
Thunder or Mountain Creek?


Jan 8, 2020
The cabin was blocked off last year. As far as RTN, it's sill there. But last time I rode to it about 2 years ago to check it out, it was leaning to one side.
Was at Creek over the weekend and they completely removed the cabin now. Didn't check out Road to Nowhere since a lot of the trails to the left of the lift were closed.


The Thing cannot be described
Sep 10, 2001
MC announced last year they had to remove the cabin drop. Tempest got a complete rework top to bottom, with a whole new bottom section. Stigmata got reworked. Jump trails see a lot of maintenance because it take a lot of maintenance to keep jump trails running. Ask any trail boss. Any bike park is going to get blown out half way into the year thanks to fuckheads skidding through the berms and dragging brakes everywhere.

Reports that MC is not maintaining trails are bullshit.


The Thing cannot be described
Sep 10, 2001
Was the cabin drop something newish or did it used to have a different name?
Well, we're old, so newish is relative. It was put in for a race years ago, toward the bottom of one of the Monarch-y or Legion-y trails. Eventually it got old and decrepit and had to be removed. I'm sure that's not a metaphor.


Torture wrench
Apr 14, 2007
MC announced last year they had to remove the cabin drop. Tempest got a complete rework top to bottom, with a whole new bottom section. Stigmata got reworked. Jump trails see a lot of maintenance because it take a lot of maintenance to keep jump trails running. Ask any trail boss. Any bike park is going to get blown out half way into the year thanks to fuckheads skidding through the berms and dragging brakes everywhere.

Reports that MC is not maintaining trails are bullshit.
When you have groomed runs that haven't seen more than a weedwacking in 10 years, that's a lack of maintenance.

Tempest did NOT get a "rework top to bottom". The upper is still the same as it was for the last 10 years or more. They finally opened the lower section after about 8 years or more. And you know I'm not exaggerating...

Domboo finally got some love. Alpine hasn't seen a shovel since 2010. Indy has as many rocks as BMW does and that's supposed to be a dirt berm trail!

Where's the money going? Into 6 jumps?


Rusty Trombone
Jul 10, 2003
When you have groomed runs that haven't seen more than a weedwacking in 10 years, that's a lack of maintenance.

Tempest did NOT get a "rework top to bottom". The upper is still the same as it was for the last 10 years or more. They finally opened the lower section after about 8 years or more. And you know I'm not exaggerating...

Domboo finally got some love. Alpine hasn't seen a shovel since 2010. Indy has as many rocks as BMW does and that's supposed to be a dirt berm trail!

Where's the money going? Into 6 jumps?
Interesting I guess I don't ride there enough to really notice the issues. Also I don't really ride Alpine or Domboo much, unless I am connecting to something else. The worst thing MC has going for it is it's proximity to NYC. Some real weirdos show up there.


Oct 2, 2007
Rode there today. There are definitely some spots where they put in work before the season started, but overall...trails are beat. Large, loose rocks all over the place. Rutted. Braking bumps. They added some turns to the easy/warm up trail, one of which was a complete mud pit on a day where every trail is bone dry. But hey, a new Red Bull feature that I'll never ride so that's cool.

On the plus side, saw Richie Rude there looking fast.


Torture wrench
Apr 14, 2007
Rode there today. There are definitely some spots where they put in work before the season started, but overall...trails are beat. Large, loose rocks all over the place. Rutted. Braking bumps. They added some turns to the easy/warm up trail, one of which was a complete mud pit on a day where every trail is bone dry. But hey, a new Red Bull feature that I'll never ride so that's cool.

On the plus side, saw Richie Rude there looking fast.
And they won't touch it for the rest of the season either. God forbid they shut down Alpine midweek to fix the 12 years old braking bumps.


closer to Periwinkle
Apr 19, 2013
sw ontario canada
Apparently some local boys were at MC for the opening. Word is they had a blast but it is pretty rough. They were stoked as it is actual real lift service and they are all still relatively young, healthy and mostly fearless.

One of our crew has said he would be willing to expand the options to Snowshoe which opens on the 19th. Three of us who have ridden there were all, :-) OK, tell me more? So, looks like Snowshoe is on the menu as well. Now I'm torn. I really like teh Shoe, but have never been to Thunder. Which would you choose?

