
The "Who the Hell Are You?" Thread


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
I am realizing lately there are many new and old RM members I know little to nothing about. Most profiles say little to nothing about people and I am too lazy to read all the posts to figure anything out...


Post up here and let us know who you are, what you do, why you do it, who you do it with/to, where you are now, where you are from (and why they might not let you go back there), what you ride, how old you are, how old you THINK you are, what is your day job, what is your night job, etc.

Please include at least one fact about you that most of us on RM do not know.

Old and new RM members are encouraged to post. Go ahead and post the obvious, it may not be so to some.

I'll start.

(edit: I've consolidated all my posts in this thread into one)

I'm H8R.
I was bomberz1qr20 in another RM life.

I was born in San Leandro, CA near the Oakland Coliseum.

I am 37.

I am a father and a husband, both of which make me very happy. I have another child on the way, due in April 08. For this I am grateful.

I play drums in this band.

I recently joined the DW artist roster.

I ride an older Santa Cruz Chameleon, setup up as SS with heavy duty parts. It is my only running bike, as it is so dependable I have given up the rest of them.

My grandfather was an extra in The Muppet Movie and Blazing Saddles.

I assemble all of my own computers.

I was once strip-searched for drugs at the Austrian border.

I don't really drink. I have the occasional glass of wine or maybe a beer every few months.

I recorded my first album at 16.

I've been to Japan, and it's much stranger than you think.

I had lunch with Ozzy once.

I was arrested at 16 for vandalism and attempting to incite a riot at the state capitol building.

I know how to use a sewing machine.

I know how to weld, although I need way more practice.

This was the beginning of my former identity's meltdown...

I wear glasses.

I have had extensive dental work including an upper partial.

I've broken my:
Wrist - playing football in 6th grade
Hand - punching a drum in a blind rage, boxer's fracture
Collar bone - bicycle commuting disaster

I'm partially color blind.

I've only met my real father twice. He seems like a nice guy.


Plastic Santa
Jan 6, 2005
I'm stinkyboy.

I enjoy getting divorced more than getting married.

I have only been banned twice.

I self medicate with liquor.

dan wask

Turbo Monkey
May 11, 2006
B-More Maryland
I'm Danny.

I live in Baltimore Maryland.

I go to highschool.

I ride bikes, motocross, and I write graffiti.

I play guitar.

I'm 16, I have my liscence, I need to buy a car.

I'm polish, my last name has 10 letters.

I like cheeseburgers.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
I'm jimmydean,

I have been off and on RM for quite a while now. I ride when I can, but it's only one of many hobbies I have.

I am a Software Quality Assurance Engineer and have been for about 10 years. I might start my own custom chop shop some day because I am sick of working for the man.

I am also a husband and father and my wife just returned to work starting today (yeah, more than one income!)

I love to work on cars/trucks/things that go. I love the PNW and may never move from here.

I am a Linux geek who loves old style punk and enjoy hardcore rap from time to time.

I am a military vet and love my country, but I also hug trees.

<edit> I just turned 35 :(


Hey little girl, do you want some candy?
Oct 18, 2001
Reno 911
I'm zark
I'm 30
I live in Santa Barbara
Born in Cincinatti, OH
No wife, no kids
Listen to a lot of metal
I ride XC and DH, as often as I can.
I've ruptured a kidney before
I've missed getting back on the cruise ship in Mexico and had to be ferried aboard by the Mexican coast guard....because I was drunk and at a strip club.
And I've had a bat knocked unconscious and stuck to my helmet before.


Jun 27, 2006
Im Kevin
Im in sales
I used to be a pro track athlete
i got hurt
i like biking and racing DH
im moving to AZ in january
i like girls
thats all

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Is this the Ridemonkey equivalent of "a/s/l"?

I'm binary visions, aged 25 years.

I was born in CT, moved to NH in '93 and now reside in sunny NC.

Tech toys are my interest. I go through periods of neglect on my bikes but enjoy wrenching on them even during times that I'm not riding as much. If I were to lose the ability to ride, I'd probably still want to be involved with the mechanical aspect of it.

I rode with the crew and on the ship that was in Mutiny on the Bounty.

I was a slacker after high school and did not go to college. I spent a few years doing nothing but working and partying, and am only now going back for my degree. My major is Information and Computer Technology with a concentration in networking.

