
Trust me...


Schrodinger's Immigrant
Jul 29, 2008
This was probably the most articulate and informative trust review yet. Impressed.
Agreed, the explanation of the axle path helps explain some of the riding sensations that reviews have highlighted.


¡Mira, una ardilla!
or maybe they shouldn't have come to the table with such retarded products. you'd think that between all of their collective knowledge, they wouldn't be so dumb...
Honestly, do yo think they aimed for the blue collar guy? They went full dentistry here, trying to get those with enough money to spare and genuinely not caring for real improvements. Hype buyers. Maybe the media failed to help them place their product in the right income bracket...


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
that would be a bummer as I had hoped they would eventually figure out what they were doing...but odds were stacked against them and they didn't seem to respond to critical feedback. In an industry where MFGs are so eager to push literally anything regardless of whether it's better or not, it shouldn't be a surprise that people didn't want to give up their high-functioning RC2s and whatever trash RS has to get on board a less-adjustable weird guy fork.

I have been hoping to scoop one up and am in the target demographic- stupid with a penchant for weird bike shit and a high disposable income, but I just haven't gotten the nerve to plunk down so much money on something so unproven...


Turbo Monkey
Oct 12, 2001
They came out of the box pretty hard with a polarizing-looking/performing product and pushy marketing, double the price of a premium fork, and reviews that were quite mixed to lukewarm. I think if a couple of reviewers had said, "yes, this is the bee's knees like their marketing did" I think it would be a different situation. I mean if you couldn't get a fanboi like @manhattanprjkt83 to buy one, there's an issue. No doubt he'll pick one up on the used market and throw it on his evil imperial SL and hang it in the garage ;).

Bummed they didn't have the legs to ride this out a bit longer and provide a v2 that responded to feedback.

Respect for giving it a go.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
I think they would have had a better chance if they scrapped the rearward axle path trying to maintain constant trail, sure neat idea but there are a bunch of things that change a bikes geometry, why focus on that and compromise the suspension performance? A fork with anti brake dive characteristics would be pretty attractive IMO. Would still be ugly and expensive though.


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
The idea seemed to be that the fork(s) were better than everything else, had no drawbacks, and everyone else was stupid. Then it became known that, yeah, there are some drawbacks, in addition to advantages, and that first part was denied and never addressed...which is a good way to go out of business. Thinking that it's going to be a perfect product right out of the box is some pretty wild shit.


Rusty Trombone
Jul 10, 2003
They came out of the box pretty hard with a polarizing-looking/performing product and pushy marketing, double the price of a premium fork, and reviews that were quite mixed to lukewarm. I think if a couple of reviewers had said, "yes, this is the bee's knees like their marketing did" I think it would be a different situation. I mean if you couldn't get a fanboi like @manhattanprjkt83 to buy one, there's an issue. No doubt he'll pick one up on the used market and throw it on his evil imperial SL and hang it in the garage ;).

Bummed they didn't have the legs to ride this out a bit longer and provide a v2 that responded to feedback.

Respect for giving it a go.
Hey I wasn't a fanboy at all, never had much intention of buying one. I just didn't have the hate that some had. The ones I saw in person looked pretty cool IMO.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 12, 2001
Hey I wasn't a fanboy at all, never had much intention of buying one. I just didn't have the hate that some had. The ones I saw in person looked pretty cool IMO.
I'm conflating your dw/evil fanboi-ism with trust... it was meant to be taken lightly.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 9, 2001
If forks that are incapable of absorbing vertical impacts because of free body diagram fail became successful as a mountain bike product, then that's no type of mountain biking that I'd want to be doing.

That said if they are shutting down it's never cool when people fail or loose a job. Some tough times ahead, but it seemed outwardly that the company was made of some well connected and well off industry lifers. So hopefully this will be just a collective brainfart that can be reflected on and laughed at like we do with the old Girvin/Proflex forks and nobodies livelihood was impacted as a result.

Although I'd be lying if I didn't admit a little schadenfreude based on the marketing. Whomever was making the decisions there and/or rubber stamping it should carry a scarlet letter.


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
It was probably my email that did the company in, about two weeks ago I told them they should make a fat-bike version.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
official..... they are "suspending operationg"