
Tour predictions


Turbo Monkey
Aug 6, 2007
Valverde crashes out
Menchov does nothing
Frank whines and cries the whole race
Voigt gets in most break aways but fails to win a stage
Wiggins does ok, but Froome does better and loses the Tour because he had to pull for Wiggo.
Scarponi get's pulled after a doping investigation is opened by CONI
Cadel, Hesjedal, Froome for the top 3

Beef Supreme

Turbo Monkey
Oct 29, 2010
Hiding from the stupid
Wiggo wins
Cadel drags the rest of the best for most of the race
Voigt crashes at 60mph
Somebody crosses 6 lanes to take out Cavendish, he still wins a bunch of stages
Sammy Sanchez and Chris Horner win at being awesome
Bob Roll says scintillating a lot


Jul 1, 2012
Well after first stage seems Wiggins got 10 seconds lead against Evans , other else i`m so proud for Spartacus he won the stage even he came after a serious injury . Hope he will be healthy for Olympic games cause he deserve another gold medal


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Lots of crashes taking out my favorites :( I'd love to see Hesjedal do well, but he went down hard today (F. Schleck was in it too). Cancellera looks good in yellow, but I know he will loose it soon too.


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
Surprised to see Farrar blaming the wrong guy. The video makes it pretty clear that he was trying to bash his way into the Argos train when Petacchi moved over into Farrar's front wheel.

Major bummer to see Ryder lose so much time. I don't think he would have won but he would have kept it interesting.

Shaping up to be a battle between Wiggins and Cadel. I'm giving Cadel a slight edge right now - Wiggo's sideburns create just enough aero drag to make the difference.


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
Farrar can't do it with the big boys. Time to reinvent himself as a classics rider, or something. He's like the Tom Danielson of sprinting...if he wasn't an American, I'd have never heard of him.

Sky is starting to look a little like US Postal used to in the mountains. Will be interesting to see how that shapes up, especially with the refil...er, I mean rest day coming up.