One of the best jobs I ever had was taking care of trees that were growing under powerlines. An entire summer of hauling chainsaws and spray packs of herbacide for miles each day, being in the best shape of my life.

I once strip-searched a man for drugs at the Austrian border.
I'm John.
I came here from Gearhead.com.
I was born in Boston, Massachusetts.
I am 61.
I'm not married, but with the same person since 1969. No kids.
I ride a beat up 2001 Aeon Joker that I bought from MikeB on this forum.
I'm an E.E. and an IT dweeb, provisioning and maintaining ecommerce server farms.
My grandfather was hauled before HUAC but eventually chased them away with the help of the U.S. Supreme Court.
I used to operate landing craft and other harbor boats in the U.S. Army in Pusan, Korea.


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
i'm Skookum
Was formerly know as MagnaZipperGayRiderBoi

i was born in Seattle back when people really had no clue that people lived in actual houses out here, and not teepees or cabins

i'm a tribal member of the Colville Confederated Tribes, a roofer in the Local 54, and a member of local IMBA club BBTC Backcountry Bicycle Trails Club, and a member of BRC Blue Ribbon Coalition

i like to take pictures, ride, and participate in sporadic random adventures

i have a Specialized Enduro Pro for XC and a Santa Cruz Bullit for DH, and i'm growing tired of my Bullit

i've got a million boring stories and a thousand interesting stories, and if we ride together maybe you'll hear a few of the better ones

if you're lost in the woods you'll appreciate my presence

i'm late for a work day at Collonade, which is a mt. bike skills training park underneath Interstate 5 in Seattle which i still enjoy living in, only because of the money in the city, and the mountains outside of town


Why don't you have a seat over there?
Jan 27, 2005
I'm Travis

I was born in Waterloo, Iowa. My father served in the USAF. I currently reside in Warrensburg, MO.

I am 36.

I too am a husband and father.

I am an assistant karate/hapkido instructor at Eagle's Wing MA in Warrensburg and head instructor at Eagle's Wings MA in Higginsville.

I ride a SC Heckler and a Miyata Three Ten.

I work at the University of Central Missouri in the Admissions Office.

I've never been strip searched for drugs.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 9, 2006
I’m Lisa

Born in England but moved to the USA young…now 41.

Getting a divorce. Was married 14 years…was a good guy…but things change and people grow apart. Had 3 step kids and 2 of our own…walking away with a cat and the 2 kids…hopefully.

Been on RM under a year…still a noob.

Just starting to get into biking, but got here through my photography.

Met some really great monkeys that I call friends now.

Had a picture published in DirtRag this year (ok…so I toot my horn a little with that)

Graphic designer for 20 years, but going to school for massage therapy.

Lived in NY state during younger years, CT now.

Lost 70 lbs over the last 2 years.

Love drinking and uuhhh smoking…in moderation.

Never been strip searched but I’m open to new experiences. :brows: :cupidarrow:


Dec 20, 2001
right, well i probably shouldn't be posting this high up on the list here...i have under 100 posts and i've been a member since 2001 (kinda pathetic).

-i'm 21
-finishing up school in st paul, mn but originally from the outskirts of boston.
-i own a few bikes, my main one being a specialized bighit from ~2002, but i've got an older cannondale killer v900 and an old sanyo singlespeed i just built up here.
-although i just got back from half a year in NZ, i havn't ridden for going on two years...the last time being two summers ago at mountsnow where, on my final run i blew out my rear shock and have yet to deal with it. but then again, biking is only one of many hobbies (photography, painting, guitar/dobbro, baseball, etc)
-as far as work goes, i'm graduating with a BAs in geology/earth science with a focus on ingeous petrology and explorational geology
-i too have been strip searched in an airport, except my experience was in miami
-something y'all don't know about me...hmmm...i'm currently listening to a new CD i just picked up that's a sick bluegrass/slide guitarist and a didgeridoo...absolutely amazing!


