
supreme douchbaggery

I sold an SS rfoadie that i built up out of spare parts to my buddy for 75$ he's broke, like me, so he was paying me over time. He still owes me 20$, and I knew that he had recieved money from his parents, but he spent it all , going out of his way not to pay me, even when i asked him to finish payment. I decided to 'boot' his bike; i put my u-lock around it. I taped a sign to the lock restating that he owes me 20$. He procedes to tell me that i'm never getting the money, and after some arguing, he tells me i'm "a fvcking assh0le" and he "never wants to talk to me again". a day or two goes by, and so this morning when i walk by where the bike is locked, i find it missing. He called the university police, and had them cut my lock off, only he didnt tell them the whole story. So now i'm out of a lock, and don't have my 20$. UP can't do anything, so the matter is mine to deal with


Feb 19, 2006
outer limits
TheInedibleHulk said:
No, I just wouldnt be that much of a dick over 20 bucks. And I am dead broke also.
I'm a little torn myself, I couldn't cut a friend short, but it is only 20 bones. I'd still be pissed. I'm sure homeboy got a hook-up, payin back the last 20 is the least he could do.


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
SkaredShtles said:
Freeloaders suck. Even freeloaders of $20.
No doubt...it's not the denomination but the principle. I had a "friend" of 10 years welch out on 1/2 his share of a chartered boat trip and a sacka indo. We'd been through so much together but he rightfully had the reputation of being a freddie freeloader. Once it became obvious he would not pay up and was dodging me while still affording da herb, I publicly shamed him in front of mutual friends and never spoke with him again.

A man is judged by the company he keeps so consider your lost Andy Jackson an investment in the betterment of your own reputation and avoid that scuzz like he was a flatulent leper.
well actually he was falling out of favor with almost all of his friends. it isnt the 20$, it's the principal. the deal was 75$, and he isnt honouring it. the police cut up my lock, so it's gone. Now i'm out a 25$ lock. I'm friends with his roommates, so I will get into his room when he isnt there, or if i see the bike on campus, and take his pedals. or brakepads. or chain. My roommate told me to remove the seat, leave the post, and put a condom over it.


Apr 21, 2005
Raleigh, NC
Cash-Money said:
My roommate told me to remove the seat, leave the post, and put a condom over it.
I'm a huge fan of this idea. I went through a similar situation before, there's no easy way to deal with friends who don't pay.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 21, 2004
Los Osos
bomberboy11 said:
Just take the bike back and leave him $30 ($75- $20 - $25).
Probably the best solution, at least if you never wanna see the guy again. Goddamn I hate shifty people, just had a similar experience go down last night. At least with drugs you know there is a risk from the git-go...

Turd Ferguson

Dec 21, 2004
I would do nothing. Let him ride the bike and enjoy it. Renew your friendship(acquaintenceship?) and ask him if the bike is treating him well.
If you get him back he will vent his doucheness on you. Let his own guilt eat him up.

Austin Bike

Turbo Monkey
Jan 26, 2003
Duh, Austin
Actually, swiping the pedals and seat may actually be a problem for you.

He could call the cops. Basically, you have no proof that he DIDN'T pay you, it's you word against his.

But if you swpie that stuff, there may be a witness.

It's $20, drop it. Karma comes in the form of a bus that he won't see.

The Kadvang

I rule
Apr 13, 2004
six five oh
Bicyclist said:
Have you ever dealt with Jewish people? Not all of them, but some of them.

For instance, I built a bike (that I got my friend a hookup on even though he doesn't deserve it) the night it came to my shop. At my house. After hours.

So my shop would have charged him like $40 or whatever so I ask for $20 because I took like over an hour of my time to DIAL his bike.

A few weeks later I'm like, "dude, where's my money?" He first says "I thought I payed you." Which he didn't. So I ask for my $20 and he then says "oh, I thought we agreed on $10". This kid is loaded yet he tries to jew me out of $10 frikken bucks. I don't even care about the fact I'd get $10 less but the fact he's loaded (has over $15,000 saved up from family money and he's 15) and STILL tries to screw me pisses me off. He remembers finances so I KNOW he knows what we agreed on.

Fast forward a month later and STILL no money.

AHHHHH.... dude you are an idiot. Straight up.


Feb 27, 2006
Bicyclist said:
Have you ever dealt with Jewish people? Not all of them, but some of them.
I am a Jewish person, and not a cheapskate by any stretch of the imagination. Being cheap or an a$$hole about money is a personality flaw not the result of a person's religion/ethnicity. I have worked with some serious biggots and they are the cheapest people I have ever met.
hold up. He's not a practicing jew, but he goes through great steps to fit his steriotype. He knows he is doing it, and likes fitting the "cheap swindeling jew" steriotype. Both of my best friends growing up were jewish, and I have nothing against them at all. This guy is just a bastard.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 21, 2004
Los Osos
Well, I'd like to nominate another race for being stingy, but since we're obviously trying to be politically correct, I shan't do it. Even though my stereotyping comes from extensive personal experience, and is backed up by every member of the race that I have ever spoken to about it, I know one of you will be a little wuss and get offended.

This PC bullsh1t is what really pisses me off. In Spain, the attitude is if you don't like it, don't look or listen. It exists, and it will only get you down if you let it. You can't put an end to it or escape it, so just deal with it. There is no idea of political correctness. Such a different culture; we as Americans are too sensitive. We take things too personally, and think we actually matter. We don't. Two countries, two systems, you can decide if one is better.

A good example: I saw two old English couples getting it on right in the surf of a huge public beach. Parents weren't sheltering their kids or anything. Another example: asking someone about personal issues, including things such as salaries and debts.


Turbo Monkey
May 26, 2004
The damn dutch wont spend a penny. There's only two things I cant stand, and that is people who are intolerant of other peoples cultures... and the dutch.


Oct 17, 2002
Bicyclist said:
You're right. However, I've noticed more Jewish people with this trait than other ethnicities. Maybe I'm wrong. I probably am. But that's my observation.
Fvckin' cheap @ss jews... they should all be put to death in the showers. And you know they all have money, but they won't share their jew-gold.


It's saying something when I think a thread is stupid. I see about 4 or 5 people that need to be banned from this site.