
Stolen Intense M16 Carbon Medium Red and Carbine Factory 29 Large Red Silver


Apr 8, 2015
At 5 am this morning The Hub Bike shop in Roseville, California was broken into and these two bicycles were stolen. One 2016 Intense M16 Carbon Black and Red size Medium the other was a Large 2016 Carbine 29 Factory Red and Silver. If you have any details that lead to getting these back there is a reward. Thank You
norcalhub@yahoo.com or call me 916-919-6954 it's my cell and I dont care what time you call. I have caught many thieves this way so dont hesitate to call if you think it's one of our bikes.
Thanks so much,



My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
Can you please tell some more details because we come across many such bikes every day, but we cannot catch everyone. So if you can post some more details it would be helpful to find it as early as possible.
"many such bikes" that are red 2016 M16 and carbon 29rs.??? Post includes year, make, model, size, color AND serial numbers, that ain't enough info for you there JessieGreenSpam?