banned from diablo but that wont stop me from riding. I dont have to travel more then 30 minutes to ride at
Allamuchy Mountain State Park
High Point State Park
Jungle Habitat
Kittatinny Valley State Park
Stokes State Forest
Wawayanda State Park
Ramapo Mountain State Forest
Ringwood State Park
Wildcat Ridge Wildlife Management Area
Mahlon Dickerson Reservation
and thats only nj, theres also a bunch of places in ny

Rob Munro

Jul 22, 2005
Pinkshirt's deal has nothing to do with photo issues, that should be made abundantly clear.
I meant based on the lifetime lift ban, DH is out of the question. And, in other news, he can't sell the photos he takes. So, he's not going to hike around Diablo every weekend just to give away pictures.

A lifetime ban seems a bit heavy handed. How about a compromise...Sean is banned for the rest of 2007, but he works as a contracted Diablo photographer on weekends. Diablo gets a real photographer, can post some good shots for sale on their site, and Sean can work off his punishment. At this point I feel bad for the kid. I can't imagine living 5 minutes from Diablo and not being allowed to ride there.


May 13, 2007
All jokes aside...

I think Sean is a good kid, a little nuts but a good kid nonetheless...

We may all bust his chops on forums, but all agree that the guy is harmless, and he's just being what he is; a teenager... All in all, Sean, u're cool in my book, now matter what... even thought i wanna kick your ass sometimes... but it's okay....


Oct 9, 2006
Sean... I gotta say, awesome pictures. The action shots are really good (horses) Looks like all of the high speed biking photography set you up for those shots.


Turbo Monkey
Dec 12, 2006
giant rider. pictures of your sister please. common now we all wanna see if seans and idiot or actually knows what a hot girl looks like


Feb 13, 2007
Vernon, New Jersey!
A ban for life?!

As much as it may seem that I don't like the kid that much, that is completely ridiculous... I mean the rest of the '07 season is one thing... but still... that IS a little harsh.


Jan 25, 2007
dirty jersey
I agree that it is harsh and they are trying to make an example out of him.
That being said, and this is only what I've heard, but he has been doing this since last winter and has been warned a bunch of times, teenager or not how many times does someone need to be told to not do something? Especially someone who lives so close and was there almost everyday and Diablo extended him some privledges that other did not get.
Again I think the punishment is harsh and unwarranted and also that the bald head lift guy is a TOTAL D!CK and acts as if he's the police chief and a LIFT OPERATOR.
Anyway I really did not want to even get involved with this whole topic but it just seems to be everywhere and the mods are shutting down threads but we're still talking about it so I chimed in... sorry if I've offended anyone that's never my intent.


Feb 7, 2007
I have stayed pretty neutral on this topic since it surfaced; seeing as I have never really met or gotten to know either Sean or the Diablo staff, there is no reason to make assumptions or place judgment. However obsolete its impact may be, after reading Sean's rap-sheet, I feel like I need to express an opinion on the situation.

Based on the above violations, regardless of who warned Sean or not, I can agree that removal from the park and a ban (for a certain predetermined time period) was in the best interest of the park - enough to let Sean know that this place is not a playground, and consequences come from horsing around (which seems to be where each of the problems stemmed).

On the flip side, a permanent barring from use of the ski lift is outlandish based on the offenses. I don't think there is another resort or park in the nation that would go to such drastic measures for a series of generally minor offenses. In my opinion, it would take a drastic violation to receive a "lifetime ban" from the park:

-Theft of Diablo's or another rider's bicycle or equipment.
-Destructive vandalism of the property.
-Altering trails or obstacles so as to deliberately cause harm to other riders.
-A physical confrontation with any Diablo staff member.
-A pre-set number of violations for riding on closed trails or off-limits areas.

You know, big time offenses that put others in direct jeopardy. A ban through the rest of the 2007 season is stern, but fair. Give Sean plenty of time to straighten up, and let him and the Diablo staff cool their jets towards each other.

This is not an attempt to sway the park from their decision; it is their park and their business, so they can do as they choose. It's just my opinion that the problems that were caused hardly warrant such a severe reprocussion.


Jan 25, 2007
dirty jersey
It's called terroristic threats.
anyone who would take what was said that far deserves to have is @ss kicked. Did it ever occur to anyone that all this politically correct crap is the reason people are so fvckin up tight to begin with. Let's not forget folks that we're talking about a place to ride our bikes and 15 year old kids! Did you serve in either Gulf War, did you get bombed in 9/11, so what the hell do you know about terrorists!
All this sh!t that has gone on for the last few weeks is fvcking ridiculous and it makes not want to ride Diablo anymore cause I'm starting to see who is riding there. I won't say that everyone there is like this but there have been a few that have come out of the woodwork lately...
This crap is way out of hand.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Can I offer everyone here a piece of advice?

