
WC dh #2 Champéry


Turbo Monkey
Oct 4, 2001
Sea to Sky BC
wow, that's one hell of a blown out results sheet, big names all over the place......always interesting waking up late weswt coast time and reading everyones comments during the race.....I was really pulling for Nico, mostly to shut up the Sam Hill fan club, but I'll admit, I can't wait to see footy from this race, he must've tore that track a new one.......very reminicent of Pascal at Grouse, I remember standing beside the track that day and he slayed in the nastiest conditions...sounds like this one is right up there too!


Turbo Monkey
Sep 23, 2001
Santiago du Chili
wow, that's one hell of a blown out results sheet, big names all over the place......always interesting waking up late weswt coast time and reading everyones comments during the race.....I was really pulling for Nico, mostly to shut up the Sam Hill fan club, but I'll admit, I can't wait to see footy from this race, he must've tore that track a new one.......very reminicent of Pascal at Grouse, I remember standing beside the track that day and he slayed in the nastiest conditions...sounds like this one is right up there too!
pascal did a great run, i think many ppl would have been mentioning how he did if it wasnt eclipsed by the man that started right after him


Turbo Monkey
May 21, 2002
Orange, Ca
Where in the HELL is some lengthy interviews with Matti, Peat and especially Sam Hill? what seems to be one of the best rides in recent memory we are all left to sit and wonder? is the MTB media that pathetic these days.
Is it that hard to ask for some text interviews or audio in this modern era????? I mean, I know 'Sven rules' and all, but someone over there reporting has to have some meat for us to chew on? not just a "my run was great, it was tough" I want details dammit, DETAILS ! ;)


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
Where in the HELL is some lengthy interviews with Matti, Peat and especially Sam Hill? what seems to be one of the best rides in recent memory we are all left to sit and wonder? is the MTB media that pathetic these days.
Is it that hard to ask for some text interviews or audio in this modern era????? I mean, I know 'Sven rules' and all, but someone over there reporting has to have some meat for us to chew on? not just a "my run was great, it was tough" I want details dammit, DETAILS ! ;)
Waiting to get some words from Matti now, via his team manager. Same for Hill.


Mar 12, 2005
ohh god i love this forum¡¡¡ i just love it...
its the closest i got to a tv report , its amazing how quicky you post the news.


Nov 15, 2004
Got some quick words in from both of them as they were starting to relax and wind down.

Hopefully I can catch up with them over the next couple of days and get something a little more in depth.

Apparently Sam CRASHED during his finals run, WTF? He is a maniac...

Sam had a little off the back of the bike thing in the lower woods just before you cross onto the 4x track. With out that he would of won. If he had a crash further up top well that is just insane.

Je would have made a joke of the whole field if the weather stayed dry, 15secs in the semis with plenty in the tank i'd say!


Nov 15, 2004
Pretty crazy race day, all told. How is your buddy doing?
My buddy is bang on, sore but he was taking some pics for yourself today, he was my gimp for the day!

I don't think people who weren't there can grasp what Hill did today, it just can't be compared to anything anyone has done before. Shock and awe! Some of the big guns are gonna have to drink plenty to sleep tonight, MONSTER nightmares!!!

Also forgot to mention that Sabrina Jonnier crashed in here run and if it was not for that probably would have taken the win. The local race organisers where super stoked the Saner won though!


Nov 15, 2004
C'mon Nissan...the back of your truck for the hotseat? Coulda done better....

Alot of people thought the same, on a whole the organisation was really bad. It's a pity it seems that this venue is a one time only affair, the track is so good.


Aug 26, 2005
is the MTB media that pathetic these days.
Is it that hard to ask for some text interviews or audio in this modern era?????
I think that the collective community does a pretty damn good job "these days". It wasn't so long ago that you had to actually wait for results and photos - now it's hits you live. Props to all the media folks out there for all your hard work.


Turbo Monkey
May 21, 2002
Orange, Ca
I think that the collective community does a pretty damn good job "these days". It wasn't so long ago that you had to actually wait for results and photos - now it's hits you live. Props to all the media folks out there for all your hard work.
We can agree to disagree-no worries.

Anyways...5 bucks to the first person that gets me a video of the sam hill race run by days end.


Aug 26, 2005
We can agree to disagree-no worries.

Anyways...5 bucks to the first person that gets me a video of the sam hill race run by days end.
Maybe that's why the media is bad for you. You expect a guy/girl to buy some camera equipment, fly to a location, climb a mountain, capture video, edit the video, upload it to the web - all within 5 seconds of it happening - and you only want to pay $5.....


Turbo Monkey
Mar 10, 2005
guess this also shows that nico doesn't really have what it takes to make a comeback huh? sam is just nuts... its just impossible to even think how he pushed it that far...


Turbo Monkey
May 21, 2002
Orange, Ca
Maybe that's why the media is bad for you. You expect a guy/girl to buy some camera equipment, fly to a location, climb a mountain, capture video, edit the video, upload it to the web - all within 5 seconds of it happening - and you only want to pay $5.....
You work for the govt. and can not read so good, scary ;)

I said 'Media'-as in dirt, decline, mbuk, velonews and the like who are companies with staff and whose job it is to report bike racing. Not long ago there was live tv and in this day and age it is not rocket science for someone to have some quality reporting.

True there is great updating from sven and spomer, 2 guys doing it as a hobby. JDD who is a helmet painter, marketing guy, agent to the stars, and all the while sends in updates to decline, Fraser at transcend, a one man show doing it as a hobby, Kathy Sessler-a team manager sending out her pics and PR, Jill Kintner a RACER sending out updates and on and on.

My beef is with the media who have let me down. Nowhere did I ask some schlep to go buy a video camera, macbookpro, wifi card with GSM service and send out some videos on the fly-I am wondering why the media outlets have not.

Only bringing the little whine up cause we are missing what sounds like the greatest ride in DH history perhaps?
g'day mate


Turbo Monkey
Feb 28, 2005
Pa. / North Jersey
Random Facts About Sam Hill:

- Sam Hill is the cause of gravity. He picked 9.8 m/s*s for the gravitational constant because he deemed it to be "a fu@king awesome number." And that was that.

- Sam Hill can watch a season of "24" in just 3 hours.

- All of Sam Hill's toes are big toes.

- Nine out of every ten married women admit to having had an affair with Sam Hill. The other 1 in 10 didn't survive the foreplay.

- Sam Hill originally wrote the "95 Theses" that led to a rift in the church. However, excommunicating Sam resulted in a rather embarrassing crucifixion incident requiring the promotion of several new cardinals and the election of a new Pope. The whole reformation was then blamed on Martin Luther while Sam Hill was cannonized as the patron saint of “Guys You Don't Fu@k With.”

- seb

Turbo Monkey
Apr 10, 2002
F*cking hell, that photo is nuts! I hate to say it (I'm more of a Gee fan-boy ;)) but Hill is legendary (if the conditions really did change as much as this thread reckons!)


Apr 16, 2005
London, England
that photo of hill looks like its from the mid-late 90s.

Pretty impressive from Hill.
The WC result that sticks in my mind is the frist Fort William WC when CK absolutly destroyed the field in his race run by 14 seconds that was truly amazing.