
We done got burgled!


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
Some piece of **** broke into our house last Friday, broke the window in our backyard :( :rant: Took all my wifes jewelry including her engagement ring, my Xbox, all my games and controllers, and several other small but valuable things.

They left behind plenty of theft worthy things including Bikes, music gear, and entertainment equiupment. The scary thing is... the next day we both went out to take care of some stuff and when we got back our back gate was wide open. We had left it closed and latched. We are guessing someone is watching the house because the day we got robbed there was only a 2 hour window when no one would be home. And then someone came into the backyard when we were only gone for an hour.

:banghead: :rant: :ban:


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Neighborhood kids. Guarantee it. Time to get 'clandestine'. Act like you're leaving, and stake the place out somehow. Buy a gun. Kill the kids.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Then throw their bodies into the street in front of your house as a warning to the rest. The deterrent value is lost if you don't send the message.
Ya rly. Put their heads on stakes and stab out their eyeballs and make love to their skulls!:banana:


beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR
Both our cars gotten broken into a couple weeks ago. Right in our driveway. They didn't get away wirth much, but it's a ****ty feeling for sure.


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
I highly doubt its kids. Kids wouldnt be grabbing jewerly.

Unless you have an alarm system and go nuts locking up your place if they want in, they will.

Are you sure they didnt grab any thing like cc's or checks ?

Full Trucker

Frikkin newb!!!
Feb 26, 2003
Exit, CO
golgi that SUUUUUUCKS... nothing like getting robbed tomake you feel utterly helpless for sure. I hope that justice is swift and comes Chuck Norris style.

In brighter news, I thought of the ultimate name for your band about 5 seconds ago, just before opening RM.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
Stake out the local party/hangout spots. Find the wimpiest kid. Wait until he leaves said spot. Casually introduce yourself as a local concerned citizen who just had his stuff robbed. Ask him if he is willing to help you find your stuff. As a reward you won't tell his mother he is drinking/partying/dealing in stolen property. Get names and address' of the little hoodlums. Casually introduce yourself as the sick **** who had his stuff stolen to each and everyone of them. You may not get your stuff back but the kids in your nieghborhood will get word around that you mean bidness. Your problems go away....


Feb 5, 2003
Louisville, KY
My parents house was broken into last year. They broke through the glass sliding door and stole some computer software/games, digital camera, and cd's. Turned out it was a few neighborhood high school aged kids. My dad left the house for less than an hour and that was all the time they needed. He had noticed the boys roaming the neighborhood earlier in the day (it was a school day and they apparently skipped school). Anyway, cops where called, boys where arrested and they along with their parents where brought back to my dads house. Two of the boys where brothers and their fat trashy mom didn't think it was a big deal "boys will be boys" she kept repeating. Her tone changed when my Dad pressed charges and here little babies where loaded into the police car. A week later the ladies oldest son started harassing my sister at school. So me and my bro got him in the parking lot after he got out of work and put a stop to it.


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
My parents house was broken into last year. They broke through the glass sliding door and stole some computer software/games, digital camera, and cd's. Turned out it was a few neighborhood high school aged kids. My dad left the house for less than an hour and that was all the time they needed. He had noticed the boys roaming the neighborhood earlier in the day (it was a school day and they apparently skipped school). Anyway, cops where called, boys where arrested and they along with their parents where brought back to my dads house. Two of the boys where brothers and their fat trashy mom didn't think it was a big deal "boys will be boys" she kept repeating. Her tone changed when my Dad pressed charges and here little babies where loaded into the police car. A week later the ladies oldest son started harassing my sister at school. So me and my bro got him in the parking lot after he got out of work and put a stop to it.
Did you behead him?


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
Nothing says gotcha like a taser to the back of the neck. I'd tend to agree with BSon this (dear lord, did I just say that?). It is definitely some neighborhood hoodlums. Teach them a 100 000 volt lesson.


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
that sucks !!

cca. how much in $ they took away in stuff
Walked away with about 5k in goods. The only bike related item was my Specialized Adaptilite glasses :(

We have insurance but we probably wont get more than 2-3k back because a lot of the stuff they took we didnt have a record of. Like my wifes jewelry for instance, they cleaned her out and, other than pictures we only had a record of value on her wedding rings. I didnt have a record of all my xbox games either.

My ass is sore already from talking to the adjuster and we havent even gotten to the nitty gritty yet.