Don't be a friggin' retard, and you won't have to worry about your privileges being revoked. If you act childish, threaten people, and I've been told by someone that the problems went beyond what PSP is claiming, then expect to be tossed out on your ass.

Private resort, they can do what they want. I'd do the same thing. One guy's money means nothing to me if I have to pay my staff to hassle with him.

Rob Munro

Jul 22, 2005
Can I offer everyone here a piece of advice?

Don't be a friggin' retard, and you won't have to worry about your privileges being revoked. If you act childish, threaten people, and I've been told by someone that the problems went beyond what PSP is claiming, then expect to be tossed out on your ass.

Private resort, they can do what they want. I'd do the same thing. One guy's money means nothing to me if I have to pay my staff to hassle with him.
I agree to an extent. But they need to work out a compromise. Right and wrong doesn't matter, both sides are far better off working this out.


Jan 25, 2007
dirty jersey
ok, since not many people can take a hint, when a mod gets involved to give a little more than an opinion and given the fact that there have been deleted and locked threads haw about we all just drop it!

demo 9

Turbo Monkey
Jan 31, 2007
north jersey
i have to agree with klutch-diablo does seem stricter this year but with all this politacally correct bullsh!t its just whats guna happen. i wish diablo was how it was 2 years ago. (just with the 06 and 07 trails)

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
ok, since not many people can take a hint, when a mod gets involved to give a little more than an opinion and given the fact that there have been deleted and locked threads haw about we all just drop it!
I don't know how much clearer I can be about this.

We are not deleting on-topic threads, or threads with any kind of good content. I will be deleting the inane, stupid posts or useless flaming that some people in here have been making nonstop in every thread.

I don't delete threads or posts to make myself right. If you disagree with me, disagree and say why - I'd be happy to have a discussion about it.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 16, 2005
Can I offer everyone here a piece of advice?

Don't be a friggin' retard, and you won't have to worry about your privileges being revoked. If you act childish, threaten people, and I've been told by someone that the problems went beyond what PSP is claiming, then expect to be tossed out on your ass.

Private resort, they can do what they want. I'd do the same thing. One guy's money means nothing to me if I have to pay my staff to hassle with him.
True that you shouldn't behave badly, but I'm not sure if the park has the legal right to bar Sean for life unless they have done so consistantly for incidences in the past. AS a business you can not discriminate, you need documented procedures and you must record occurances- otherwise you risk discrimination. It's obvious there was a personality conflict and stupid teenage bahavior, but to what extent it endangered people and warranted a liftime ban could be an interesting case.

If upper management, a mediator or a judge could look for the truth, maybe the outcome will change. If I was sean I would go up the chain of management and write a nice apology letter.

Great pictures- I like night time shots. I took some night time shots of a nuclear power plant when I was in high school. It's fun getting a tripod and messing with the shutter and speed and such. Keep posting pics.


Jan 25, 2007
dirty jersey
I don't know how much clearer I can be about this.

We are not deleting on-topic threads, or threads with any kind of good content. I will be deleting the inane, stupid posts or useless flaming that some people in here have been making nonstop in every thread.

I don't delete threads or posts to make myself right. If you disagree with me, disagree and say why - I'd be happy to have a discussion about it.
I don't disagree at all. I just think it's stupid to have threads and topic deleted and people still talk about it in another thread...


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
True that you shouldn't behave badly, but I'm not sure if the park has the legal right to bar Sean for life unless they have done so consistantly for incidences in the past. AS a business you can not discriminate, you need documented procedures and you must record occurances- otherwise you risk discrimination. It's obvious there was a personality conflict and stupid teenage bahavior, but to what extent it endangered people and warranted a liftime ban could be an interesting case.

If upper management, a mediator or a judge could look for the truth, maybe the outcome will change. If I was sean I would go up the chain of management and write a nice apology letter.

Great pictures- I like night time shots. I took some night time shots of a nuclear power plant when I was in high school. It's fun getting a tripod and messing with the shutter and speed and such. Keep posting pics.
As a private entity on private property, they have every right to br you from the property for any reason they see fit. If you come back, they can have you arrested for tresspassing.

It is only discrimination if you can prove they have a policy of barring people for a specific trait (skin color, sex, sexual preference etc). Kicking a trouble maker off the property isn't discrimination. Bars/clubs do it all the time.


site moron
Jul 5, 2006
Vernon, NJ
i made a few mistakes noone is perfect. i just happen to be on that mountain almost every day of the year. last year i was there almost every day all riding season, and this past ski season i was on the mountain almost every day. i was even there when it was closed taking pictures of snowblowing, and trail building. i think me getting banned for the rest of the year is fine but i dont like my whole life. in the past 3 years i have flipped my life around 100% i have been riding 2 of those years now. once my 30 day ban is over im going to try to meet with a mountain creek official and see if i can try working something out.