YouTube Boy
Jan 18, 2004
Bomb City
I'm Brad
I am 38 and currently reside in Amarillo, Texas
I am a Conductor/Brakeman for the BNSF Railway
I have a Kona Stinky, Soul Cycles Titan, Standard 24" bmx, and a Schwinn beachcruiser.
I have 2 daughters-19 and 2.
I have worked at some really interesting jobs including; Blackjack dealer in Las Vegas, Radio DJ, Flight Attendant, and I have been involved in the automotive aftermarket industry for many years.
I have had a feature article published in "Turbo" magazine.
I don't smoke.
I drink occasionally.
I practice a little freelance Gynecology in my spare time.
Jan 21, 2006
Boone, NC
I'm Alex
I'm 14.5
I play guitar, bass guitar, alto tenor and bari sax.
I was born in Hartford, CT and moved here to Raleigh, NC 6 years ago.
I want to go into physics and planetary geology when i'm older.
I really want to go to Pisgah for some mtb action.
I hate braking guitar strings with a floyd rose bridge.
I'm a marching band geek.
I love hockey.
I want to sell my go kart really bad so i can get some extra cash. (anybody want it?)
I want a Nintendo Wii really bad.
I saw Buckethead on October 5th and it was the greatest concert i've ever been to.
I'm 5'10
152 Pounds
And i'm bored.
My name is Chris, I'm 31.

I am a husband and a father of 3 soon to be 4.

I was born in Lexington, Ma and raised on Cape Cod.

I now live in Winchester, N.H.

I went to Hargrave Military Academy for high school.

I have a C-dale Gemini and a Haro DSR and my parts share time on each frame. I am currently riding the Haro.

I built my kids and I a pump track in the back yard.

I coach my oldest 2 kids (Gina 10, Anthony 8) in soccer and baseball.

I am extremely proud of my children and their natural born athletic abilities.

I have been married for 9 years and my wife is a wonderful woman who puts up with my crap.

I have been hit by a car landed on another and walked away.

My sister was in a plane crash and walked away.

My brother was in an avelanche while snowboarding and lived.

My other brother broke his back while snowboarding, got up and rode down the hill to the aid station. He's still snowboarding

I think that's it.

skinny mike

Turbo Monkey
Jan 24, 2005
i'm mike.
i'm 17, turning 18 in january.
been living near boston all of my life.
currently a senior in hs.
been on the senior slide since sophomore year.
i've been snowboarding since i was 12.
work as a snowboard instructor at a local hill.

used to work at an italian airport...

Jeff P.

Nov 13, 2006
East Bay, Ca
Im Jeff
Im 21 living in the SF bay area
im a technician for Sears
Ive got an acess hardtail (Broken), as well as a schwinn HG(Running), a Cannondale KV900 (not running), an a GT Avalianche (not running).
No kids, GF for 3.5yrs.
This is my first post on RM
Dont smoke
Drink sometimes
Ive ended up talking to porn stars on 2 out of 3 of my most recent trips


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work

-I'm 40 years old.

-I like bikes.

-I play keyboards in this band.

-I traded cigarettes for mountain bikes 10 years ago with the idea that I would save money and live longer. Still not convinced that either will happen but damn it's been fun.

-I got married in 1985, divorced in 1991, and I don't know or care where my ex is.

-I like beer.

-I came here at the suggestion of Tweek, promptly got into an arguement with BeerDemon (who was Ridemonkey at the time), and somehow managed to not get banned.


Trail Rat
Jul 8, 2002
Alamance County, NC
Hi. My name is Joseph, but people call me Jody or Jo.

I'm 33.

Just got married a little over a year ago and we're expecting our first child in January. I'm really excited about that.

We have a Border Collie named Tippy that goes on almost every ride.

I was born and raised in North Carolina and there's still a lot of it I haven't seen yet.

I graduated from East Carolina University in 1995 with a BFA in Fine Arts. I would like to build custom furniture for a living, but the Chinese beat me to the price point.

I also like flyfishing, I'm a pretty good golfer, love to camp, and try not to sketch on jumps.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 24, 2004
wine country
-I'm Pat(rick). Dirtrag was my first forum, but it was too slow. Then I found RM.
-I was born in Downtown LA, CA.
-I'm 17, as of a few days ago.

-I have been mountain biking since I was about 8 or 9. I used to go up in the canyons above my house in La Canada, CA most everyday after school. I pedaled to the top on my ridgid Fisher Tyro with 24" wheels. Then I pinned it down the singletrack and/or fireroads.
-I started doing real FR/DH about 2-3 years ago.
-I started snowboarding at 10, started skateboarding a little before.

