
Steel HT??!!


Jan 9, 2004
West Oakland
For my next frame, I want a steel hardtail.
I've been droolin over the Sovereign, but price and the fact that this would be my around the town/ urban/ trail/ fun bike, is making me think about something used or less expensive.
I have an old z1 bomber 4" fork for it and was gonna set it up single ring or singlespeed.
I will be using it to get all around Berkeley so it will be locked sometimes.
I'm thinkin a NY U lock with a cable would be the best combo for portability and security. I'm not so sure I want to lug a NY chain around.

What do you think I should get? I was once looking at getting a Minuteman...
or should I just get my dream bike, the Sovereign?

Cheers, Brad


Turbo Monkey
Feb 9, 2004
South Seattle
I just got a Azonic Steelhead. This is the embodiement of cheap, abusable hardtail. There is a cheap complete one on ebay right now. I will post some pics and an initial review when I get it built.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 15, 2003
Cape Cod, MA
hmm it never occured to me that when i lock a bike by the wheels, a semi-smart criminal could just un-do the qr's.


In heaven there is no beer
Jun 18, 2004
that's why we drink it here
Unreal cycles carries a few frames which fit that description. Might be worth a look. The guy who runs it is wicked cool, and he'll hook a brotha up.

As for the minute man, I love mine, can't go wrong there.
Jul 17, 2003
Salt Lake City
The Minuteman is a rad frame, but Balfa is pretty much dead / out of business after this year. If you hadn't said the V-brake thing, I would have suggested the Brooklyn park bike for a steel frame. Those things are sick.
James | Go-Ride said:
The Minuteman is a rad frame, but Balfa is pretty much dead / out of business after this year. If you hadn't said the V-brake thing, I would have suggested the Brooklyn park bike for a steel frame. Those things are sick.
BMW: Sick, definitely! :thumb: Cheap and/or disposable, nooooooo....

And you're right about the Balfa. I bought Mani's old one, and haven't been able to get the grin off my face yet. :D


monkey wrestler
Apr 9, 2002
Stowe, VT
The steel heads ride real nice. Average numbers..good angles for all around riding..felt real comfy at the DJs. The only question is durabilaty, and they crimped the shyte outta the chainstays....


Turbo Monkey
May 5, 2002
just south of the ATL
Agreed w/ the Steelhead. It's super easy to pick up the front end; re:manuals like crazy. Only issue is the horizontal drop out. You will need to get a bolt on hub if you do any hard cranking. My son's rear wheel would slip in the drop out during gate starts and at the skate park. We're getting a Shimano XT hub and a threaded axle. Had to do some filing on the derailleur hanger to make it fit in it's cut out in the frame. Put a DJ1 on the front, Profile cranks, and some singletrack rims and you have an almost indestructable bike.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
The steelhead is a great bike regardless of price. With the price in mind, it's a tough frame to beat. There is a demo built up at my lbs and it rocks. It's a ton of fun either geared or ss. I like gearsm but it's fun either way.