
The Lizard People Who Run Bikemag

The Dream, the Insanity, the Drunk
by León Felipe

Because if the bird
did not hide in the library or in the baroque foliage of the altarpiece,
if he fled from the bread, the wine ... and the binomial, from the hands
of the archbishops and the wise,
if it is not in the retort or in the sacred vessel ...
we will have to look for it
in the pendular rhythm of madness, of sleep, of drunk ...
The dream is a border animal like lizards ...
The dream is a lizard.
He lives on the border of two large boulders,
he has no roots, he goes from one side to another,
from light to shadow, from shadow to light ... from a rock to another rock.
He clings to the pendulum that oscillates between the worlds that separate the
half-opened slit of my eyelids,
and gets into the bucket of the well that is up as soon as it's down.
In the twilight of the dream nothing is firm or nailed ...
and the lizard
lives outside of time and space.
And the dream is not the enemy of man, like the fox ...
It is the enemy of tack and calculation,
of icy doubts and the dagger of ammonia.
There is reason and arithmetic dominating ...
and the dream and the madness, aherrojados.
Madness is also a lizard.
Because the lizard comes and goes also from the helmet to the basin and from the
basin to the helmet. And the judge, the priest, Don Fernando,
the mocking, the conjurer and the professor
no one knows what the gentleman has in his head.
Who has shouted baciyelmo, Sancho?
What if we were already crazy? all crazy ... Or if we continue dreaming?
If we had not left off
dreaming, Segismundo, and the exile now here and Spain there, on the other side,
were the old and new game of a god, not a barbarian king,
the eternal and Spanish dream, of «the cave and the palace».

«I dream that I am here
charged with these prisons ... »
If we had not left off
dreaming, Segismundo, and someone after you had definitely given
the subversive cry of ¡Arriba! Up the lizards!
If you and I, the mystic, the biologist, the psychologist and the mathematician
would already have drawn our sword to defend the lizards ...
What if we were drunk?
Because maybe man is not a domesticated animal
that counts, that governs and that reasons, but something that dreams, that goes crazy
and that vacillates; something...

«You did not put an oil lamp there?
How do I look like two?»
Is that a rock or two boulders?
And if the light were the shadow, the grace the sin,
the prayer the blasphemy, the heaven the hell and the gold the pebble?
If the verse, court poets,
if the verse like man was not of crystal but of clay?
If to the right and to the left were only a vain and sterile dispute of the hands?
If they were not face up and face down
and we also did not know who is the one who sleeps upside down, the owl or the bat?
If, after so much spinning, so much swinging,
from both coming and going from the pipe to the choir and from the choir to the pipe,
we were working saying, cunt! But if we do not know where we are?
And this is the blasphemous and black hour in the twilight kingdom of the lizards,
the time when torches, lanterns, urban lanterns and lighthouses are extinguished;
the hour in which the stars escape by the cloudy swamp of the toads;
the hour when the signs of the streets and the great avenues collapse, and the drunks
the time they take us to the church as a house of help ...
the hour of the stretcher, the hyssop and the dagger of ammonia ...
the time when they bring us back to life, to life again: to reason and to tears.

Montana rider

Turbo Monkey
Mar 14, 2005

ANCIENT LIZARD The monitor lizard Saniwa ensidens lived about 50 million years ago in North America. A new study of its fossils suggests it had four eyes.


About 50 million years ago, a monitor lizard in what is now Wyoming perceived the world through four eyes. Saniwa ensidens is the only known jawed vertebrate to have had two eyelike photosensory structures at the top of the head, in addition to the organs we commonly think of as eyes, researchers report April 2 in Current Biology.

The structures are called the pineal and parapineal organs. Among animals alive today, only the jawless fish called a lamprey has both structures. But many modern reptiles have a so-called third eye, the pineal organ.

The researchers examined fossils collected 150 years ago by Yale University students. Scans of the fossils using a technique called X-ray computed tomography revealed spaces in the skull for both the third and fourth eye.

What the ancient lizard did with these organs isn’t known, but some modern vertebrates use the amplified photosensitivity they glean from the pineal glands to navigate. S. ensidens may have been able to perceive polarized light and use the angle of the sun like a compass, as some modern lizards do. Or it may have navigated using Earth’s magnetic field, much like some amphibians and migratory birds.

Extra eyes
Saniwa ensidens closely resembled the modern monitor lizard Varanus mertensi, shown here with an overlay of the skull of S. ensidens. The two holes at the top of its head were the location of its third and fourth eyes, called the pineal and parapineal organs.



Compensating for something
Jan 4, 2013
In hell. Welcome!
You know what to do when they uncover a 1000+ years old pedal reflector on what looks like a prehistoric single track...