........I have a snapped Hardtail. I want to replace it with a DOC.
........I have a bullit that I love ( I use it for everything since ^. Read the review on ........here.


-I do a lot of photography. I oil paint, draw, use photoshop everyday.


-I am a junior in high school (2 classes), but I took the CA exit exam, so I can do classes at the city college (4).


I like mostly older stuff: classic hardrock, older metal, classic rock, older punk, older hip hop.

-I have never been strip searched.


Dec 13, 2001
Hebron, ohio
- I'm Tim
- I'm 35
- I live in between southeast Ohio and southern Wv
- I'm currently unemployed
- I have 6 bikes but not all of them are in working order
- i ride cross country and road
- I'm not married but have a girlfriend
- No kids but we have a collection of critters between us
- I'm a drinker of what some would call cheap beer (bud light)
- I have never been strip searched and have no plans anytime in the future.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 6, 2002
You'd never have guessed from my username but I'm Damien.
Friends usually just call me D or Dr. D. I have a PhD in geophysics from the U. of Washington.
The current herd consists of a Banshee Scream, Evil DOC, Surly Instigator, Park Pre steel hardtail SS conversion, Bridgestone RB1.
Actually, I AM a rocket scientist. Was just out at Vandenberg AFB where we launched a payload on one of these.
Born in Singapore, grew up in Seattle, and now live in the DC area.
Before grad school I ran a bed-n-breakfast in Issaquah, WA.


talks too much
Mar 19, 2002
Claremont, CA
My name is James.

I am 22.

I was born in Michigain, but lived most of my life in Jersey.

I graduated in May from Middlebury College in Middlebury, VT.

I love all kinds of cycling:road, dirt and everything in between.

I race downhill when I can.

I own a Mountain Cycle 9.5, an Empella Bonfire and a Cannondale Prophet and have a small collection of old/beat/cracked frames in my garage.

I work at a business consulting company in northern NJ.

I am applying to several Ph.D. and M.A. programs right now.

I have a degree in religion and geography, but don't really believe in god and can't find my way out of a paper bag.


Jul 2, 2001
Hershey, PA
I'm 35
Married for 2.5 years
I have a son who just turned 1
I've been on RM for a long time, I was the 42nd person to join
Like Echo, bikes replaced cigarettes in my life
I used to work for The Man, but now I work for the man
When not biking or playing with the little one, I build and paddle sea kayaks and brew my own beer


AAAAH! Monkeys stole my math!
Mar 4, 2004
Boston....outside of it....


Founder of the Lesbian Pillow Fight Club, also an Ordained Minister through Universal Life Church

Hasher Name: Assume The Position

Graphic Artist/ 3D modeler/ Fine Artist

I attended an explosives course, and still have all of my fingers. The truck that I blew up lost parts, though.

Was in the Air Force as a cop. Worked with General Jumper. Worked the ceremony for Gen. Wesley Clark.

I am Old Man G Funk's better half (sometimes I'm better)

I am a vegetarian who has just discovered that I really like squash

I just did my first marathon, and I drank beer on the course.

I rock climb, but am scared of heights


Mr. Excitement
Feb 3, 2002
Over there somewhere.
I'm Opeth

I'm 26

Graduated College with a double major in History and Political Science

Licensed Bar Tender

Currently a part time lbs mechanic and bar tend for private parties.

Bikes: 2005 Kona Cowan(Soon to be a 2007 Giant STP Lenosky edition.) 2006 Bianchi Pista

My grandfather was a staff seargent in the US Marines during the Korean War and my father was a door gunner in the 101st Airborne during Vietnam.

I was sent an AARP card at the age of 5.


Nam I am
I'm Splat

I'm 43 , Married 2 Kids. Live out side of Boston , Met my Wife on a road ride. my son Loves to ride Bikes too.

I'm an E.E. and an IT dweeb, Was working for a Smaller Software company and then a Larger Software company bought us , now I want a New Job.

Other things I do , Model Trains , play Ice Hockey Goalie, robotics , arson , Photography, electronics , etc

Was born on Long Island , have also Lived In Cali, Texas and Maryland.

