
Ummm...what next?! -Lil' Manimal pics-


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
all i can say is ...wow! we were out playing w/ his kicker set today and he kept telling me to move it back....and back.....and back. it was at over 6' from lip to lip and i even took out the table part after a while.

he had a groupd of neighborhood kids helping out by laying down in the gap....they all had a blast!

over one of the kids w/ out the table in the middle

his first try w/out the table in the middle, i moved it back to about 5.5' for that one and he landed about 2' past the tranny

some of the "volunteers"

lil manimal's attempt at photography...kinda artsy :D


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
"You got like 3 feet of air that time," That rocks! All I had when I was that age was a chunk of wood and some bricks to stack up :D


Turbo Monkey
Oct 5, 2004
Rochester N.Y.
I love it, and those jumps don't slide at all when he hits them? Pretty cool you can just move them apart or place a table inbetween them. You going to build him a portable, wider then normal, skinny or drop in a year or so?


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
GumbaFish said:
I love it, and those jumps don't slide at all when he hits them? Pretty cool you can just move them apart or place a table inbetween them. You going to build him a portable, wider then normal, skinny or drop in a year or so?

they slide like crazy when i hit them....but i'm 225lbs so it's a given, i don't even dare trying to land on the tranny, have to overshoot and land flat...i'm pretty sure i'd break it.

i built him some skinny a while back and just kept the random pieces of wood lying around. he even did a 4" wide teeter that was at the end of a 10' long 4" elevated skinny.
the original skinny sometime last year on his original 12"

and of course some of the old "drops" that we rigged. remember, this is on a 12" bike just 4 months after losing the training wheels :thumb:

i would love to build some sort of modular stunt system...but i failed shop class :( ;)


Jul 29, 2003
Montgomery county MD
manimal said:
you're a fish? :confused: ;) :D

i'd love to make something that i could use my truck as a brace for. put it in the bed, drive somewhere cool, park next to a nice tranny and set up the playground.

I don't quite understand. what do you mean by you want to make your truck a brace? You want to lean the ramp against your truck? If you make somthing big enough, and builld it right, you shouldn't need to brace it against somthing. Could you elaborate on what you mean?


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
BigMike said:
I don't quite understand. what do you mean by you want to make your truck a brace? You want to lean the ramp against your truck? If you make somthing big enough, and builld it right, you shouldn't need to brace it against somthing. Could you elaborate on what you mean?

i guess what im getting at is using my truck as a mobile base for the stunts. can carry all the pieces in the bed and them put them together, using the bed/roof/hood of the truck as the base. i could always have a drop to tranny if i parked at the edge of a nice steep hill.

dwaugh said:
It looks like he's halfway sitting down on the seat in mid air. How's he do that? I think he's better than me already.
i think it's mostly the bike/rider size ratio but i've had to coach him through it a bit, especially while riding berms. ...but whatever he's doing seems to be working so i don't think i'll try and change anything just yet

Gumbafish said:
just convice your wife to let you build some stunts in your yard...good luck
we're in an apartment now, will be buying a house early spring '06. my plans are: if we buy property that is fairly secluded then my yard will be a mini whistler....if i buy property in a typical neighborhood then i'm going to build dirtjumps in the back and landscape them so they look like they were supposed to be there. kind of like teletubby land. hopefully the neighbors/homeowners ass. wouldn't complain too much if it looked like a bunch of lanscaped mole hills :D


Jun 19, 2004
Food Fondlers' Convention
that's sick. utterly, unspeakably sick. I now have to hang my head in shame. that is way cool now, but ten years from now when the kid is racing pro and winning championships on the world circuit, we'll all hate him, just like kyle strait.



Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
ridetoofast said:
have you submitted these vids to anyone yet? lil manimal should be the intro to the next nwd or kranked or ...

never really thought of that. it feels weird enough for me to be boasting about him to my online mtb friends....i don't want to turn into one of those bmx dads

....i wonder if thor wixom would be interested :devil: anybody have contact info?


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
oh yeah....today at hobby. some kids had built a little double and a step down. noah did the double and followed through nicely to hit the step down. it was his first official rythym section where he actually cleared everything.



Turbo Monkey
Jan 19, 2005
North Carolina
we missed you guys today Tubby...

I'm pretty sure that JIB 2 was Thor's last video. At least that's what he wrote in the intro to it...you never know.


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
motomike said:
we missed you guys today Tubby...

I'm pretty sure that JIB 2 was Thor's last video. At least that's what he wrote in the intro to it...you never know.
perhaps he'll make it into kranked XII "Re-finding the holy trail again but better this time" -with special brett tippie wheelchair section