
Sven Martin Injured in Whistler


Jan 29, 2002
Sven Martin of the Honda Turner Team was injured while riding in Whistler yesterday. Sven has full movement of all his limbs; unfortunately he has broken his neck in 3 places. Sven broke C3, C4 and C5. The major problem is that C4 is a burst fracture. The doctors in Vancouver are scheduling surgery to repair the damage to Sven’s neck. I will try and keep everyone up date on Sven progress. Please keep Sven and his wife Anka in your thoughts during this tough time!


Turbo Monkey
May 21, 2002
Orange, Ca
Ratfink said:
Sven Martin of the Honda Turner Team was injured while riding in Whistler yesterday. Sven has full movement of all his limbs; unfortunately he has broken his neck in 3 places. Sven broke C3, C4 and C5. The major problem is that C4 is a burst fracture. The doctors in Vancouver are scheduling surgery to repair the damage to Sven’s neck. I will try and keep everyone up date on Sven progress. Please keep Sven and his wife Anka in your thoughts during this tough time!
Nothing has stopped me more in my tracks than readin this awful news...wishing some good heal vibes out asap.


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
that's awful! my thoughts will be with him for successful surgery and a full recovery. Any more details on what exactly happened?


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
Ratfink said:
Sven Martin of the Honda Turner Team was injured while riding in Whistler yesterday. Sven has full movement of all his limbs; unfortunately he has broken his neck in 3 places. Sven broke C3, C4 and C5. The major problem is that C4 is a burst fracture. The doctors in Vancouver are scheduling surgery to repair the damage to Sven’s neck. I will try and keep everyone up date on Sven progress. Please keep Sven and his wife Anka in your thoughts during this tough time!
Hey Doug, do you mind if i steal this for Transcend?


Turbo Monkey
May 25, 2005
stiksandstones said:
Nothing has stopped me more in my tracks than readin this awful news...wishing some good heal vibes out asap.
Yeah, when I read that it gave me the chills. I'm very sorry to hear this terrible news, and I wish him a full and speedy recovery. This is just horrible...please keep everyone updated.


May 1, 2003
Mannnn.......that really sucks! A bunch of us SoCalers will be in Whistler next week and some of us know Sven well.

I wish him a full and speedy recovery.

Hits real hard when its someone you know and to boot he's a nice guy and and an excellent rider.

Anka-best wishes!


Aug 15, 2001
Redmond, Washington
Positive vibes going out to Sven and Anka...

Doug, can you tell us what he was doing when this happened? or what caused it?


I broke all the rules, but somehow still became mo
Sep 6, 2001
Livin it up in the O.C.
Damn... I hope that everthing works out ok.
At least he ahs full movement. It could have been much worse.
Any details on how it happened? I mean, I know he was probably rippin it somewhere and fell, but are there specifics?

Mabey they can use one of Slugman's designed spinal implants.


Turbo Monkey
May 21, 2002
Orange, Ca
here is what I am hearing

Sven and Anke arrived at Whistler yesterday AM. They hit the mountain park right away. On their first run, Sven crashed and broke his neck. Thankfully, he did not suffer a spinal cord injury. He is neurologically intact.
CT scan done last night after he was transferred down to Vancouver shows a compression fracture of C5, a burst fracture of C4, and an unstable, comminuted (floating pieces) fracture of C3. Plan is to proceed with fusion of C3 and C4 today.


Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
Yah, I heard this from some friends last night. I wish him and Anke the best and I hope he heals up quickly.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 20, 2001
Foxboro MA
Oh man. Having something similar happen to my buddy this season I know first hand how tough it must be for not only Sven but all his friends and family. Hang in there guys, and best wishes to Sven to hopefully be out ripping again someday.


Turbo Monkey
May 21, 2002
Orange, Ca
Poor Anka...she spent the whole time in the hospital last year being a friend and hanging with Sabrina when she blew out her liver or whatever it was...now this. Poor thing...stay strong chick, get the Sven back up and running!


Aug 10, 2001
where everyone is
thanks for that update!

i saw their bikes (anka and sven) on the ambulance/suburban going down the mountain when i was on the lift and got super bummed. then i heard he was back-boarded out and got even more bummed. glad he has movement and sensation in his limbs...that's great to know.


PUSH Industries (Duh)
Dec 5, 2003
I just spoke to April, who was on the way to the Hospital to be with Anka. She's going to have Anka drop me a line a little later, so I'll be sure to get an update.

Sven and Anka just came out and visited me at my new place in CO a few weeks ago. My new neighbors and friends couldn't get over how nice they were. Great people, great friends.

God Bless them.


ska todd

Turbo Monkey
Oct 10, 2001
Wow...that's bad news! :(

Sven & Anka - I'll have you guys in my thoughts. Best wishes.

-ska todd


Apr 29, 2004
Miami, FL
-BB- said:
Mabey they can use one of Slugman's designed spinal implants.
Nope... what he's got can't be fixed with anything we do. But there are plenty of bigger companies that can.

