
Stuck in the armpit of the country...


Mar 31, 2006
Living the dream.
I'm sitting down here in Carlstadt NJ working on a disaster recovery exercise for my employer. My team has already recovered all of our servers and we're stuck waiting for the network and UNIX teams to get their **** together so we can start spinning tape and recovering data. I'm bored out of my skull, I finished reading my book on the ride down here from Rhode Island, I've read all the magazines I brought with me, today's newspaper is finished, all the dvds have been watched...****, I'm out of things to entertain me, now I'm turning to you monkeys for help. Let's see some picture threads that I can drool over, I need a bike fix. I've got the fork from one bike out at Rock Shox getting repaired, the shock from my other bike is going to get sent out to PUSH as soon as I can get to a post office.

Oh and for anyone who decided to read this:


Mar 31, 2006
Living the dream.
Small world, er...armpit. I'm stuck up here in East Rutherford, NJ this week.

Fun isn't it? I think if I ever have to come back here it'll be too soon. The area around out hotel isn't too bad, there has got to be at least 6 different bars within less than a 5 minute walk of the front door, some of them even have halfway decent looking waitresses.