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
Walked away with about 5k in goods. The only bike related item was my Specialized Adaptilite glasses :(

We have insurance but we probably wont get more than 2-3k back because a lot of the stuff they took we didnt have a record of. Like my wifes jewelry for instance, they cleaned her out and, other than pictures we only had a record of value on her wedding rings. I didnt have a record of all my xbox games either.

My ass is sore already from talking to the adjuster and we havent even gotten to the nitty gritty yet.
You may want to ask your agent if they will come out and inventory your stuff for you. I know its a little late and hopefully there isn't a next time but.....

I was surprised by our agent sent some folks out and they took video and pictures with a listing of our stuff.


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
Nothing says gotcha like a taser to the back of the neck. I'd tend to agree with BSon this (dear lord, did I just say that?). It is definitely some neighborhood hoodlums. Teach them a 100 000 volt lesson.
Yeah, they have been getting in through the back yard. We have a chain link fence... I have been thinking strongly of hooking a car battery up to it when I leave the house.


I give a shirt
Jan 17, 2006
da Burgh
that sucks golgi!

go charles bronson on them and put some boards on the floors with nails in them, so when they climb through the window they get the old bungi stick treatment!

little sonsofb!tches!


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
I agree that it sounds like the work of either local juvenile delinquents or tweakers. They'll likely be back. Get yourself two discrete IR-activated cameras(different locations and angles) for less than $200 and go on with your life until the inevitable happens. At that point, you can do whatever you want with the images you capture- turn 'em over to the cops OR take care of the bastids on your own terms...whatever your conscience demands.

Here are some representative products on sale ==>http://www.overstock.com/?PAGE=CATLIST&pro_sub_cat=2172&pro_ssub_cat=12980


Nam I am
Yeah, they have been getting in through the back yard. We have a chain link fence... I have been thinking strongly of hooking a car battery up to it when I leave the house.

Screw the car battery thtas only 12 Volts doubt the'd even feel it , get a Neon Lamp Transformer ! Thats 17 KV they be flopping on the deck like a trout before it goes into a frying pan


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
Screw the car battery thtas only 12 Volts doubt the'd even feel it , get a Neon Lamp Transformer ! Thats 17 KV they be flopping on the deck like a trout before it goes into a frying pan
...or an old Model A/T or magneto ignition coil. I believe it was a similar auxilliary grounded-to-the-body unit that famously killed a repeat thief and got the car's owner jailed, even though it was in a locked garage. A nice fantasy along with the Bronson suggestion or the old bear-trap-under-the-rug trick, but if pain is to be the wages of their sin, at least give youself a chance of getting away with delivering it. :bonk:


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Screw the car battery thtas only 12 Volts doubt the'd even feel it , get a Neon Lamp Transformer ! Thats 17 KV they be flopping on the deck like a trout before it goes into a frying pan
Not to mention that chainlink fences are probably pretty well grounded. It'd probably just drain the battery and do nothing to the hoodlums. :D

Secret Squirrel

There is no Justice!
Dec 21, 2004
Up sh*t creek, without a paddle
A buddy of mine was working construction and his boss had his brand new generator jacked from the job site (this is commercial stuff, so it's locked up and secured on-site) twice.

He finally had enough and grabbed a 2 farad capacitor. Linked the cap up to the chain that was securing the generator and he staked out the site. 'Bout 2 and a half hours after closing the site, here comes this tweeker....*BLAMO!!!!* Hasn't had that generator stolen since. His boss said that he'd never seen someone twitch that much while running and screaming....


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
Not to mention that chainlink fences are probably pretty well grounded. It'd probably just drain the battery and do nothing to the hoodlums. :D
Even supercharging a large livestock electrified fence, readily available at your local Tractor Supply Company, only pisses the punks off and encourages more destructive forays in the future. Catch them in the act. That way you can turn 'em over to the cops -or- beat the livin' piss out of 'em and then show 'em the pics afterwards as insurance against police intervention(or as justification to provide your legal defense).


ass grabber
Sep 8, 2006
Central Florida
Back in the day, my friends Dad heard something in the living room at night so he got his shotgun and went out to see. Some dude had jimmied the window and was just sticking his leg in, so pops stuck the shotgun against his knee and pulled the trigger. Pops had to go to court but he didn't get convicted. And homeboy won't be robbing any houses with his gimp leg.