I ride Road , Mt , Cyclo, tandem ..... Basicaly if it is wheels you pedal I'll ride it or at least try.

also a member of 4:monkey:'s and a baboon


Aug 11, 2005
I'm Jen
I support my bf's "interest" in dolphins
I enjoy biking, and apparently crashing
I frequently have to put out fires started by my roomate/bf
I will graduate with Doctorate of Physical Therapy on August 10, 2007
My dog sanchez often gets beat up by my cat Patrick (a girl).
I experienced every bit of Burly's worst night of my life, and we'd only know eachother a month at the time.
I enjoy acronym disease references.
Football is the best AND "worst thing in my life".
Most my friends are ninjas...and battle me at every chance they get because I am a pirate.
I getted weirded out when I remember that when I was 18, Burly was 12 or 13.
And finally, I enjoy getting people to put random objects in people's microwave (and turning it on) or freezer...then letting people assume it was burly ;)

Total Heckler

Beer and Bike Enthusiast
Apr 28, 2005
Santa Cruz, CA
I am Total Heckler.
My real name is Josh.
I am 21 years old.
Born in Los Gatos CA, but I have lived in Santa Cruz my whole life.
Graduated High school with a 3.9 GPA. Never bothered with college.
Started working at a software company right out of High school.
I do video productions (Filming, editing, etc.) when not biking.
I enjoy European cars a lot. I drive an Audi.
I also love bikes. I ride DH, Cycle-x, XC, Road, and Urban.
I have been to 9 different countries. I really like to travel.
I am really good at getting hurt or messed up in some way ending up with me at the ER.
Used to race motocross. Ended with me almost breaking my neck.
One of the things I enjoy the most in life is beer.

Secret Squirrel

There is no Justice!
Dec 21, 2004
Up sh*t creek, without a paddle
Hey. I'm Greg. I joined up awhile ago...too lazy to actually back out and look, so eat it...
- I'm 24 and work for corporate america (notice the lack of capitalization...it'll come back later...)
- Originally from Ballard (Swedish/Norwegian 'hood of Seattle) now I live in Bothell (Slightly less white trash 'hood of Seattle) which puts me 4.5 hours from Whistler.
- I'm 6'7" and choose to DH and FR any chance I get. And yes, the bigger they are the harder they fall. I've found this out the hard way.
- Married, no kids (yet). 2 fat cats though.
- Goin' along Kizzi's thought process, my wife is 8 years older and gets wierded out by it only on the rarest of occasions cause we've been together for 6 years.
- I run a stable of high end bikes (3) thanks to the yaa hoo's that jacked my sh*t from my garage before this season started (Thanks homeowners insurance, you rule.)

Fun Facts:
- My grandmother is (was? haven't checked in awhile) a world record holder in several individual swimming events in age groups 60 and above....
- Met my wife at "band camp", no she doesn't play flute, no I don't play trumpet, she was my counselor (in more ways than one).
- The wife and I went to New York and closed out the season at Carnegie Hall with the Everett Symphony in June.
- I've only been strip searched in the borders of my own home (and various hotels) and I intend on keeping it that way.
- I got to know the ER staff at the Children's hospital here by name when I was younger. It's pretty funny when you walk in and just say, "Hey Nancy, I think Dr. Bob needs to put 13 stitches in this...." You know you're an accident waiting to happen when you can correctly predict the number of stitches needed to close the wound.


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
I am OG. I'm gonna be 37 tomorrow. My name was given to me by some 14-year old kids at Sand Hill, who thought it was funny that someone older than them could actually ride a bike. I like it.

I "grew up" in Connecticut, lived in Boston for a while, and have lived in SF for 10 years now. I like it.

I have 5 bikes that work: Hardtail, 5x5 trailbike, vp-free, road, and fixed. I also have 1 bike that is a shell of its former self and that I never ride, but I can't sell it because it is a custom hardtail built by a friend and I like it.

I was a bike mechanic for 15 years and got jaded but now I only work on my own stuff and I like it.

I am blessed with good friends in the bike industry, and when it comes to bikes I don't really live in the MSRP world. I really like that.

I am well-rounded as a rider. I ride pretty much everything, including trail, DH, road, fixed gear, jumps, whatever. I go through phases favoring one style over another. I will never be a pro at any of these disciplines, but still, I like it.