My gut is saying Snowshoe as with two sides of the mountain, each with a bit of a different feel, it's like two resorts in one with the caveat that the flow lines are not too lippy as I think my days of Lower Hairball are over. I still want the cupcake drop, but will have to scope out the new rebuilt version. Guess I got some vids to watch.

Now accommodations in the area. The mountain has just gotten too damn expensive. Leatherbark is 3x the price as when I was there last. So can anybody point to a decently close place to stay - motel / hotel / chalet / campground, without costing a kidney or better? If no formal tent camping, then how about a quiet area to do a couple of nights of stealth commando camping if all else fails?

Thank-you yet again.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 23, 2002
Roanoke, VA
Snowshoe? ewww

I can see Snowshoe as a place to go circa 2005, but traveling to the middle of nowhere to pay industry leading lift ticket prices to ride trails that are mostly 20 years old isn’t appealing, to me. If your friends complain that Creek is “rough” there won’t be anything appealing to them at Snowshoe. All they have worth riding is natural terrain, on the Western Slope, and that lift is rarely open, and like everything else there is prone to thunder holds.

I live 90 miles from Snowshoe(a 3 hour drive, cuz mountains), and gladly drive 11 hours to Thunder for a long weekend if i want to ride “bikepark trails”.

Nothing in East Coast mountain biking is as disappointing as Snowshoe, with world cup races scheduled there through 2028 you’d think they would invest in bikepark infrastructure, but they extract so much gold during the captive World Cup
race week, I think middle management can still demand bonuses to spend on deep sea fishing trips, etc, even if they can barely recruit or support bikepark employees.

My “local friends” that go to Snowshoe all summer do it for the weather, not the riding.
Truck camping down at Tea Creek is mighty nice.


bagpipe wanker
Dec 3, 2009
Cackalacka du Nord
How many guys are you with? We always airbnb a house on Westridge for opening weekend and with a decent number of people it comes out cheaper than resort properties. As for the trails, I like the variety. Haven't had too much trouble with lifts being shut down either. But my other nearby options are Beech and Sugar, both of which are much smaller. Windrock is also great, but that would be even farther coming from Canada, and has fewer amenities.


closer to Periwinkle
Apr 19, 2013
sw ontario canada
Snowshoe? ewww

I can see Snowshoe as a place to go circa 2005, but traveling to the middle of nowhere to pay industry leading lift ticket prices to ride trails that are mostly 20 years old isn’t appealing, to me. If your friends complain that Creek is “rough” there won’t be anything appealing to them at Snowshoe. All they have worth riding is natural terrain, on the Western Slope, and that lift is rarely open, and like everything else there is prone to thunder holds.

I live 90 miles from Snowshoe(a 3 hour drive, cuz mountains), and gladly drive 11 hours to Thunder for a long weekend if i want to ride “bikepark trails”.

Nothing in East Coast mountain biking is as disappointing as Snowshoe, with world cup races scheduled there through 2028 you’d think they would invest in bikepark infrastructure, but they extract so much gold during the captive World Cup
race week, I think middle management can still demand bonuses to spend on deep sea fishing trips, etc, even if they can barely recruit or support bikepark employees.

My “local friends” that go to Snowshoe all summer do it for the weather, not the riding.
Truck camping down at Tea Creek is mighty nice.

Interesting. When we were there (2012?) the trails were in great shape, both lifts humming away and they were still building. The village was hopping as well. We had an absolute blast and have always talked about another go-round.


closer to Periwinkle
Apr 19, 2013
sw ontario canada
How many guys are you with? We always airbnb a house on Westridge for opening weekend and with a decent number of people it comes out cheaper than resort properties. As for the trails, I like the variety. Haven't had too much trouble with lifts being shut down either. But my other nearby options are Beech and Sugar, both of which are much smaller. Windrock is also great, but that would be even farther coming from Canada, and has fewer amenities.
Seems to depend upon the day.
As of yesterday, there were 4 for sure and couple more considering it.

Unfortunately I'm the weakest link in our crew. :busted:
With the broken brain, lack of peripheral vision and subsequent loss of skills I'm down to blues and easier single blacks. I'm also the oldest of the group at 58 with everybody else being in their 40's so I'm at the age when simple falls tend to have consequences let alone a yard-sale. That is why I'm looking at places that have something for the boys, but yet won't be too relentless for me.
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bagpipe wanker
Dec 3, 2009
Cackalacka du Nord
Seems to depend upon the day.
As of yesterday, there were 4 for sure and couple more considering it.

