
The worst smell...

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
That's an acquired smell IAB! ;)

But yeah - when the palms of hockey gloves get sweaty - it can get pretty rank. Same goes for the inside of skates if they aren't properly dried out.
Well every man likes the smell of his own stuff, but getting a whiff of someone else's can knock you out.


Turbo Monkey
Jan 30, 2006
Oh, wait, there was the freshly burnt cow that I just missed bunnyhopping that caused an added explosion of matter, flavor and excitement!

The decision was made to burn the dead trailcow up in Globe, AZ rather than try to drag it for miles to "safety"...
That was an awesome ride.

I remember rolling up to it and thinking "hey, this isn't that bad". Then the wind shifted...:dead::bad:

valve bouncer

Master Dildoist
Feb 11, 2002
A mate of mine was a copper up in Darwin. He told in the wet season if someone had died in a car, after they had processed the scene they had to be issued new uniforms. Still makes me shudder.


Feb 24, 2006
Thioacetone. Enough said.

An attempt to synthesize it caused the evacuation of the town of Freiburg in 1889 amid "an offensive smell which spread rapidly over a great area of the town causing fainting, vomiting and a panic evacuation."


Feb 11, 2009
Santa Cruz
When I worked at a grocery store, the pipes would always clog up from the sh*t the kitchen people would put down the drain: meat, veggies, cooked food, raw food, trash, who knows. Brown or black gunk was what it looked like in the end. The owner of the store was too much of a d-bag that didn't care enough to hire someone to actually fix the damn pipes since we had to clean it anyways and he was paying us. Often the pipes would back up and over flow into the meat department, the deli and occasionally, the floor in front of those two. It happened maybe every other week. Coincidentally the day I would always be working. One evening it was really bad and a coworker and I spent a good 2 hours shoveling this gunk outta the way of the meat clerics. That day the smell was the worst. It was bad enough that customers were asking what the smell was. The smell was really disguising and it did not help that someone had spilled old frying oil all over the ground. I cannot describe the smell. It was absolutely terrible. My nose hurt everyday I would come home. Eventually [2-3 months] the owner decided enough was enough and he was going to have someone fix the God damn pipes but only after his wife went in one evening and was absolutely disguised by the smell she went home with no groceries.

Da Peach

Outwitted by a rodent
Jul 2, 2002
North Van
I used to work with a chainsmoking frenchman (from France, not QC) who wore the same clothes every day for a week at a time. It was difficult to decide if you were being offended by his BO or his breath. Sometimes he would get all excited with a stupid anecdote that he was sharing with the other oldies, and between his laugther and boisterous gesticulations, the combination of breath, BO and his general filthiness would sometimes be enough to make his entire audience take a step back.

That was nasty. Like a combination of piss, rotting grapefruit peels and a wet campfire log covered in burnt plastic.

C'etait epouvantable en clavert.

Dog Welder

Turbo Monkey
Sep 7, 2001
Pasadena, CA
:fie:nothing on this planet smells worse than a colostomy bag getting burped in the confines of the rear comprtment of an ambulance....ask me how i know
Got that one beat...structure fire at a rendering plant that processes all the dead dog carcasses you see on the side of the road. They even had a carcass of a 70ft long whale in there. Had to throw out my turnouts after that one.

Or after a 400 pound woman full arrest who let her bowels go. Stink was so bad, my partner had to drive code 3 with his head out the window. It was also the first and only time I've thrown up from the stench.

Dog Welder

Turbo Monkey
Sep 7, 2001
Pasadena, CA
Went on a call where a woman died in her hot tub, no one noticed for like a week and a half...so of course we had to go scoop her out, I say scoop because stuff would've started falling off if we had just pulled her out; she didn't have a face, or fingers.

It smelt horrible, real horrible; the stokes basket she got scooped out with has been bleached about five times since and still stinks three-ish months later.
YEah I had a similar thing happen to me while on probation. Body had been floating in a local res for some time. And who would have thought that water can do those things to people cuz I never learned that at probie or medic school. Did a high point operation with the stokes and the aerial ladder. Well being that no one on the department ever dealt with this sort of thing before, no one lined the stokes with a salvage cover. We go to lift the patient up, I'm minding the tag line, and well the stokes basket started acting like a sieve, separating the bones from the liquid goo. Which promptly splattered at my feet.

Austin Bike

Turbo Monkey
Jan 26, 2003
Duh, Austin
Today we popped off the trail and onto a neighborhood street for a bit. There was a pair of underwear in the middle of the street. With a huge pile of crap in it.


ass grabber
Sep 8, 2006
Central Florida
My sis in law is an RN and has an iron stomach. She told me the only time she ever threw up from a smell was this old man. He was getting diabetes and losing circulation in his feet and they started to smell. So he taped plastic bags over his legs from the knees down and left them on for two weeks, in the summertime in Florida. He came in because his feet "felt funny." His legs were rotten and pulling off those bags cleared the room, everyone threw up.


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
Today we popped off the trail and onto a neighborhood street for a bit. There was a pair of underwear in the middle of the street. With a huge pile of crap in it.
Pretty common downtown to see a pair of pants or underwear with sh!t in or near them.

Related story.

Some coworkers witnessed a lady walking down the street with a baby carrier... she stopped by an Arby's, put the baby down, squatted... and crapped right on the sidewalk.

I guess when you gotta go, you gotta go.


Apr 2, 2006
YEah I had a similar thing happen to me while on probation. Body had been floating in a local res for some time. And who would have thought that water can do those things to people cuz I never learned that at probie or medic school. Did a high point operation with the stokes and the aerial ladder. Well being that no one on the department ever dealt with this sort of thing before, no one lined the stokes with a salvage cover. We go to lift the patient up, I'm minding the tag line, and well the stokes basket started acting like a sieve, separating the bones from the liquid goo. Which promptly splattered at my feet.

You win...It'd be cool to never have to deal with that one.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 1, 2004
A neuro/head trauma patient with the funk breath (some of you will know what i'm talking about) and with a wicked bad UTI as one patient, and a GI bleed with C-dif as your other patient.

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
The funny thing is that no matter how gut wrenching bad the smell and visuals that us healthcare folk get subjected to are...we will go wash our hands and immediately go scarf down lunch. Oh and the lunch discussion topic will be how disgusting the last run was so don't be sitting anywhere near us in the restaurant lol


Turbo Monkey
Mar 12, 2008
NOt sayin that it's bad, but have you guys ever smelled your dogs feet? Raiden's, Silva's, and Champs all smelled like tortilla chips. Friggin weird.