
Trails drainage article


Turbo Monkey
Nov 8, 2001
Rumson, NJ
That is a great article Mutt! So true on the away > down comment.

Another good thing is to stop at the trails during the rain and seeing what the water does and where it goes. you don't need much pitch at all to get it off the tread/run.


Jun 14, 2003
Lost on Long Island
Thanks Don! yes, I agree, that is one of my main methods when I've just built some new drainage. Yeah, it doesn't take much pitch, you are right, plus less is often better anyway, since the water moves slower and less erosion occurs.

suppoooooosedly, it is going to rain on wednesday. we had a couple lines running this weekend, but they were so dry, and we didn't have enough water to wet them down a bit, they got a bit pummeled. Another slow starting trail season for us. Ah well, we're riding, and thats enough. How are things holding together on the mainland, you guys must be in the same (dry) boat.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 8, 2001
Rumson, NJ
Hey Mutt - we got rain (stoked!) which was sucked up quick since our stuff was so dry. Trees got much greener in the last couple of days and are filling the woods in. Feels like spring finally.

We have had some good weekends. Last year was all quiet but last few weekends have had good sesh's. Arod has been murdering it on the shaping/dialing. No complaints from any of the visiters and these guys know trails.

I might be out in LI this summer one weekend - would love to swing by. Also, next time you are in NJ - hit me up. Even if I can't meet up I can get you in touch with people to ride.

BTW, are you on instagram?


Jun 14, 2003
Lost on Long Island
Hey Don,

yeah, we got some rain too. I went out after the first bout on Wednesday, and I swear, it was still dusty!! We've gotten more since, so I'm hoping it has gotten a decent soaking now.

Give me a heads up when you will be on the Island. You are certainly welcome. I do periodically swing through NJ, I have family in the Piscataway area. I'd love to stop in to your trails some time. PM me your instagram and e-mail. I follow on instagram, but honestly, i suck at most media, and don't post a whole lot of my own.



Turbo Monkey
Oct 12, 2001
Great article mutt. Reminds me of our n00b digging way back when @ slaggs.


Jun 14, 2003
Lost on Long Island
Yeah man, I think back to those days/trails sometimes and struggle to understand what we were building. We built that massive roll in for a line that I would now probably consider small, and I still could barely ride it. I think I now have bigger sets than any of those as part of my roller line.
But there is some serious magic when you have no idea what you are doing and everything is an experiment. It was awesome. Thanks for those times Dump!

(I still listen to that remix you and your brother did back then sometimes at the trails when I'm zone-digging)


Turbo Monkey
Oct 12, 2001
Ha, yeah. I also think back about that line in particular. If I had to do that over again, I think I would skip the big roll in and instead build a mound and a few rollers into the first jump... and maybe reduce the first jump to a roller or something that will help you maintain speed into the other jumps... not to mention reshaping everything with less flat bottoms between sets! I'd also build them more trail-like and less straight sets like you were constantly pushing for :) Good time for sure.

I think that spot has been completely rebuilt by a new crew. I'll have to check it out one of these days I'm down there. I haven't been back in the summer for years.

Was in Chicago last week and put in a few shovels at The Garden. So cool to have a city-sanctioned spot with tools, hose, clay/dirt, etc. Also has a fast & fun-looking pump/jump section that's separate from the bigger jumps. http://www.facebook.com/thegardenjumps

Cool... what's the name of the track?


used an iron once
Jan 20, 2009
That is pretty cool, had a good look around that site, looks like I'll be doing some more reading.

Goldfish? Those things are pests, they do eat everything but you wouldn't want their eggs going somewhere else when all the overflow runs off.
Better watch out they don't eat ya if you fall in the water haha-
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