
The "biking related mistakes you only make once" thread


Aug 18, 2011
For the most part, the video IS the back story. The rest of the story is that Miles recovered and went on to kick a** and take names at numerous endurance events afterwards. He's an amazingly strong rider. He helped me train for the 24 Hours in the Old Pueblo this past Feb. I'd be on my geared bike for some 6-mile climb, and he'd be on his singlespeed. I told him I was actually at a disadvantage because of the weight penalty I took with all those chain rings, gears, and derailleurs. :rofl:

He's been nursing other injuries (Achilles tendon, I think) recently, but is still riding.
Wow....much respect. That probably would have killed me.


Apr 27, 2005
Auckland New Zealand
wat??? My straight six is my most missed bike of any I own.
USED is the key word here. Completely flogged. Bought off one of my best friends. Never bothered him with customer disatisfaction. i loved the bike on thought. That Lawwill action over bumps and compression when you braked absolutely ruled compared the the generation 1 heckler I was coming from.

Still cant quite get over the fact it only had 4.5" of travel either but I'll forgive them that eventually.
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Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
This happened on 1st Divide this weekend. Always put your inside foot down, not the one you usually dismount with:

??? that vid was uploaded in 06... I know the guy lived though.
Yeap.... that was actually not this weekend.... but almost six years ago........... Been on tv a few times with this video, was on teh news,

Dude lived no worries..... few injuries though...


I come bearing GIFs
May 10, 2005
While riding your bmx bike, reaching down to feel the chain tension... while pedaling... and getting your middle finger stuck in the 3 o'clock position. I had a nice hole in my nail.

I was 10.


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
Mistake I only made once?

Actually saying aloud the words, "Last run..." before taking that last run.


ass grabber
Sep 8, 2006
Central Florida
While riding your bmx bike, reaching down to feel the chain tension... while pedaling... and getting your middle finger stuck in the 3 o'clock position. I had a nice hole in my nail.

I was 10.
We moved from the city to the country and the local kids were jumping their bmx. So I tried it, sans shoes, on my banana seat, ape hanger cruiser with slicks. During the "landing" my foot went into the front spokes and it neatly sliced 1/4" off of the bottom of my big toe.


Feb 13, 2010
Under ground
Mistakes I (hopefully) won't make again:

- Work on the bike late at night and think "Meh, I'll tighten those tomorrow before I head out to the lifts..." (Didn't end badly, but when I had finished a day of bikepark riding I noticed i had lost two of the clamp screws to the axle in my fork. Nedless to say, I almost sh@t myself thinking back on the number of times I hit the 7 ft vertical 35 ft long step downs on my favorite trail...)

- Thinking "That can't be as deep as it looks". (Back story: did my first XC ride today after three weeks of solid rain for a few hours a day. It was wet. And, for the record, deeper than it looked. I got wet..)