When I was young I rode BMX and freestyle, including flatland, ramps, jumps, and the predecessor to "urban" we called "screwing around in the street." Some friends and I had a freestyle team, we did shows inside shopping malls and we liked it.

I've done a solo 24 hour race, a bunch of road rides of 100 miles or more, heli-drops, and plenty of burly drops, jumps and stunts. I liked all of it and look forward to more.

I saw a post here linking to a funny rant thing on Craig's list. I liked it.



Turbo Monkey
Jul 12, 2002
THE Palouse

To my friends, I'm Mackey. You y'all, I'm macko. Go fig.

I'm 26 years old.

I live in metro-Phoenix, AZ. It kinda sucks.

I ride a hardtail Cannondale which is currently in the shop getting overhauled. I also have a C-dale single speed project that is awaiting a fresh coat of paint.

I'm a habitat technician for the state game & fish dept. I am also about to start grad school ... I think. I also work part-time at the local indoor rock climbing gym.

Not married, never even came close. In fact, the girl I've been the most serious with just broke up with me last week. Yay.

I have two dogs. Kloe and Ozomatli. They're my life.

I spend my free time hiking, backpacking, rock climbing, and drinking. Not necessarily in that order.

Also, I have a bit of shoe/sandal fetish. It sounds a bit girly, but I like footwear.


High Priest or maybe Jedi Master
May 2, 2006
Ventura, CA
Upg8r here (it should be Upgr8r, as in Upgrade, (mods, can you fix that, please :redface: ))

My real name is Robert

Im 40, born & raised in Cali, grew up in the Salinas Valley, now living in Santa Barbara.

Property Manager by trade

Turned on to biking ( & the :monkeydance:) by Zark. Have lots of enthusiasm, but lack motivation, although I like buying new parts (hence the name)

Single with a baby on the way

I like photography, books, movies and music and occasional biking


Mar 17, 2002
Me Craw

27, grew up in the Bay Area

Live in Los Angeles now, working for a studio.

My one superhero power is my ability to not get hangovers, yet be blacked out drunk the night before. However, I do lose my wallet a lot during those nights so it kind of evens out.

I tore my acl after landing wrong while trying to click my heels twice in mid-air. I now have a cadaver body part in my knee. It's rad. I still can't click my heels twice in mid air.

I really like the movie The Conversation, and I can watch Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure over and over and over and over and not get tired of it.

I've never been in a fight, but if I do get into a fight and win, part of me thinks I should piss on the guy while he's down, so that people will be like "Damn, that guy just beat the crap outta that guy...and then pissed on him. He's crazy".


Turbo Monkey
Jun 24, 2005
I've never been in a fight, but if I do get into a fight and win, part of me thinks I should piss on the guy while he's down, so that people will be like "Damn, that guy just beat the crap outta that guy...and then pissed on him. He's crazy".
Id pee on a motherf'er too...
Im Chris 24 born and raised in chicago and have been riding bikes and exploring all my life. After HS i moved to Peoria, IL for school where my love of two wheels blossomed. Eventually i moved to flagstaff, az for two years but all i rode out there was urban and whores. Im back in chicago doin my thang trying to figure out whats next. Im thinking N. Carolina but Im planning on a west coast month long tour this spring and could get lost. i ride, drink, enjoy good chronic, camping, living life without a plan, and live music.


Jun 11, 2006
Im Matt, i am 15 years old

I go to high school

I ride as often as i can, i also snowboard

I am currently building a pump track

I live in Ohio and have always

I want a PS3 really bad.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
More on me, because everyone wants to know:

I don't really drink. I have the occasional glass of wine or maybe 1 beer a month.

I recorded my first album at 16.

I've been to Japan, and it's much stranger than you think.

I had lunch with Ozzy once.

I was arrested at 16 for vandalism and attempting to incite a riot at the state capitol building.

I know how to use a sewing machine, although I need way more practice.

I know how to weld, although I need way more practice.


Crusading Clamp Monkey
Sep 27, 2006
Deep in the heart of TEXAS
I am John.

I will be 35 on Thursday.

I like the Descendents.

I manage a bike shop now, or am transitioning to.

Wumpus is my friend.

I have been a few other people, but it's not for me to say.

I miss dh girlie.

I have a wife and a beautiful 10 month old.