
The Manliest Thing You've Ever Seen?


Turbo Monkey
What about those dudes who go to the urinal for a piss and they pull their wang out through the leg of their really short shorts? Or the dudes that just lean against the urinal wall without holding onto their wang? I always thought that was pretty manly.
i walked into the bathroom at school and saw my wrestling coach doing that. there were three urinals and he was in the middle. i just turned around and walked out.


Aug 3, 2002
i walked into the bathroom at school and saw my wrestling coach doing that. there were three urinals and he was in the middle. i just turned around and walked out.
Heh, normally i'm impressed with it, but if the dude had chosen the middle urinal in a set of three i'd be put off as well.


Aug 3, 2002
My Polish grandfather, whilst in a refugee camp in Germany after WW2, left the camp with a friend, hopped onto a train heading for a town where they could pick up sugar so that they could make alcohol back at the camp. They both fell asleep and ended up on the other side of Germany. They managed to find another train heading back in their direction, pick up the sugar and get home in one piece. Manly huh?


Turbo Monkey
Jun 19, 2003
My Polish grandfather, whilst in a refugee camp in Germany after WW2, left the camp with a friend, hopped onto a train heading for a town where they could pick up sugar so that they could make alcohol back at the camp. They both fell asleep and ended up on the other side of Germany. They managed to find another train heading back in their direction, pick up the sugar and get home in one piece. Manly huh?
That ain't half bad....


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
just out of curiousity, why didn't they leave for good?

Or is it manly BECAUSE they came back to make alcohol for everybody else?

either way, that's B.A.


trail builder
Jun 17, 2002
Calgary AB
I saw a guy chainsaw his scrotum open

He then proceeded to walk 50 yards to the office trailer, and say: "guys. I need a bandaid." I effing near puked. Turns out we didnt have any first aid stuff, but we did have about 50 safety pins and some alcohol. He helped hold the two sides of his sack together while the foreman safety pinned it so his boys wouldnt be all over the place on the way to the hospital.


Mar 1, 2006
Sanford, NC
I saw a guy chainsaw his scrotum open

He then proceeded to walk 50 yards to the office trailer, and say: "guys. I need a bandaid." I effing near puked. Turns out we didnt have any first aid stuff, but we did have about 50 safety pins and some alcohol. He helped hold the two sides of his sack together while the foreman safety pinned it so his boys wouldnt be all over the place on the way to the hospital.

I think this one takes the cake. After reading all 6 pages, that's the manliest thing I have read.


Jun 27, 2006
I played the ultimate wing man taking out not one but two of the bigger girls while my buddy scored with this beautiful chick... Another time when it was his turn for the wingman move, he walkes into a bar sees the biggest chick on a stool at the bar, runs full tilt at her while yelling "grenade!!!" and proceeds to form tackle her off the stool...


YouTube Boy
Jan 18, 2004
Bomb City
I have a buddy in Phoenix that whacked his bag on his stem while dirtjumping and tore a 1" gash in it. He didn't realize how bad it was until he went home and got in the shower. He doesn't have any type of insurance, so he called up another buddy that does body piercing and has a bunch of medical books. He went to his house and had him stitch him up.


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
Got one... Bike related.

I have a buddy that was doing a techy run down this retarted skiny section. Somehow he got crossed up and landed on his head at speed. He woke up later in the day, prodceeded to do a few more loops before heading home with a cracked helmet.

Total Heckler

Beer and Bike Enthusiast
Apr 28, 2005
Santa Cruz, CA
My buddy who rides bmx jumped out of a quarter pipe about 6-8 feet up and lost it in the air somehow. His bike came down and impaled him in the stomach. His bars went 4 inches in. Somehow missed every organ and didn’t damage anything inside.

That was pretty manly.
This one is pretty good and true.

At the Durango national in 04, One of my good friends crashed in the chicane section on his last practice run on race day seat post snapped, he felt something terrible.
He found first aid at the bottom who had him go into the porta-john and check himself out, next comes a loud scream.
Turns out he ripped his sack open, and on that exposed seat tube smashed one of his testicles,(imaging crushing a grape).
Under tremendous pain he decided he still needed to race and get some redemption, so he got some duct tape from first aid, taped his sack shut went back up and took his race run.
About a year later he had to get the crushed ball removed so it wouldn't turn cancerous.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 18, 2002
G14 Classified
Where was the segue from manly to just plain stupid? Anyway, my vote has to be for the grandfather who found himself on the other side of Germany.

Tame Ape

BUY HOPE!!!!!!!
Mar 4, 2003
I don't know...should I? What the Hell is ridefoto? After breaking my beloved Nikon compact in '98 going over the bars, I have never again brought a camera or anything fragile on a ride. I won't even bring anything but an expendable metal bowl on a ride anymore and I loves me my glass.
its where you belong.



Aug 3, 2002
just out of curiousity, why didn't they leave for good?

Or is it manly BECAUSE they came back to make alcohol for everybody else?

either way, that's B.A.
The reason he didn't leave was because he had his wife and baby daughter sitting at the camp waiting for him to come back. The baby daughter was my mum!

Another story is that when they were scheduled to leave Germany (like 7 or 8 years after WW2 ended) a Canadian wrestling promoter was at the train station looking for talent to take back to Canada and wrestle. My Pops chose to take the family to Australia instead. Who knows, i could have been Canadian.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 21, 2004
Theres a video of Mike Vallely taking on 3 or 4 guys who called him a "skater f@g" that was pretty cool.

As for me personally, I got my tooth chipped in a pit at a show Sunday night. It wasnt too bad, and it was on the back side, so you couldnt really see it from the front, unless you looked very closely. There was a really sharp edge on it that rubbed my tongue raw in about a day. I hate the dentist so I took a metal nail file and took care of it.