Unfortunately I'm the weakest link in our crew. :busted:
With the broken brain, lack of peripheral vision and subsequent loss of skills I'm down to blues and easier single blacks. I'm also the oldest of the group at 58 with everybody else being in their 40's so I'm at the age when simple falls tend to have consequences let alone a yard-sale. That is why I'm looking at places that have something for the boys, but yet won't be too relentless for me.
if you can find a place to stay, snowshoe's definitely got some cruisers on both sides of the mountain, along with enough chunk and bits of steeps, roots, and drops to keep the others happy. jumps range from mellow to lippy depending on what trail it is. mostly mellow though. our crew ranges from early 30s to mid-50s.


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
Bromont is great. That mountain is full of awesome trails. Hard to get tired of riding there- there's always something different to ride. I think we spent all day on unique trails each time. Fast lift too.

I haven't been back to diablo in many years but my opinion is that's less of what you are looking for. The hard trails are harder and the jump lines more technical and challenging. The payoff is higher if you're a better rider, but there's little in between.

Thunder is the opposite- less variety but the trails are better thought out and there's a better selection of true blues and black diamonds. They built a bigger jump line and then an even bigger jump line. I'll tell you, I suck at jumping but I can clear everything on gronk, and while I much prefer technical fast DH to jump lines, I could probably ride gronk every other run. It's just fun, doesn't beat you up, and if you start to git gud at it, then you just go faster and get more air. Challenge yourself on the schist or juggernaut. Nobody rides too easy but it reminds me of classic east coast trail building- pucker up and lean back. They built good trails there and while they may be getting clapped out by now, it's my preferred park on the east coast (aside from platty race weekends)


Turbo Monkey
Jul 30, 2002
Clinton Massachusetts
I rode here Friday and Saturday. Not racing, just riding. Though we did ride the bottom half of the race course Friday. Can confirm that there is almost no dirt left on any of the natural trails. Holy fuck. My poor wheels. I can see why some of the people here commented about the lack of trail maintenance. Although I’m not sure what they could do short of trucking in dirt. Maybe it’s my old ass, but man some of that stuff was brutal. We tried to hit every open trail while we were here. I think we only missed Slayer. The jump/flow trails were definitely maintained well. The braking bumps on the trails like Alpine were already out in full force.


closer to Periwinkle
Apr 19, 2013
sw ontario canada
Most of that actually looks a spot of fun, with some bits maybe not so much. :busted:
However, my head / vision would not be able to cope.
You can only look down trail then follow a limited number of obstacles to your front wheel at any type of speed when your peripheral no workie. That is mucho processing overload and at any speed that would actually be enjoyable would inevitably end up in my untimely demise. :think:


Rusty Trombone
Jul 10, 2003
I rode here Friday and Saturday. Not racing, just riding. Though we did ride the bottom half of the race course Friday. Can confirm that there is almost no dirt left on any of the natural trails. Holy fuck. My poor wheels. I can see why some of the people here commented about the lack of trail maintenance. Although I’m not sure what they could do short of trucking in dirt. Maybe it’s my old ass, but man some of that stuff was brutal. We tried to hit every open trail while we were here. I think we only missed Slayer. The jump/flow trails were definitely maintained well. The braking bumps on the trails like Alpine were already out in full force.
Yeah it's weird, I love natural trails but for some reason that place just beats the shit out of you more than all the other east coast spots. I don't think there is a thing the trail crew can do about most of it. They do a great job on all the manicured stuff.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Yeah it's weird, I love natural trails but for some reason that place just beats the shit out of you more than all the other east coast spots. I don't think there is a thing the trail crew can do about most of it. They do a great job on all the manicured stuff.
yea, some of those trails have always been JFR - Just Fucking Rocks. Enough runs on those trails and you'll definitely feel like you've been thrown down the mountain by the end of the day.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 23, 2002
Roanoke, VA
someone embed nekos winning run from Yesterday.
Besides being ungodly fast, his bike is so damn quiet.

Good suspension, inserts, Stfu devices, oh my.

Not the diablo death rattle we all cut our teeth on, that’s for sure!


closer to Periwinkle
Apr 19, 2013
sw ontario canada
The new cameras whilst totally awesome, sometimes are just a little too smooth.

Great for being able to see WTF is going on, but does not really give a sense of what you are actually riding. That did not look anywhere near as violent as we all know it is.