Glad to hear that he has no Neurological damage - the worst case situation for him is that he'll loose some degrees of motion in his neck, but probably not enough to affect his riding.

It is not going to be fun, but it sounds like he should be OK in the end.
May 4, 2005
I was wondering who hurt themselve becuase my friend was in the hospital at the same time because he tore the s**t out of his leg and got stiches. His mom was telling me that April and some other people were there waiting for his wife.

That is a big bummer they are great people we are praying for him here at the shop for sure, hopefully all goes well with surgery.
I heard that Mick Hannah and Hannah Steffens were there becuase a friend broke his arm, does anyone know who that was?
Boy it seems like alot of carnage already before the event. I hope no one else gets hurt.


Jan 29, 2002
Here's the latest report from Stu.

Here is the story from start to now, from what I know.

On Wednesday, August 3rd, Sven & Anka had just got on the mountain at Whistler Mountain Bike Park for there first run. They headed over to Schleyer (I believe) for a warm up, apparently they were just cruising (I know, hard to believe Sven just cruising) Anka was riding right behind him. As they were going over a technical section, Sven tried to hop over a couple of boulders when his front wheel caught a rock on the landing & sent him over the bars quickly, so quick he did not have a chance to break his fall & landed on his head. he knew right away that he had broken his neck.

The prognosis is a severe neck injury: Broken C3, C4 & C5 vertibrae, C4 is a "Burst" fracture, meaning it was crushed, & because of this portion of the injury, surgery will be required as the bone is dangerously close to the spine & is basically floating.

He is now at Vancouver General Hospital, in the spine ward on the 14th floor, he is scheduled to go into surgery this afternoon, if all goes well & as planned, he will be able to eat solid food in 3 days & be able to walk on his own in 5 days, then they will release him. The recovery period is said to take approx 4-6 months. Sven & Anka are are very scared, but are also very tough, together & with all of us & our support they will get through this injury & Sven will be back on the bike roosting in no time!

I will keep you all posted of any news that comes my way.

Wish them well!



Turbo Monkey
Mar 2, 2004
Back in Hell A, b1thces
Ratfink said:
Here's the latest report from Stu.

Here is the story from start to now, from what I know.

On Wednesday, August 3rd, Sven & Anka had just got on the mountain at Whistler Mountain Bike Park for there first run. They headed over to Schleyer (I believe) for a warm up, apparently they were just cruising (I know, hard to believe Sven just cruising) Anka was riding right behind him. As they were going over a technical section, Sven tried to hop over a couple of boulders when his front wheel caught a rock on the landing & sent him over the bars quickly, so quick he did not have a chance to break his fall & landed on his head. he knew right away that he had broken his neck.

The prognosis is a severe neck injury: Broken C3, C4 & C5 vertibrae, C4 is a "Burst" fracture, meaning it was crushed, & because of this portion of the injury, surgery will be required as the bone is dangerously close to the spine & is basically floating.

He is now at Vancouver General Hospital, in the spine ward on the 14th floor, he is scheduled to go into surgery this afternoon, if all goes well & as planned, he will be able to eat solid food in 3 days & be able to walk on his own in 5 days, then they will release him. The recovery period is said to take approx 4-6 months. Sven & Anka are are very scared, but are also very tough, together & with all of us & our support they will get through this injury & Sven will be back on the bike roosting in no time!

I will keep you all posted of any news that comes my way.

Wish them well!

Maybe we'll stop by on sunday on our way out. Stu, let us know when he's expected to be released.
Aug 11, 2003
I'd like to send my best wishes to Sven and Anke. I've only seen Sven in Synopsis but he seems like a great guy (very funny). Even my wife knew who he was when I mentioned his situation to her. Stay strong and get well soon.



Turbo Monkey
Feb 28, 2005
Pa. / North Jersey
he is scheduled to go into surgery this afternoon, if all goes well & as planned, he will be able to eat solid food in 3 days & be able to walk on his own in 5 days, then they will release him. The recovery period is said to take approx 4-6 months.

Sven has to be one lucky son-of-a-gun. We all know that this could have had an entirely different outcome.

I really feel for Anka... she saw it all happen. I know what that's like, and it really leaves you feeling screwed up.

Anka - the good news is that Svens' head is harder than his a$$... :D

Anka and Sven - gut it out, and hang tough. We're all thinking of you, and send our thoughts and prayers.


Jun 23, 2004
North Bend, WA
The Whistler Meat Grinder strikes again. I was with a friend last year who cracked a couple of thorasic vertebrae from a head spike on Dirt Merchant, not a lot of fun.

Best wishes on the recovery.


Apr 24, 2005
He was always a positive presence at the BB races and the mountain. Best of luck. That is frightening!!!!!

His accident shows how easy it is to have a life-changing accident.