
Tell us a story - times you got some and wish you didn't


Turbo Monkey
Weekend of DH at Bad WildBad, Germany.
Rode some dh all day and decided to crash on some campsite.
Me and my mates were drinking and smoking some weed so obviously we were attracting some attention from the female campsite residents.

Some of these girls were kinda hot so I think I started hitting on them, not sure about what happend next but I think the pretty one I was hitting on left and I mistoke (sp?) an uglier girl for the pretty one.
Took her to the shower and started doing all kinds of stuff thats not safe for work when I noticed we had an audience, one of my mates was actually filming us with his cell from the next shower boot.

Offcourse we moved some place else and finished our bizz.
Next day I woke up in my van, alone (thank god).
Got out and my mates were all laughing at me for obvious reasons.
The one who filmed the shower scene was laughing the hardest so i ask him to show it to me. I then run away with his phone and erase the movie so it wouldnt pop up on numerous intraweb forums...

I then decide its best to leave in a hurry, drive of the campsite and the owner stops me, asks me to pay for staying that night so Im like yeah my mates over there allready have my part of the money so they will be paying for me.
He said well Ill go and ask could you wait here for a sec? Im like, sure.
So i pretend Im parking my car and the moment he turns around I make a burnout and drive the **** away.

Ill never forget the look on his face in my mirror :cheers:


Space Monkey
Jul 2, 2001
The bunker at parliament
More a close story here:

At my going away party (before leaving for France), a lot of booze flowed. Everyone was pissed up and having a great time. We headed into town (Wellington, NZ) and had a huge night out. I don't remember much at all about the night, but my mates were telling me that I spent the evening 'fck dancing' with 2 chicks.

Anyway, the next day I received a text message from one of them describing what the two of them were wanting to do to me before I left NZ. Sweet. So I gave them my number.

Many texts later (all describing in great detail the acts to follow) and I'm ready to go and meet them in a cafe downtown. I had no idea what they looked like, so had to go in early, sit down and hope for them to come up to me.

Well, they did. And at the risk of sounding shallow, they were pig ugly.

I mumbled some half arsed excuse about heading overseas and bolted for the door.

Fess up now.... So how MANY times has this happened to you? :brow::banana::poster_oops:



Yoshinoya Destroyer
Jan 20, 2007
Hills of Paradise
Went to a friends wedding and was "conveniently" seated next to this single hottie. Just as the bride had planned, we clicked. Drank, ate, and danced the night away. Instead of leaving immediately on their honeymoon, they invited any who could come to go wine tasting the next day in the napa valley.

I said, hmmm, what if she's down to go. I asked, she said yes, and I picked her up the next day. The 5 hour drive up was fun. The wine tasting got us faded. Apparently I can only spit out wine for so long till I realize it's a waste of alcohol and I start downing glassfuls. We're pretty well blitzed so we grab a nearby hotel. Drunken fun ensues, followed by dinner, and more fun. Sounds good so far, but wait for it.....

The drive home was "interesting". Both of us being slightly hung over, our niceites were pushed aside. We start talking about likes and dislikes, pet peeves, etc... and she mentions that SHE HATES GUNS! Not only hates guns and fighting (MMA, boxing, wrestling, KB, etc...) but hates people who do it. Me being a proponent of the 1st and second amendment and being hung over... I proudly state, I have many guns, I use guns, and I know how to fight. As a matter of fact, I used to fight for fun back in my ARMY days.

Apparently that combination of words topped off with the word "ARMY" set her off. You've heard of psychoDad.... well, on my passenger seat, sat his daughter, psychoB!tch. The last 2 hours were quiet with sporadic knifelike glances, head shaking, and general disgust.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 6, 2007
Went to a friends wedding and was "conveniently" seated next to this single hottie. Just as the bride had planned, we clicked. Drank, ate, and danced the night away. Instead of leaving immediately on their honeymoon, they invited any who could come to go wine tasting the next day in the napa valley.

I said, hmmm, what if she's down to go. I asked, she said yes, and I picked her up the next day. The 5 hour drive up was fun. The wine tasting got us faded. Apparently I can only spit out wine for so long till I realize it's a waste of alcohol and I start downing glassfuls. We're pretty well blitzed so we grab a nearby hotel. Drunken fun ensues, followed by dinner, and more fun. Sounds good so far, but wait for it.....

The drive home was "interesting". Both of us being slightly hung over, our niceites were pushed aside. We start talking about likes and dislikes, pet peeves, etc... and she mentions that SHE HATES GUNS! Not only hates guns and fighting (MMA, boxing, wrestling, KB, etc...) but hates people who do it. Me being a proponent of the 1st and second amendment and being hung over... I proudly state, I have many guns, I use guns, and I know how to fight. As a matter of fact, I used to fight for fun back in my ARMY days.

Apparently that combination of words topped off with the word "ARMY" set her off. You've heard of psychoDad.... well, on my passenger seat, sat his daughter, psychoB!tch. The last 2 hours were quiet with sporadic knifelike glances, head shaking, and general disgust.
Sounds like you didn't regret getting some, just the drive afterwards....shoulda left her at the hotel :busted:


Yoshinoya Destroyer
Jan 20, 2007
Hills of Paradise
He should have worked on some road head before mentioning his side of the gun thing.
In retrospect, I prolly coulda got some of that.

btw... that wasn't the last time I got flak from her about the gun thing. That's the thing about psychoB!tch, she doesn't know when to let it go. explains why she's still single
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