
Somewhat bike related educational problem


May 25, 2002
I posted this on NSMB, but I'd really appreciate any and all advice/thoughts on my dilemma.

Hey all,
I'm a 9th grade student (going into 10th) who attended a private day school (went up to 9th grade, nobody really knows why). I applied to a few private boarding schools and got waitlisted at a few, accepted none. So I planned on going to my local high school, fine with that, a few friends were going there.

About 4 days ago, I got accepted at possibly the best private boarding school in the U.S., just to put it out there. Now I have a dilemma. I can't decide between going away and leaving. I'd have to leave biking behind, having no stunts or opportunities to ride as much. This is major. I might buy a street/park/dj bike and learn some skills there, but I can't give up freeriding.

Leaving everything familiar behind would be a lot for me, too. I know I will have to do this for college, but I'm a lot younger than college-age.

There are many pros and cons to each school, but the list seems much more impressive for boarding school. However, there are significant things at home that I am very attached to. Additionally, I can't eat some ingredients that are in many foods. This would be a nuisance at boarding school.

I've tried many things from envisioning myself at each school, acting as though I'd made the decision to attend one or the other, making "pros" sheets... But each time I feel as though I can't leave biking, but then I'll be leaving behind a better education. Argh.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Boarding school just sounds like it sucks. Why not just go to regular high school and get drunk and get into fights and ride your bike and chase women? It seems to work for the other 97% of people who dont go to boarding school.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 15, 2003
Cape Cod, MA
you forgot to mention one very important fact: is this an all boys boarding school? :p

seriously, IMHO I would go to the local HS. sure the boarding school would give you a better education and better college credibility but the local High School would do just fine unless you live in the ghetto which you obviously dont since you're coming from a boarding school. If leaving those things behind means that much to you, stay. Thats what i would do.


Turbo Monkey
May 26, 2004
Which school? Alot of the very classsy boarding schools have mountain bike teams, probably more XC stuff but I wouldnt be suprised to find some downhillers as well. A friend of mine went to phillips exeter in new hampshire, sounds like there was plenty of sex, drugs, and rock and roll to go around.


You certainly have much to consider. I was actually saddled with nearly the same dilemna entering 10th grade. I chose to go Exeter. (and yes, there is no shortage of rock and roll lifestyle.) Easily the best decision of my life thus far.

Some food for thought:

Re: Cycling - Boarding school is actually where I was first exposed to (and grew to love) mountain biking. I spent most of my three years there riding new england singletrack for 2-3 hours a day, all the while fulfilling my athletic requirement (in addition to lacrosse, hockey and crew.) There were three separate networks within riding distance, one trailhead (and my personal favorite) only a mile from my dorm. There were three LBSs in town, two within easy walking distance. I still miss the convenience.

Re: Academics - The opportunities made available to me were staggering. Otherworldly. My professors were far more engaged and knowledgeable than just about any I've found in college, while the student-faculty ratio remained 5:1. My peers were more diverse, experienced and well-traveled than the majority of persons twice their age. While most secondary schools focus on molding successful college applicants, my school aimed to craft the most thoughtful students, the most careful readers, and the most free thinkers. And the resources! Our endowment was unholy, outstripped only by harvard and yale's. This meant generous financial aide, world-class facilities, and immense depth in the curriculum. Speaking to a former professor this past month, I was shocked to hear that the school now offered in excess of 30 History electives to upperclassmen. The learning experiences will be nearly unmatched but nearly as important in later life are the contacts and friendships you will make there. Sad but true, but alumni networks run the boardrooms and goverments of this country. It's no coincidence that congress and the executive branch are consistently and abundantly populated with new england prep school pals.

Re: Social Consideration - First off, nearly all top level private schools are co-ed. Also, do you want to marry a hot, exotic, heiress? I know i do :D . And you probably won't find a better place to meet one. If partying is at the top of your priorities and self-motivation and learning isn't, well perhaps you should reconsider. Stress levels run high, and students find the most creative ways to kick back and relieve themselves, but one must be careful not to do so at the expense of your education. Nothing is worse than getting booted out right AFTER your parents just spent the 30 grand.

Anyways, I need to run and but I hope I helped you, if only a little. Feel free to PM me if you have any specific questions.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 4, 2004
Where do you live? IF the local HS is good, and you want to stay in your hometown, then stay. If you are really motivated to go to boarding school, then go. Just go with your gut reaction. Anyway, if you hate a school the first year, you don't have to come back. I would personally go to Boarding School and try it out. It could be a great experience.


Jan 8, 2003
Alpharetta, Ga
i dont know about high schools around your area, but mine offer AP and even IB classes.

the level of classes goes regular, advanced classes, ap, and then IB.

to put it in perspective, AP classes are college level...and if you make an A in the class and higher then a 3 on the ap exam, it counts as a college credit.

IB is like an advanced college class.

Public highschool builds character and so many other things. You meet a huge variety of people that range from rich and snobby to people with horredous family or drug problems....it really makes you think about your place in society and makes you turn out to be an all round better person.
Feb 13, 2002
Seattle, WA
I got B's and C's in all my ap classes. the teachers were always warning me how crappy I was going to do on the ap exam.

I got 5's every time (suck it, beyotches)

grade in class = licking teachers nutsack
grade on ap exam = actual knowledge of material.


May 25, 2002
TheInedibleHulk said:
Which school? Alot of the very classsy boarding schools have mountain bike teams, probably more XC stuff but I wouldnt be suprised to find some downhillers as well. A friend of mine went to phillips exeter in new hampshire, sounds like there was plenty of sex, drugs, and rock and roll to go around.
Its Phillips Andover, the arch-evil rival of Exeter, but a few of my friends go there. Good school, extremely hard, I would die. I'm not about drinking/chasing women/getting into fights, but biking is very important. I did some research and found two local biking parks, so I wouldn't be totally high and dry, but I have no idea what to expect really.

My brother goes, and I have heard only amazing things from himself and everyone else I talk to. I understand it is going to be very stressful, but I'd rather get a not-so-good grade in a hard course than a great grade in an easier course. Right now I'm leaning towards boarding school, as it has so many great opportunities, and I really am not missing too much leaving home (many people are dicks). Thanks for the advice, that really helped, especially Endtroducing. Where did you go to school in NH?


B-man, I went to Exeter, the harder version of andover. :devil:
If you go in the fall I might see you at Exeter/Andover! My little sister is going to be a post grad this year. Trust me, you need to at least try it. The two schools take slightly different approaches, but they both warrant an extended look. And like was said above, you can always leave if you find it's not for you. It's worth it if just for the friendships you'll forge and the latenight conversations that will follow them.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
b-man, two of my former roommates went to andover. pm me if you want their contact info if you haven't heard enough about the school from your brother


May 25, 2002
Well I've been thinking about it for a few days, and I've decided to go :D

Now to discuss a SS/HT campus bike with my parents :devil:


Turbo Monkey
Feb 14, 2002
Yo B-man your education should mean everything. Biking is fun but it goes no where. Just do the right thing and think of the future and not the present. I wish I could do it all over again. Drop me a line so we can ride..


May 25, 2002
Thanks Chris. I can understand where you're coming from, I saw what Greenrich Bikes turned into. I've had great help from you, Vinny, and Val, but not anyone else. Thanks man. I'm hoping this is the right choice for me. Maybe I can get better at street...:P
Can't really go for a ride, I have to "take it easy" (operation a little while ago) and I'm leaving in a few days for summer place.

Thanks for the years of help with my poor mechanicship :D