

Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
Originally posted by Quadari

The transparent is kind of cool, but why is Clarus now orange?
I think the color in your crt is off. :eek: ;) I felt like messing with him. So orange doesn't work, tho?

(The DBR is "Out for Delivery" as of 5 am! :D)


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
Originally posted by Quadari
He looks like he was out in the sun a little to long. :) i like the original color better.
Better now? :D I'm eager to get rid of the white border around Clarus.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
Originally posted by WTGPhoben
he's got red-eye now
It's the Evil Eye, painstakingly added by hand. :D The gif is on its way through the ether to Freak now, so it should be up in a day or three. The DBR still isn't here, tho... else I'd be doing a lap or two of the Fells now.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
Originally posted by Quadari
I think we should see how many "Re:" s we can get in the subject. :cool:
Go us. Ari, it figures that the day after I delete your tip on how to keep apps from showing up in the dock I need it... could you pass that info my way again? Thanks. (I want Net Monitor to not take up space, as well as Sharity.)


Feb 1, 2002
Washington, DC
Originally posted by Toshi
Ari, it figures that the day after I delete your tip on how to keep apps from showing up in the dock I need it... could you pass that info my way again?
This is from the LaunchBar help file. I assume the same sort of thing applies to whatever other apps you want.

In order to get rid of the dock icon, LaunchBar has to be run in "background mode". To turn on this background mode you have to open the LaunchBar application package (Control click the LaunchBar program file in Finder and choose "Show Package Contents"), navigate to Contents/Info.plist, and open the Info.plist file with TextEdit, e.g. via drag & drop onto TextEdit. At the end of this file find the line containing <key>NSUIElement</key> and change the line below from <string>0</string> to <string>1</string>. Finally you have to save these changes and to restart LaunchBar.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
Originally posted by Quadari

This is from the LaunchBar help file. I assume the same sort of thing applies to whatever other apps you want.

Thanks. It worked in the general case. :D


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
It arrived. And my Evil has leaky brakes. Time to run off to the shop. :D

After-ride/pizza update: the DBR fits me, looks to be in great condition, and seems about ideal but for a slightly slack head angle. Maybe that will suit me just fine, coming from the raked out Evil and Intense, tho. :rolleyes: We shall find out tomorrow: I have a rehearsal from 7:30 so I'd like to be on the road by 4:30 for the afternoon ride, in addition to the morning one. ;) Any takers? Sorry about the early time, but there's nothing I can do.

Oh yeah, thanks, Ari, for the use of your front wheel. I returned it if you didn't notice. :D Unfortunately I seem to have pulled the front brake pads out of their holders when trying unfruitfully to wedge the tire between the brake arms, but since I didn't want to rummage through your stuff to find pliers I left everything as it is. Sorry. :eek:


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
Ugh. It looks as if the only riding I'll be doing today is what I just did (riding to the Star Market to buy groceries :D ). Too hot, and I have to be around dw to let Dan Chen in -- he's flying back from DC today. But on the upside, the DBR is a great Porter Sq. conveyance, and still fits well today. :D


Apr 21, 2002
One of them Boston suburbs
Originally posted by Toshi
Ugh. It looks as if the only riding I'll be doing today is what I just did (riding to the Star Market to buy groceries :D ). Too hot, and I have to be around dw to let Dan Chen in -- he's flying back from DC today. But on the upside, the DBR is a great Porter Sq. conveyance, and still fits well today. :D
a certain long haired hippie is very disappointed in you. Letting some chump into dewolfe is no excuse for not riding:mad: :eek: ;)


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
I'm considering selling my 8" Hayes and putting on 6" mechanicals (probably Avids) in their place. This is because Brian Peterson of Marzocchi fame strongly advises against running 8" Hayes on a non-qr20 Z1. Does this sound like a sane idea to you guys? (I can't run a 6" on the front and an 8" on the rear, for sake of my own vanity :D :eek: )

Hey, it looks like Dave just joined. :D :thumb:

Funny RM PM in response to Keith's "Sell me some Hope Minis" thread in the Buy and Sell:

RideMonkey wrote on 07-23-2002 06:05 PM:

Toshi wrote on 07-23-2002 03:58 PM:
Originally posted by RideMonkey
Yeah really can't the guy ask for some disks? I pondered selling mine but decided against it. Legitimate thread i don't know why there were so many obnoxious replies.
it's 'cause he's one of my riding buddies, i'm trying to get him to buy avid mechs, and because there's a monsoon outside and i can't ride. :D and because i'm just obnoxious. :eek: :D

Yeah I figured.

I hate you guys :angry: :angry:


Apr 21, 2002
One of them Boston suburbs
Originally posted by Toshi

Funny RM PM in response to Keith's "Sell me some Hope Minis" thread in the Buy and Sell:

it's 'cause he's one of my riding buddies, i'm trying to get him to buy avid mechs, and because there's a monsoon outside and i can't ride. :D and because i'm just obnoxious. :eek: :D


Yeah I figured.

I hate you guys :angry: :angry:



Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
What about my brake downgrade plan tho? Also, anyone up for a Fells run at about, say, 8 am tomorrow? :D :devil:


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
'twas a good ride today. :thumb: I think I'm going to make this a daily thing (riding at the Fells at 8), or at least until I get sick of it. :D


Feb 1, 2002
Washington, DC
Originally posted by Toshi
'twas a good ride today. :thumb: I think I'm going to make this a daily thing (riding at the Fells at 8), or at least until I get sick of it. :D
Now you sound like me! Except that I was getting up at 6:30 and riding. Maybe I'll join you some day. ~What time did you get back?


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
Originally posted by Quadari
Now you sound like me! Except that I was getting up at 6:30 and riding. Maybe I'll join you some day. ~What time did you get back?
We were back at dw by 9:50. The loop itself (with the Reservoir section as per our usual practice) only took about 1:30, if that.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
Originally posted by Quadari
...and the dbr held up despite it's rachety rear wheel? :D
Chris King hubs are where it's at. :D I even was getting used to the racket... :eek:

My camera is finally back, by the way, so Keith, you need not bug your mother about that SLR. Recharging batteries in the campsite may prove to be a hassle, tho. :eek:

Check out my net usage; mirroring videos for people must make me an unpopular guy at the noc:


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
So I went into Ace today... and after my brakes were bled, it was discovered that a) the hose has a leak, and b) the caliper has a leak. What a mess. If it proves to be infeasible to rebuild the caliper I really will be running Avid mechs this weekend.

Also, as I mentioned to Ari in the street, let's ride tomorrow an hour earlier (meeting at the Governor's Road entrance to the Fells at 7 am). The earlier time isn't only for sadistic reasons; it's also so that Ari can make it to work at 9.


Apr 21, 2002
One of them Boston suburbs
7am, ARE YOU KIDDING???!!!!!! Fu(k, why don't you go join HUCA or something? I think I'm gonna be lazy tonite, so I guess I should ride in the morning, but I dunno how late I'm gonna be out so I'll post when I get in and let you know If you should wait for me.

Ari, don't you work for lets go? That's not an institution that exactly requires set hours man.